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PART 1 Social Development Strategic Overview
To present the Department’s overview that encompass the vision, mission, mandate and strategic priorities • Highlight key achievements and challenges • Provide detailed budget that supports the implementation of the plan PURPOPSE
STRATEGIC THRUST Vision • A caring and integrated system of social development services that facilitates human development and improves the quality of life. Mission • To enable the poor, the vulnerable and the excluded within South African society to secure a better life for themselves, in partnership with them and with all those who are committed to building a caring society.
STRATEGIC THRUST Mandate Department constitutional mandate is to provide sector- wide national leadership in social development by developing and implementing programmes for the eradication of poverty and social protection and development amongst the poorest of the poor and most vulnerable and marginalized.
LEGISLATIVE FRAMEWORK In order to give effect to our mandate, the following legislations guide our work: • Aged Persons Act, 1967 / Older Persons Act, 2006 • Fund-Raising Act, 1978 • Social Service Professions Act, 1978 • Child Care Act, 1983 / Children’s Act, 2005 • Prevention and Treatment of Drug Dependency Act, 1992
LEGISLATIVE FRAMEWORK In order to give effect to our mandate, the following legislations guide our work: • Social Assistance Act, 1992, and Welfare Laws Amendment Act, 1997 • Social Assistance Act, 2004 • Non-Profit Organisations Act, 1997 • National Development Agency Act, 1998 • Advisory Board on Social Development Act, 2001
LEGISLATIVE FRAMEWORK In order to give effect to our mandate, the following legislations guide our work: • White Paper for Social Welfare (1997) • White Paper Population Policy for South Africa (1998) • Domestic Violence Act • South African Social Security Agency Act
STRUCTURE Lead the strategic management component of the department; foster operational efficiency through improved alignment between mandates, strategies and institutional capacity; oversee all entities, agencies and boards reporting to the department.; and co-ordinate M&E across the sector.
STRUCTURE Provides policy and strategic direction by the Ministry and top management, as well as overall management and support services to the department.
STRUCTURE Provide strategic guidance on social policy development, co-ordination and evaluation.
STRUCTURE Develops policies and programmes to provide income support to the children, elderly, disabled and households in distress through social assistance and policies that mandate employed persons to contribute to social insurance.
STRUCTURE The aim of the programme is to develop and provide support for the implementation of appropriate policies, programmes, strategies and tools to improve service delivery and strengthen the capacity of communities and vulnerable groups to sustain and improve their livelihoods.
STRUCTURE The Policy Development, Review and Implementation Support for Welfare Services programme creates an enabling environment for the delivery and accessibility of integrated social welfare services in partnership with all relevant stakeholders.
STRUCTURE The Appeals Tribunal serves to adjudicate social assistance appeals emanating from the grant application process administered by the South African Social Security Agency.
STRATEGIC LINKAGES South African Social Security Agency (SASSA) • SASSA is a schedule 3A public entity and responsible for the administration and payment of social grants.
NATIONAL DEVELOPMENTAGENCY The primary mandate of the NDA is to contribute towards the eradication of poverty and its causes by granting funds to civil society organisations for the purpose of : • Carrying out projects or programmes aimed at meeting development needs of poor communities; and • strengthening the institutional capacity of other civil society organizations involved in direct service provision to poor communities.
DSD THEMATIC AREAS • Tackling child poverty. • Tackling adult and older persons poverty. • Social Cohesion. • Youth Development. • Sector Capacity building. • Governance and institutional development. • Regional and international solidarity and engagement.
DSD PRIORITIES FOR THE NEXT 3-5 YEARS • Building a comprehensive Social Security System including income support and safety net for the destitute • Care and protection for the vulnerable groups, especially children and women • Strengthening of family and communities • Transforming social relations with specific focus on gender and victim empowerment • Strengthening of institutional capacity to deliver quality services • Reinforce participation in key bilateral and multilateral initiatives that contributes most to poverty eradication
KEY PRIORITIES & STRATEGIES Comprehensive Social Security including income support and safety net for the destitute • Facilitate the approval of a national policy on mandatory retirement provisions • Setting up a mandatory system of social insurance (Pension, disability, survivor benefits and reform of RAF) • Develop a coherent overarching institutional arrangement for social security provision
KEY PRIORITIES & STRATEGIES Comprehensive Social Security including income support and safety net for the destitute • Increase access to social grants (Child Support Grant Extension & Older Age Grant Equalisation) • Introduce legislation for the implementation of a common tool to assess disability • To provide social relief to indigent persons’ affected by disasters (coherent policy on Social Relief of Distress provision)
KEY PRIORITIES Comprehensive Social Security including income support and safety net for the destitute • Develop a Social Assistance Appeals Adjudication Policy and Legislative Framework • Adjudication of Social Assistance Appeals to promote a fair, just and equitable administrative action • Develop an Appeals Adjudication Institutional Model • Implementation of an Appeals Business and Information Enterprise
KEY PRIORITIES & STRATEGIES Care and protection for the vulnerable groups, especially children and women • Improve quality of social welfare services to older persons including those in need of care and protection. • Protect and promote the rights of people with disabilities by developing policies and legislative measures that support the provision of services • Invest and ensure the provision of quality social welfare services to children including those in need of care and protection by implementing the provisions in the Children’s Act
KEY PRIORITIES & STRATEGIES Care and protection for the vulnerable groups, especially children and women • Intensify the fight against crime and corruption • DSD Social Crime Prevention strategy will be approved by March 2011 • Finalise the approval of a blue print, minimum norms and standards on secure care by March 2011 • Conclude the policy framework and accreditation system for diversion programmes and service providers by July 2011.
KEY PRIORITIES & STATEGIES Care and protection for the vulnerable groups, especially children and women • Review the National Drug Master Plan • Strengthen and support institutional mechanism (the secretariat, coordination and governance) for the implementation of NDMP • Best Practice Models for substance abuse developed • Regulations for the Prevention of and Treatment for Substance Act, Act 70 of 2008 finalised by March 2011
KEY PRIORITIES & STRATEGIES Care and protection for the vulnerable groups, especially children and women • Focus on the successful implementation of the Child Protection Register • Standardise programmes on prevention, child abuse, neglect and exploitation • Best practice prevention models on child abuse, neglect and exploitation developed • Surveillance Study on Child Abuse Exploitation and Neglect completed • Strategy for Children Living and Working on the Streets implemented
KEY PRIORITIES & STRATEGIES Care and protection for the vulnerable groups, especially children and women • Policy and strategy guidelines for statutory services for child headed households approved. • Strategy on services for OVC in drop in centres developed • Implement the guidelines on the management of unaccompanied minor children • Adoption Strategy implemented • Audit of Partial Care and ECD programmes • Partial care Strategy for children developed
KEY PRIORITIES & STRATEGIES Strengthening of family and communities • Through the implementation of Family Preservation Programmes • Finalisation of the Green Paper on Family by March 2011 • Development of Integrated Parenting Framework by March 2011 • Piloting of cluster foster care scheme models
KEY PRIORITIES & STRATEGIES Strengthening of family and communities • By linking community initiatives, the poor, vulnerable and marginalized people to sustainable livelihoods and economic development opportunities • By ensuring integrated and sustainable community development programmes and services through the implementation of toolkit for Community Development Practitioners (CDPs), guidelines for the establishment of social cooperatives and establishment of rural community food banks
KEY PRIORITIES & STRATEGIES Strengthening of family and communities • Facilitating the approval of the Community Development Policy Framework • Strengthening the capacity for Community Development Forums to stimulate and support community driven development initiatives at the ward level
KEY PRIORITIES & STRATEGIES Strengthening of family and communities • Placing a greater emphasis on the Youth Development through the Masupatsela Youth Pioneers. • Extending the reach of key social service delivery programmes while offering opportunities for youth to pursue post-matric and work opportunities. • Implement programmes that assist youth to access decent work and participate in the mainstream economy
KEY PRIORITIES & STRATEGIES Strengthening of family and communities • Mainstream EPWP into more Social Sector sub-programmes • Create enabling environment to improve employability of EPWP workers • Finalise development of a comprehensive incentive grant model for funding of all social sector programs • Service Delivery Innovation and Incubation of new Projects (Kwanda)
KEY PRIORITIES & STRATEGIES Strengthening of family and communities • By reducing the incidence and the psychosocial impact of HIV/AIDS • By building HIV and AIDS competent communities and stakeholders that deal with prevention, care and support to people affected and infected by HIV and AIDS • Development and expansion of monitoring and evaluation system for HCBC organizations
KEY PRIORITIES & STRATEGIES Transforming social relations with specific focus on gender and victim empowerment • Through development and implementation of gender strategies within the sector • By mainstreaming of gender as a major population factor into development planning • Implementation of Men and Boys Strategy to prevent gender based violence by March 2011 • Implementing Human Trafficking rehabilitation programme
KEY PRIORITIES & STRATEGIES Strengthening of institutional capacity to deliver quality services • By fostering multi-sectoral partnerships in support of the social development agenda • Enhancement of the skills levels and recruitment of key social service professionals to support community work • By creating a sustainable environment for service delivery partners (NPOs) through capacity building, partnerships, collaboration and agency agreements
KEY PRIORITIES & STRATEGIES Strengthening of institutional capacity to deliver quality services • Development of National NPO funding guidelines and finalization of an NPO policy • Introducing improvement on NPO registration (i.e. implementation of an on-line NPO registration and compliance system) • Improvement of social development policies (i.e. Social Services Professions, Policy on Financial Awards to Service Providers) and business processes
KEY PRIORITIES & STRATEGIES Strengthening of institutional capacity to deliver quality services • By improving performance through rigorous research, planning and social policy measures (i.e. promotion of evidenced based policy making in the sector as well as the Region) • Building a customer care capacity and social infrastructure within the sector • Develop functional monitoring systems including reporting for social sector
KEY PRIORITIES & STRATEGIES Strengthening of institutional capacity to deliver quality services • Facilitate and monitor the implementation of the Human Capital Strategy in the Social Sector. • Facilitate financial decision making and availability of adequate levels of resources for service delivery • Improve costing, financial forecasting and modelling. • Improve budget planning and expenditure monitoring and reporting • Enhancing the supply chain processes including it alignment with the Broad Based Black Economic Strategy
KEY PRIORITIES & STRATEGIES Strengthening of institutional capacity to deliver quality services • Provision of Professional executive and administrative support to the Director-General and Ministry • The Minister’s Office will further develop a Corporate Social Responsibility Strategy (CSR) which will drive and direct Corporate Social Investment (CSI) particularly on social development matters • Provide effective and efficient stakeholders Management and donor co-ordination
KEY PRIORITIES & STRATEGIES Strengthening of institutional capacity to deliver quality services • Build and integrate Information Management Systems and Technological capabilities that will enable Social Development to deliver its mandate. • Create institutional knowledge and enable effective strategic decision making • Development and implementation of key legislations, strategies on litigation and contract management
KEY PRIORITIES Strengthening of institutional capacity to deliver quality services • Drafting of regulations under the Prevention of and Treatment for Substance Abuse Act, 2008. • Vetting of policy on Victim Support Services. • Draft National Development Agency Amendment Bill. • Draft South African Social Security Agency Amendment Bill.
KEY PRIORITIES Reinforce participation in key bilateral and multilateral initiatives that contributes most to poverty eradication • By, among other things, playing a leading and developmental role at regional and global multilateral level • Provide support on development assistance to DRC, Zimbabwe, Mali, Mauritius and Angola focusing on capacity building , policy development, programmes for persons with disabilities, older persons, children, substance abuse and poverty alleviation
KEY PRIORITIES Reinforce participation in key bilateral and multilateral initiatives that contributes most to poverty eradication • Support the promotion of integration and harmonization of policies through participation in SADC and AU Social Development and Population structures • Support the integration of regional and continental social development agenda in Commission for Social Development; UN Population Commission, Commission on the Status of Women, HIV/AIDS, Crime Prevention.
KEY PRIORITIES Reinforce participation in key bilateral and multilateral initiatives that contributes most to poverty eradication • Support the implementation of the IBSA Working Group on Social Development programmes • Support technical exchanges within European Union, OECD, International Social Security Association, International Social Services, and IFAI