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Mary Ellen P. Riley

Discover the importance of setting goals for a happier life, as happy people thrive in all aspects - relationships, health, wealth. Learn how positive feelings and serving others can boost longevity and well-being. Embrace optimism, self-confidence, and good social relationships for a fulfilling life.

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Mary Ellen P. Riley

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Thriving Moms, Happy Families Mary Ellen P. Riley WHISK TOGETHER.COM

  2. Recognize setting goals leads to happier people. • Our thoughts and words effect our happiness. • The importance of staying focused on the goal of happiness. • Happy people are smarter and more creative. • Happy people have more stable and happy marriages. • Happy people make more money. • Happy people are healthier and live longer.

  3. I'm a Millionaire! -Emeals.com -Molly Maids -Green Envy Lawn Care -Babysitting Swap In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.Albert Einstein

  4. The Nun Study (Danner et al., 2001) • Only positive feelings predicted longevity Age 85: 90% of most cheerful quartile alive; 34% of least cheerful quartile alive. Age 94: 54% of most cheerful quartile alive; 11% of least cheerful quartile alive

  5. Suggested goal: 3 – 5 things you can try.

  6. As a goal, try to secretly serve someone each day. • Write an anonymous thank you note to someone you admire. • Pick up trash along a trail or road. • Look for a chance to serve in a group. • Write about your service in your diary.

  7. Many studies demonstrate that people who smile more are better liked. • Practice giving sincere compliments as you smile. • Put a pencil in your teeth and keep your lips from touching it, then watch a “comedy” that isn’t really funny ( e.g., Friends). • It will seem much funnier to you.

  8. Optimism vs. Pessimism • Erik Giltay in Holland followed 999 older men and women for ten years • The upper third in optimism had half the heart attacks of the bottom third! Giltay, E.J., Geleijnse, J.M., Aitman, F.G., Hoekstra, T., & Schouten, E.,G. (2004). Dispositional optimism and all-cause and cardiovascular mortality in an elderly cohort of Dutch men and women. Archives of General Psychiatry, 61, 1126-1135.

  9. Optimism in women reduced the risk of breast cancer by 25% • Children exposed to excessive levels of stress before age 12 have 30% higher chance of developing cancer as an adult Peled, R. (2008) Breast Cancer, Psychological Distress and Life Events among Young Women. BMC Cancer (8:245)

  10. http://pewresearch.org/pubs/301/are-we-happy-yet

  11. Your hopes and dreams are within your reach. • If you dream it you can do it! • Invest in Good social relationships • Optimism. Self-Confidence. • Wait long enough, and people will surprise you and impress you.

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