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NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON AGRICULTUREFOR KHARIF CAMPAIGN 2005 AGRICULTURE IN ASSAM : 2005-06 Presented by – Shri M. U. Ahmed, IAS Director of Agriculture, Assam.
BACKGROUND OF AGRICULTURE IN ASSAM • Agriculture contributes 31.99 p.c. (Quick Estimate, 2003-04) to the Net State Domestic Product at current prices. • 25 numbers of plain districts and 2 nos. of hill districts fall under high potential zone for raising agricultural productivity. • The cropping intensity is 154.34 p.c. • Area under Summer Rice has shown an increasing trend with advancement of irrigation facilities by way of Shallow Tube Wells (STW). • State has recently installed 1.72 lakh numbers of STWs under EAP and NABARD.
STATE OF READINESS FOR ADDITIONAL FUNDS DURING FINANCIAL YEAR 2005-06 • Maximum emphasis is to develop infrastructure in Agriculture. • Enhancement of budget allocation to accommodate more Centrally Sponsored Schemes. • Government changed the procedure for sanction of schemes during 2005-06. • Action Calendar for programme implementation. • Additional fund from Govt. Of India for infrastructure development. • Plan to develop Rural Markets, Rural Godowns with proper communication facilities.
THRUST AREA OF THE STATE In order to meet the constraint in Agriculture sector, the Govt. of Assam has adopted STATE AGRICULTURE POLICY 2004 in consonance with NATIONAL AGRICULTURE POLICY. The identified thrust areas of the State for 2005-06 are as under - • Development of Micro Irrigation. • Agriculture Mechanisation • Crop Diversification • Development of Horticulture • Increased use of Kisan Credit Cards • Crop Insurance • Development of Agriculture Marketing • Seed and Input Management
PROGRESS ON APMC ACT AMENDMENT The Assam Agricultural Produce Market (Amendment) Bill 2004 was prepared to amend the Assam Agricultural Produce Market Act, 1972, with a provision of contract farming system and Private Market yard etc. as per Model Act of GOI. The bill is with Legislative Department for vetting. Their views are awaited. Once vetted, the Bill (Amended) will be placed in the Assam Legislative Assembly.
READINESS TO IMPLEMENT NATIONAL HORTICULTURE MISSION, MICRO IRRIGATION, DRY LAND AGRICULTURE AND ATMA RELATED EXISTING PROGRAMME i. NATIONAL HORTICULTURE MISSION - The Government of Assam is implementing Centrally Sponsored Scheme Technology Mission for Integrated Development of Horticulture since 2001-02. The status of implementation is as under -(Rs. in lakh)
CONTD ….. ii. MICRO IRRIGATION - Implementation of On Farm Water Management scheme was slow over the years due to different subsidy pattern to that of state schemes. But during the current year onwards the subsidy pattern is made similar to that of GOI’s scheme i.e. 50:30:20. iii. DRY LAND AGRICULTURE - National Watershed Development Programme for Rain Fed Areas (NWDPRA) are in implementation under restructured guidelines in the current Tenth Plan period. The Government has identified 203 projects, each covering 500 ha. At present 23 projects are in implementation due to inadequate fund. Adequate fund is required for implementation of all the projects.
iv.AGRICULTURAL TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT AGENCY (ATMA) The State Govt., under World Bank Assisted project, has started implementation of ATMA model in order to reform Agricultural Extension system. Under the W.B. project, 11 districts are identified and for the balance 16 districts, central assistance is required. - During 2005-06, 2 districts have been brought under ATMA Model. - During 2006-07, 5 more districts will be brought under ATMA Model. - During 2007-08, remaining 4 districts will be brought under ATMA Model. -Identified 35 nos. of Block Resource Centres of 2 ATMA districts. - Altogether 123 Block Resource Centres will be established in 11 ATMA districts.
SUGGESTIONS FOR IMPROVING KHARIF PRODUCTION Rice is the major Kharif crop covering about 83 p.c. of total cultivated area. • Increase use of HYV by way of Seed Replacement. Necessary tie up arrangement with Input Agencies have been made for pre-positioning of seeds. • Increase use of IPNM due to high rainfall and sustainability. • Arrangement for buffer stocking of fertilizer and bio-fertilizer have been made. • Maintenance of optimum plant population. • Farmers training are being conducted. • Contingent crop plan in the event of flood and drought like situation have been made.
MEASURES FOR FLOOD : • Community nurseries . • Increased seed rate for delayed planting with specific varieties. • Closer spacing with increased number of seedlings per hill. • In flood prone areas, pre and post flood paddy varieties are recommended . • MEASURES FOR DROUGHT LIKE SITUATION : • Availability of irrigation to be ensured . • Availability of desired variety of seeds for direct seeding. • Availability of potashic fertilizer. • IPM measures to be practiced.
STATUS OF QUARANTINE FACILITIES IN THE STATE : Availability of land for Quarantine Station in the near by area of Guwahati Airport has been taken-up with the Deputy Commissioner ( Metro ), Kamrup. After finalization of land, the construction of building and installation of equipments will be done. Assistance for setting up of Phytosanitation Centre in the State is required. At present the department issues Phytosanitation Certificate to the prospective exporter with eye estimation only. The exported items are black tea, orange, pineapple, ginger, lemon etc. and these are exported to Bangladesh.
SEED PLAN : The Government of Assam constituted a Committee in the year 2002 under the chairmanship of the Vice Chancellor, Assam Agricultural University to suggest a comprehensive Seed Production Plan for the important crops of Assam. The committee has submitted its report in May, 2003 with following major recommendations – • Targets for area expansion under HYV, seed replacement norms suited to the state and seed rate need to be worked out. • In view of the genetic, physical and physiological deterioration, farmers are to be persuaded for periodical seed replacement. • The HYV suitable for different specific situations particularly for rice, toria and pulses developed by the AAU are to be extensively adopted.
CONTD ….. • The Committee recommends increase in the number of Registered Seed Growers to achieve production target of certified seeds. • For effective Post Harvest Management, setting up of Air Drying Facilities by the RSGs as supplementary to sun drying is recommended. • Standard packaging materials for seed storage have been recommended • The proposed new Seed Act will regulate the sale, import and export of seeds and planting materials. • The Assam Agricultural University has documented all varieties of major crops of the state in their Package Of Practices both for Kharif and Rabi seasons.