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Presentation on key achievements, challenges, and strategic themes of the DSD, including budget allocations and MTEF growth trends from 2008 to 2011. Highlights initiatives for youth development, poverty alleviation, governance, and international engagement.
Purpose. • Challenges. • Key achievements. • Strategic Themes & Objectives over MTEF. • Budget allocation 2008/09-2011. • Conclusion. Presentation outline
Purpose • To present to the Portfolio Committee (PC) the Department’s 7 thematic areas that encompass the department’s overall strategic plan. • To provide detailed budget that supports the implementation of the thematic areas. • Highlight challenges, key achievements and focused areas for entities over MTEF.
The DSD developed a discussion document on linking beneficiaries to economic and sustainable livelihoods opportunities, which was approved by Cabinet. • Together with other departments in the JCPS Cluster, the DSD has enhanced measures to tackle family violence and child abuse by facilitating the establishment of shelters and intensifying the victim empowerment programme. Key Achievements
The DSD has, over the past five years, strengthened its interventions to combat the spread of HIV and AIDS through a number of strategies including prevention, psycho-social support, care, etc. • The DSD is working closely with the Department of Justice & Constitutional Development in handling child and spouse abuse cases. This partnership seeks to help and support families in need, and to tackle the scourge of domestic violence. Key Achievements
This year sees the piloting of our flagship Masupatsela Youth Development Programme, which is another contribution to the National Youth Service Programmme. We envisage that through this programme we will possibly produce exemplary and caring young citizens. Key Achievements
A number of students have been encouraged to, and have registered for degrees in social work at several Universities in South Africa. This will help us address the severe shortage of social workers throughout the country. Key Achievements
The department has identified the following seven strategic themes to respond effectively to the Apex and other Government priorities in the Government Plan of Action (POA) : • Tackling child poverty; as a direct response to the 11.1 million children living in income poverty and the United Nations Convention on the Rights of a Child, • Tackling adult and older persons poverty; as a key component of our response to the Madrid Plan of Action on Ageing, • Social cohesion; as a contribution to the attainment of the Millennium Development Goals and the Copenhagen Plan of Action, Strategic themes
Youth development; as a direct response to youth unemployment and vulnerability in line with the United Nations Programme of Action for Youth for 2000 and Beyond, • Civil society support and strengthening of communities; as another contribution to the Copenhagen Plan of Action and the Johannesburg Plan of Action, • Governance and institutional development; so as to improve the quality and reach of our service delivery • Regional and international solidarity and engagement; in order to contribute to global governance, south-south cooperation and the New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD) Strategic themes
Budget comparison R’000 7% 10% 13%
MTEF growth trends • Total additional allocation over MTEF is R12,3 billion • Total budget grows at an average rate of 10,4% p.a. • Socdev budget, excl transfers to SASSA & NDA grows at average rate of 8,31% p.a. • Prog 1 : 8,1% • Prog 2 : 10,38% • Prog 3 : 28,81% • Prog 4 : 5,17% • Prog 5 : 6,59%
MTEF growth trends • Additional allocations were mainly for: • Policy and Programme Implementation Support for increasing capacity at the national level in terms of its oversight role over provinces & other implementing agencies (R7m: 08/09; R9,5m: 09/10; R13m: 10/11) • Establishment of an Appeals Tribunal ito the Social Assistance Act (R7m: 08/09; R10m: 09/10; R13m: 10/11) • Development of a MIS for Social Welfare Services (R5m: 08/09; R6m: 09/10; R9m: 10/11) • Long term infrastructure plan for Welfare services in provinces (R6m: 08/09) • Compensation of employees wrt to the implementation of Resolution 1 of 2007 (R4.3m: 08/09; R5m: 09/10; R5.3m: 10/11) • Inflation adjustment to social assistance grants (R2.6b: 08/09; R4.4b: 09/10; R4.7b: 10/11) • SASSA adjustment to baseline (R78.1m: 08/09; R113.3m: 09/10; R150.4m: 10/11)
Budget Allocation per Programme (excl Transfers &Public Entities) - 2008/09
2007/08 Estimated departmental spending 99,7% Estimated Spending
Status of social assistance expenditure 2007/08 FY • A preliminary net saving to an estimated amount of R135,643 million is projected up to the end of the 2007/08 financial year on social grant transfers.
Estimated underspending • Programme 1: Administration • Projected under-expenditure on compensation of employees as a result of staff turnover and delays in the filling of vacant funded posts. • Programme 2: Comprehensive Social Security • Projected under-expenditure on Social Assistance Grants based on the preliminary review of beneficiary growth rates and back-pay periods as well as delays in the filling of vacant funded posts. • Programme 3: Policy Development, Review and Implementation Support for Welfare Services • Projected under-expenditure on compensation of employees and planned projects in Welfare Services and HIV/AIDS due to delays in the starting date of these projects.
Estimated underspending. • Programme 4: Community Development • Projected under-expenditure due to unexpected implementation support required to comply with governance issues. • Programme 5: Strategy and Development • Projected under-expenditure is due to delays in the conceptualisation of the structure for the Appeals Tribunal and unexpected delays in the rolling out the new Information Technology infrastructure.
To work effectively across the internal programme structures to achieve our strategic objectives. • Matrix (team management) • Appropriate budget structure • To improve synergy and accountability with provinces around service delivery on our agreed priority areas. • Strengthening the capacities of service delivery institutions such as NPOs and public entities. This also implies improved M&E systems. • Similarly, to be more effective in shaping policies across government that impact on the poor and vulnerable. Challenges
Conclusion All efforts in this sunset phase of the current term of government and governance must direct ourselves at working towards the eradication of poverty and social exclusion. In the coming year, we are therefore rededicating ourselves as government and communities to fight child poverty, and protect children from abuse and other social ills. The litmus test of our success in this regard must be based on the extent to which we contribute to extricating children from abject poverty.