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This presentation provides an overview of the Eastern Cape Province, the second largest province in South Africa. It discusses the population, economic activity, tourism, and challenges in the province. It also outlines the strategic goals and current footprint of the Department of Home Affairs in the province.
INTRODUCTION & BACKGROUND Eastern Cape is the second largest Province in the RSA in terms of surface area, covering 168 966km² of land, is ranked third in RSA in terms of population which stands at 7 497 981. It is vast, rural, has farming and mountainous areas, administrative areas, traditional authorities. Has amalgamated former homelands Transkei and Ciskei with Republic of South Africa and this meant high number of citizens with IDs from the homelands, thus increased demand for Citizen Registration The capital of the Province is Bhisho and most of the economic activity happens in the Buffalo City Metro and Nelson Mandela Bay Metro, where the two IDZs, East London and Coega are and where the multinational motor companies Daimler Chrysler in East London, VWSA, GMSA and Ford in the Nelson Mandela Metro are operating, thus a huge demand for permitting in the areas. Due to its history and the rich heritage of its people, a large number of tourists are visiting the Province leading to our permitting and passport sections being very busy. The tourism sector has the biggest growing potential both in terms of expanding the existing economic base as well as employment The majority of the people speak isiXhosa, followed by Afrikaans, English and Sesotho. The Karoo interior is an important sheep-farming area and the challenge is that the Industry exploits Lesotho citizens for cheap sheep shearing. The Inspectorate component is closely monitoring this and the Corporate permits provided. Angora wool is also produced here. The road infrastructure in the province is not too good and this leads to high rate of repairs to the mobile trucks that are overwhelmed by the gravel roads they have to travel on in order to bring services closer to the people
INTRODUCTION & BACKGROUND Although great strides have been in the delivery of services during the National Population Registration Campaign between March- November 2010, there are still significant backlogs that need to be addressed in providing enabling documents to the citizens. The launching of stakeholders forum on the District and Local Municipalities have greatly improved the way of delivering services especially at rural areas. Monitoring & Evaluation of the departmental performance relating to DHA is at the centre of Service Delivery Improvement Plan.
MINISTER PERFORMANCE AGREEMENT IN TERMS OF NATIONAL OUTCOMES The 12 National outcomes are at the heart of the strategic planning process of the Government and DHA is accounting for three as per the signed Minister`s performance agreement. The departmental relevant outcomes are: NATIONAL OUTCOME 3 All People in South Africa are free and feel safe NATIONAL OUTCOME 5 Skilled and capable workforce to support an inclusive growth path. NATIONAL OUTCOME 12 An efficient, effective and development orientated public service and an empowered, fair and inclusive citizenship
DEPARTMENTAL STRATEGIC ORIENTED GOALS (OUTCOMES) STRATEGIC OUTCOME ORIENTED GOAL 1 Secure South African citizenship and identity engineered by the Civic Services Unit STRATEGIC OUTCOME ORIENTED GOAL 2 Immigration managed effectively and securely in the national interest including economic, social and cultural development engineered by the Immigration Unit STRATEGIC OUTCOME ORIENTED GOAL 3 A service that is efficient, accessible and corruption free to be realised by all the departmental Units.
SUMMARY OF THE CURRENT FOOTPRINT FOR THE EASTERN CAPE PROVINCE Overview of footprint per type of DHA service point (SP) *
Mr GG Mabulu Provincial Manager Dr TR Johannes Director: Finance AlfredNzo District DMO Vacant Joe Gqabi District Joe Gqabi DMO Operations Vacant O R Tambo District DMO Mr T Mnunu Chris Hani District DMO Advertised Amathole District DMO Advertised Buffalo City Metro DMO Vacant Cacadu District DMO Ms N Lusu l Nelson Mandela Bay Metro DMO; Vacant Operations Vacant Offices & Port Managers 7 offices 3 POE Vacant Joe Gqabi District Vacant Offices & Port Managers 5 offices, 1POE 5 offices 1 POE t Of Offices & Port Managers 12 offices, 1 DMO 1 DMO Offices & Port Managers 10 offices Offices & Port Managers 12 offices Offices & Port Managers 6 offices, 1 POE Offices & Port Managers 5 offices Offices & Port Managers 4 offices, 1 POE, 1RRO 1 closed Refugee Office 1 POE PROVINCIAL MANAGEMENT AND DERMACATION – NEW OPERATING MODEL
EASTERN CAPE DHA FOOTPRINT Eastern Cape has 2 Metropolitan Municipalities (Metros), 6 District Municipalities and 37 Local Municipalities. Out of the 2 Metros (Buffalo City & Nelson Mandela Bay) and 37 Local Municipalities (Umzimvubu, Mbizana, Ntabankulu, Matatiele, Senqu, Maletswai, Elundini, Gariep, King Sabata Dalindyebo, Nyandeni, Port St Johns, Mhlontlo, Ngquza Hill, Great Kei, Amahlathi, Mbhashe, Mnquma, Ngqushwa, Nkonkobe, Nxuba, Camdeboo, Blue Crane, Ikwezi, Makana, Baviaans, Ndlambe, Sundays River Valley, Kouga, Koukamma, Lukanji, Emalahleni, Intsika Yethu, Inxuba Yethemba, Inkwanca, Engcobo, Sakhisizwe, Tsolwana), the Department has 10 operational offices and 4 Ports of Entry in the two Metros and present in 29 LMs. There is no presence at all in 8 LMs (Great Kei, Nxuba, Ikhwezi, Baviaans, Sundays River Valley, Koukamma, Inkwanca and Tsolwana). In Inxuba DHA is part of the plans for the Thusong Centre at Adelaide but the process has not yet been finalized by the Provincial Government .
EASTERN CAPE DHA FOOTPRINT • Nelson Mandela Bay will also have office in Njoli, Booysens Park while Buffalo City there will be offices in Duncan Village, Zweliyandila, Mdantsane Thusong, King William’s Town Thusong
EASTERN CAPE DHA FOOTPRINT • The municipality lacks DHA presence in two local municipalities. According to footprint Tsolwana LM will have office in Tarkastad. These areas are serviced through Mobile visits.
EASTERN CAPE DHA FOOTPRINT Inxuba awaiting finalization of Thusong Centre in Adelaide by Provincial Government, while opening of office in Komga, Great Kei LM, will be prioritized in the next financial year
EASTERN CAPE DHA FOOTPRINT Sundays River Valley will have office in Paterson however has not been prioritized in the Financial Year. The areas where DHA is not present are serviced by mobile offices.
PROVINCIAL CAPACITY – FILLED AND UNFILLED POSTS The following posts have been advertised and shortlisting has been done: Director (District Manager Operations), DD: Provincial co-ordination, DD: Human Resources, Control Security Officer, Senior State Accountant, Senior Personnel Practitioner, Chief Administration Clerk – Port Alfred, Senior Secretary, Secretary The appointment letter for Mobile Office Operator is in progress.
SERVICES INTENDED MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING – PARTNERSHIP • The Eastern Cape Home Affairs has a memorandum of understanding with the following stakeholders: • DHA/SASSA – Anti-Corruption on birth and death registrations • DHA/Parlours – especially in the erstwhile Transkei: death registrations • DHA/ BCOCC – Anti-Corruption on Border Environment • DHA/Traditional Affairs – Collaborating with traditional leaders on issues on births, deaths, customary marriages, ID distribution & Immigration issues
STATUS OF STAKEHOLDER FORUMS • The Eastern Cape has launched 45 Stakeholder Forums: 2 Metropolitan Municipality Forums, 6 District Municipality Forums and 37 Local Municipality Forums. • All forums have been launched except the Provincial Forum • From the 45 existing forum as at end June 2012, eight (8) – Cacadu & Chris Hani District and the following Local Municipalities: Ngqushwa, Ntabankulu, Blue Crane, Baviaans, Ikhwezi and Mbhashe, need to be revived • Preliminary meetings for revival already held: Mbhashe on 7th May 2012 in Elliotdale while for Ikhwezi the meeting was held in Jansenville on 4th June 2012.
Stakeholder Mapping – Critical Stakeholders • The following have been identified as the critical stakeholders: • Local Government – Ward Councillors • Traditional Affairs – Traditional Leaders • Religious Fraternity – Ministers of Religion • Department of Health • Funeral Parlours - SAFPA • Department of Education • Department of Social Development
Initiative 1 – DHA / EC Traditional Affairs Partnership This initiative was launched on 27th March 2012: • To facilitate and create a framework for co-operation • To date 5 Joint meetings have been held and the Pilot Project Plan is being refined • The proposed Pilot launch date is August 2012 • Pilot Duration – 4 months • Pilot target – Traditional Councils and their communities Key Benefit: • Access to approximately 1 400 traditional leaders • Improved credibility of data and verification by Traditional Leaders
Initiative 2 – DHA / Social Development – Profiling of Households Primary focus of initiative is in cooperated in the profiling of households: • Department of Social Development (SocDev) will avail their Community Development Practitioners and their Assistants to assist in the project • A generic profiling tool is already in place and DHA requirements can easily be integrated • SocDev is also willing to grant DHA access to the NISIS system in order to draw reports for analysis Key benefits: • Already existing IT infrastructure (NISIS), cost saving • Tool will ensure that resources are focused where they are indeed needed • Covering a wider area in a shorter space of time due to more resources
Initiative 3 – Office of the Premier – Central Data Warehouse All key data for the Province to be stored in one location: System must be easily accessible to all departments and relevant stakeholders Departments must ensure that the supply of information is accurate and up to date The system will have spatial capabilities A task team from Gauteng and Free State will come to present the solution on the 19 July 2012 in East London Key Benefit: Accessibility of data and improvement in decision making ability
Eastern Cape Provincial Stakeholder Forum There are still challenges with getting the political commitment from the Province All 6 District Municipalities and 2 Metros be convened via their executives – DHA Forums A framework for the launch of the Provincial Forum be formulated A date for the election and launch of the Provincial Forum Resourcing of the Provincial Forum Use the Provincial Executive: DHA Forum to lobby the Provincial Executive Preferable – if the Provincial Forum is slightly politically biased / heavy (more politicians due to the point above) Key Benefit – better coordination and management of Stakeholder Programmes
Challenges Lack of consistency from the critical stakeholders: • Health • Education, Local Government – local municipalities
Issues to follow up: • Approaches to the following heads of the critical stakeholders: • Education – via MEC for Education in the Province (initiated just follow up required) • Chief Ecumenical Officer – South African Council of Churches EC (Provincial Coordinator to facilitate) • Health – Contact has been established with Maureen Botha and relationship to be leveraged so that we can at the end speak to the key principals
ASSET REGISTERS &AND ASSET MANAGEMENT • The Provincial Asset Register is ONLY updated through the Director: Finance & Support Office • This ensures the relevant changes are effected & communicated to HQ from a central point • Quarterly asset verification will be undertaken to ensure assets are efficiently & effectively accounted for • In-house Asset Management training will be conducted in July 2012 to ensure all relevant role players are educated & kept up to date • Each Region has appointed Asset Controllers to ensure compliance with PFMA
REVENUE MANAGEMENT 01 APRIL TO 30 JUNE 2012 • Alfred Nzo, OR Tambo & Joe Gqabi DMs - R2 071 582 • Cacadu & Nelson Mandela Bay Metro - R3 100 266 • Chris Hani, Amathole & Buffalo City Metro - R3 330 980 • Qacha’s Nek Port of Entry - R41 500 • Tellebridge Port of Entry - R42 500 • TOTAL - R8 586 828