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Understanding and Producing Written English

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Understanding and Producing Written English

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Presentation Transcript

    1. Understanding and Producing Written English Lectures One and Two What is Good Writing?

    3. What it takes A computer Some experiences An open mind Curiosity Commitment Confidence Responsibility

    4. Responsibility? Response Ability To me To yourself To the person sitting next to you

    5. Web based materials http://personal.cityu.edu.hk/ ~enrodney/Writing/index.htm Assignments and course requirements Schedule/ Weekly readings Ways to contact us and your classmates Other places to get help Language Clinic Your Homepage

    6. Qualities of Good Writing Riding a bicycle is preferable to driving a car. First of all, a bicycle is relatively inexpensive to buy and to maintain. While a car may cost thousands of dollars to buy and hundreds of dollars annually, a good bicycle Will cost only a hundred dollars or so, and its annual maintenance cost is very small. Biking is also healthier; not only does the biker get more physical exercise than the driver, but bicycles are nonpolluting. The consequence is a person with strong legs and a strong heart whose bicycle helps keep the environment clean. Finally, bicycling is, unlike driving, personally satisfying. lnsteadof being a robot inside a machine, the biker pedals along, enjoying the scenery, becoming a part of nature. In all but the most inclement weather, the bicycle is a pleasurable means of transportation.

    7. Qualities of Good Writing It should be clear It should be convincing It should be concrete It should be specific It should be correct It should be concise

    8. It should be Interesting Dont be boring Dont be boring Dont be boring Dont be boring Please dont be boring! To avoid boring me Avoid boring yourself

    9. Good writing is A series of Surprises

    10. But how? Just Do It! Practice and Imitation Vision and Re-vision Inspiration and Perspiration

    11. And most of all Know thyself

    12. Whats stopping you? Whats stopping you from being a great writer Right now?

    13. Techniques Free writing Clustering (mind maps) Drawing Experimenting with your mind Reflection Lucky charms A little help from your friends

    14. Get connected! Contact your tutors Contact your classmates Post to the yahoo group Build a network of support for your writing and reading

    15. Paying attention to PROCESS Three Easy Steps Think Write Edit

    16. The Human Brain The advantages of a bicameral brain

    17. Thinking Invention stage Purpose and motivation Generating ideas Gathering material Focusing ideas

    18. Purpose and Motivation Why am I doing this? For whom?

    19. Generating ideas and Gathering Material Where does material come from? Research Internal Thoughts, memories, experiences External Other people, books, places, things, activities

    20. Mining your brain Free Writing Visualization Mapping Listing Talking to your dog Chatting on ICQ

    21. Gathering Material from the World Media, books, newspapers, etc. People Observation Learning to pay attention Using your five senses Having an eye for detail

    22. Focusing in Narrowing your topic Finding the pearls Following the scent

    23. First Assignment Descriptive Essay Write an essay in any format in which you provide a clear and vivid description of a particular object a particular place or a particular person

    24. Think? Finding a topic Determining your purpose Focusing Gathering material

    25. Questions What are you going to describe? Why are you going to describe it? How will you gather material?

    26. OBSERVATION The foundation of all good writing Use all five senses Describe special details

    27. Concrete and Specific

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