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This proposal presents the principles, components, and assessment of quality in communicating statistics. It explores various aspects such as data to message communication, tools for depicting statistics, and dressing statistics with text and visuals. The goal is to enhance the understanding and impact of statistical information in our increasingly data-driven world.
Presenting and communicating statistics: principles, components, and their quality assessment. A proposal Filomena Maggino & Marco Trapani Università degli Studi di Firenze, Italy filomena.maggino@unifi.it
Contents 1. Communication: integral component of statistical work 2. Communicating statistics 3. Assessing statistical communication 4. The way forward
Contents 1. Communication: integral component of statistical work 2. Communicating statistics 3. Assessing statistical communication 4. The way forward
Communication in statistics: From DATA to MESSAGE
Contents 1. Communication: integral component of statistical work 2. Communicating statistics 3. Assessing statistical communication 4. The way forward
2. Main components Context - setting C O D E C O D E Channel T R Message FEEDBACK Noise
3. Codes • in statistical communication • Outline telling statistics • tools Depicting statistics • cloths Dressing statistics
3a. Outline telling statistics I N V E N T I O D I S P O S I T I O E L O C U T I O A C T I O START
3a. Outline telling statistics 1- Inventio (invention) • Who the subject of telling • What the fact • When the time location • Where the field location • Why the causes
3a. Outline telling statistics 2- Dispositio (layout) Deductive approach Inductive approach Time progression approach Problems approach Case / specific situation Premise Once upon a time… Meaningful questions Reflection General Principles Why something changed Why in important to talk about… Concepts Developing arguments Yesterday… Today… Solutions (and concepts) Consequences / other cases Pratical consequences/examples Tomorrow Conclusions and consequences Advantages-disadvantages approach From point of view approach Top-down approach Premise Reflections Concepts Consequences… Subject General Reflections Concepts Consequences… Pont of view 1 … values … defects Pont of view 2 … values … defects Particular Reflections Concepts Consequences… Subject Specific Reflections Concepts Consequences… Pont of view 4 … values … defects Pont of view 3 … values … defects Detail Reflections Concepts Consequences… Micro Reflections Concepts Consequences…
3a. Outline telling statistics 3- Elocutio (expression)
3a. Outline telling statistics 4- Actio (execution) • Stages: • Introduction • Development • Comments • Time/space use • Ending • Receivers’ feedback (Q&A)
3b. Tools Depicting statistics functions
3b. Tools Depicting statistics Perception of statistical Graph Recognizing the code Recognizing regularities Carrying out comparisions and identify differences
3b. Tools Depicting statistics (i) Choosing a graph … • … by taking into account • number of involved variables • nature of data (level of measurement) • statistical information to be represented • … by preferring • a simple graph with reference to the audience • a clear graph instead of an attractive one • a correct graph with reference to data
3b. Tools Depicting statistics (ii) Preparing a graph
3c. Cloths dressing statistics • Different aspects: • Text arrangement • Characters and fonts • Colours • Other aspect With reference to: • Balance • Harmony • Proportion • Elegance • Style
Contents 1. Communication: integral component of statistical work 2. Communicating statistics 3. Assessing statistical communication 4. The way forward
1. Conceptual Framework aspects allowing the assessing 1.1 the dimensions to evaluate 1.2 the evaluating criteria 1.3 the components of the transmission process
1. Conceptual Framework • 1.1 the dimensions to evaluate • Outline • Tools • Cloths
1. Conceptual Framework • 1.2 the evaluating criteria • Suitability / consistency • Correctness • Clarity
1. Conceptual Framework • 1.3 the components of the transmission process • receiver / audience • available channel • available context / setting • Message’s Contents
1. Conceptual Framework 1.1 Dimensions to evaluate Transmitter’s code
Contents 1. Communication: integral component of statistical work 2. Communicating statistics 3. Assessing statistical communication 4. The way forward
The way forward … • Emphasizing communicative aspects does not aim at exasperating the importance of communication with respect to the rest of statistical activities. • ICT societies increasingly require statistical information. • In order to attribute more value to statistics and to increase impact of statistics on reality, two processes need to be assessed: • data production and analysis • communication
The way forward … The presented work summarizes the first stage of our study, aimed at defining the framework for quality assessment of communication in statistics. The goal is to define the assessment technology by discussing with all the willing colleagues.
The way forward … To be continued.... JOIN US ! filomena.maggino@unifi.it