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Letter Writing. Letter writing . A letter is a written or printed communication directed to a person or organization. Types of Formal Letters. What is the purpose of writing a Business Letter?. Qualities of a good letter. CLEAR CONCISE CORRECT
Letter writing A letter is a written or printed communication directed to a person or organization.
We Write Formal Letters To. • Make Job applications. • Get our problems addressed/seek redressal to them. • Inform others • Persuade others • Express our view on public issue. • Appeal others. • Warm someone. • Make enquiries. • Send replies • Book/supply orders. • Send/ask for payments/discounts/brochures of information etc. • Sell products. • Make recommendations/reference.
Style of Formal Letter • A formal style i.e. • the language and tones of the letter are formal, impersonal or objective. • no informal expression, greetings or contracted forms of words are used. • The language is straight forward and to the point. • It may be strongly worded if need be but never impolite.
Marking Scheme Of A Letter Content: 4 Expression: 4 • Grammatical accuracy, appropriate words spelling (2) • Coherence and relevance of ideas and style (2) Layout/format: Layout includes:(1) Sender’s address,(2) Date,(3) Receiver’s address,(4) subject, (5)Salutation, (6) Complimentary close Word Limit : 150 for the body of the letter NOTE: No marks are awarded if only the format is given for the candidate’s creativity in presenting his/her own ideas. Mixing up of the traditional and modern layouts is not acceptable. If the candidate exceeds the world limit by 10 words or more 1 mark will be deducted. Word limit applies only to the body of the letter.
To the Officials • Begin by identifying yourself. Then clearly state the purpose of writing. • Give details of what you want to do or want to be done e.g. applying for a new electricity connection. • Make a request for appropriates /necessary action.
To The Editors • You may begin with a reference to recent developments, new events etc. • Establish a context for writing. • Give details of the topic e.g. the problem of beggary, its cause and effects and possible solution. • DO NOT ASK THE EDITOR TO SOLVE YOUR PROBLEMS. He can only give voice to your views, concern, complaints, suggestions, criticism, appreciation. He may also be approached for complaints against erring officials, department, business house etc.
Write a letter to the Editor of a newspaper, complaining about the bad conditon of water supply in your locality. You are PrabhuDayal living at H-19 DayalBagh Colony, New Delhi. H-19DayalBagh ColonyNew Delhi 5thJanuary 2008 The EditorHindustan TimesNew Delhi Sub: Bad condition of water supply in DayalBagh colony. SirI would like to draw the kind attention of the concerned authorities through the column of your esteemed newspaper towards the problem of bad condition of water supply in DayalBagh colony. Most of the time the taps remain dry. The supply is made only two hours in the morning and one hour in th evening. Besides the water is muddy and polluted. Many residents fall sick. There are complaints of jaundice and loose motions after drinking this water. In this connection we have complained to the local authorities but in vain. I, therefore, request the higher authorities to look into this matter and take necessary action immediately. Thanking you Yours trulyPrabhuDayal
To Boss & Colleagues, Authorities • Show due respect but do not flatter. • Clearly state the purpose of writing e.g. asking for a raise, seeking action on a proposal or promise, making enquiries etc. • Use polite language and pleasant tone.
To Business House/Customers : • Always be very polite (even if u have to complain) • Keep the tone friendly and pleasant. • Do quote reference numbers, order numbers cheque/demand draft numbers, file numbers, coder or ID numbers etc. • Convey your message in a brief and straight forward manner. • Give more importance to the reader.
Sample Letter M.A.M.C Pvt ltd Noida 12may 2010 Junior Manager Nokia international Gurgaon Subject: Review Customer relationship management program 2010 Dear Ms.Neha This is further to our meeting of last week, in which we agreed to hold a series of meetings over the next two months to review your experience with the implementation of the one on one Customer relationship management program 2010. as discussed before our objectives will be the following 1. Review and access the overall effectiveness of the programme. 2. Identify and document strengths and weakness 3. Propose customer focused solutions to areas of weakness. As, agreed the meetings will be held every alternate Tuesdays at 9am at Nokia’s office. We look forward to meeting you on the 18th for the meeting. Yours faithfully Marylyn Monroe
You are Seetha / Surya living in Bangalore. You and your friend are planning a week long holiday. You are across the following advertisement. Select a description of your choice. Write a letter making necessary enquiries from the tour operator before you make your final decision.
27 Cuffe parade Bangalore 28thNovember 20xx SewaNath Worldwide holidays 123-A, Kailash Building, Goverdhan Road City Centre, Malegaon Sir Sub : Enquiry about Exotic Malaysia with Singapore and Star Cruise This has reference for your advertisement in ‘The Hindustan Times’ Dated 28th November 20xx about winter holidays tours. We are a group of ten friends who would like to go on Exotic tour of Malaysia with Singapore and Star Cruise as advertisement by you starting 15th December Kindly send me details about accommodation and travel arrangements and whether the quote rate is inclusive of ‘everything. Do you offer any discount to group booking? Another thing please let me know the necessary immigration formalities and whether they will be fulfilled by on our behalf. Could you please arrange a short presentation on an absolutely no-obligation basis? Looking forward to a prompt reply. Yours truly Seetha