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Today’s Objectives

Today’s Objectives. Analyze how the Roman Catholic Church responds to the Reformation Analyze the effects of the Counter-Reformation on Europe PERSIAGM. 1. Prot Ref = Runaway Train. 1520s = 1 st Reformer makes his mark 1530s = Top-Down Reformation… 1540-50 = Predestination Man.

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Today’s Objectives

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Today’s Objectives • Analyze how the Roman Catholic Church responds to the Reformation • Analyze the effects of the Counter-Reformation on Europe PERSIAGM

  2. 1. Prot Ref = Runaway Train • 1520s = 1st Reformer makes his mark • 1530s = Top-Down Reformation… • 1540-50 = Predestination Man

  3. b. You are the Catholic Church… Where have you lost support?

  4. Catholic Church = The only Chinese Restaurant in town that faces new competition!! What do you do????

  5. The Catholic Counter-Reformation The Catholic Church finally cleans itself up Reformers Catholic Church #2

  6. 3a. RCC Goals… • Stop the Prot Ref! • Others? (important) • Pope leaders of the Counter-Ref? • Pope Paul III  • 1534-1549 • Pope Paul IV  • 1555-1559 • More Conservative • Index of Forbidden Books

  7. b. Early Other Reforms • Reform and renewal amongst old religious orders (and some new ones created too) • What do you think they did? • How does this art look compared to Renaissance Art? • “St. Dominic” by El Greco 1586-1590

  8. 1. What was it thinking for a few decades though?

  9. 1. By 1540, the Roman Catholic Church is scared!! So what can it do?

  10. 4. Council of Trent 1543-1549 • Main Purpose & Accomplishments?

  11. Other Council of Trent Info… • Debated early about compromise w/Prots • ConservvsModerate & Liberal Cardinals • Prots invited but didn’t show up

  12. b. Catholic Church changes its beliefs and principles… • (copied from…) • Authority of religious truth now is? • Pope…and? • BIBLE…(?) • Salvation = • Good works and? • FAITH • Clerical Authority over Laity? • Other changes?

  13. You made changes...Now what do you have to do? • Advertise your new image…how? With who? • Society of Jesus (AKA) • 1540 = officially recognized • Leader (1st General) =  • What is his story? • Hierarchical structure, complete obedience to Pope, use of education to reach goals • What was its impact?! • They had many job titles • Went around Europe converting the Protestants “on the fence”

  14. Counter-Reformation's Impact • Protestantism bandwagon? • What countries do the Jesuits “get back?” • Do they succeed? • How is does Europe look religiously on the map?

  15. Counter-Reformation and ↓

  16. How does the Catholic Church feel after the Council Of Trent? • Who will want to help the Catholic Church out and its mission? • Why can that be bad?

  17. Use the Map on the last page… What will happen next? Where? (Timeline)

  18. 9. ML Dies In 1546 • His religion needs one more event to be “safe”

  19. Peace of Augsburg • 1555  • What happened before this  • What happens in this place?  • Then what happens to Charles V?

  20. The Reformation is over, but its ripple effect will continue

  21. Late 1400s Early 1500s 1516 1527 ~1550 1556?

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