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Implementation of the Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts in Kindergarten. Reading Resource Specialist August 17, 2011. Key Features of the Common Core State Standards. Aligned with college and work expectations
Implementation of the Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts in Kindergarten Reading Resource Specialist August 17, 2011
Key Features of the Common Core State Standards • Aligned with college and work expectations • Include rigorous content and application of knowledge through • high-order performance skills and more complex texts • (significantly increased emphasis on informational texts) • Build upon strengths and lessons learned about current state • standards • Internationally benchmarked to prepare students for success • in our globally competitive economy and society • Research and evidence based • State-led initiative – coordinated by • National Governors Association (Center for Best Practices) and • Council of Chief State School Officers • Developed collaboratively by teachers, administrators (school/ • district/state), experts (academic/workforce), parents, students
Florida’s Projected Timeline for Implementation and Assessment of ELA CCSS 2013-14 ~ blended NGSSS & CCSS; assess FCAT 2.0 2014-15 ~ fully implement CCSS; assess PARCC * 2011-12 kindergartners–first students assessed on CCSS as third graders in 2014-15.
SY 2010-11 Launch and Design Phase SY 2011-12 Development Phase SY 2013-14 Second Year Pilot/Field Testing and Related Research and Data Collection SY 2014-15 Full Administration of PARCC Assessments Summer 2015 Set Achievement Levels, including College-Ready Performance Levels PARCC Assessment Timeline SY 2012-13 First Year Pilot/Field Testing and Related Research and Data Collection
Reading/Language Arts Common Core State Standards Training for Kindergarten Teachers Rock Island Professional Development Center One-Day Sessions: 8:30 AM - 3:00 PM Register on BRITE
Design and Organization of the Common Core State Standards Three Main Sections • K−5 (cross-disciplinary) • 6−12 English Language Arts • 6−12 Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, and • Technical Subjects (supplement to content standards; not to replace them) Three Appendices • A: Research and evidence; glossary of key terms • B: Reading text exemplars; sample performance tasks • C: Annotated student writing samples
Division of the English Language Arts Common Core State Standards Four Strands of Standards DIVIDED ONLY FOR CONCEPTUAL CLARITY Reading Strand Writing Strand Speaking & Listening Strand Language Strand Grade-Specific Standards K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9-10, 11-12 College and Career Readiness (CCR) Anchor Standards
Integrated Model of Literacy Communication Processes Closely Connected Listening LANGUAGE Reading Speaking LANGUAGE Writing
Examples of Integrated Literacy Standards Writing (standard 7) expects students to participate in shared research (reading) and (response through) writing projects Speaking and Listening (standard 4) expects students to present knowledge and ideas about what they read well-planned instruction and performance tasks will lead to integrated curriculum and assessment
K-5 CCSS for English Language Arts and Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects • Reading Standards for Literature K-5(10 standards) • Reading Standards for Informational Text K-5 (10 standards) • Reading Standards: Foundational Skills K-5 (4 standards) • --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- • Writing Standards K-5 (10 standards) • --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- • Speaking and Listening Standards K-5 (6 standards) • --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- • Language Standards K-5 (6 standards) • --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- • Range, Quality, and Complexity of Student Reading K-5
Standards are Vertically Articulated Downward from College and Career Readiness Clear, Understandable, Consistent Standards “Staircase” of Increasing Complexity – Learning Progressions Spiral Through Grades
Kindergarten Reading: Literature - 10 Key Ideas and Details(Standards 1−3) Standard 1: ask/answer questions about key details in text Standard 2: retell familiar stories, including key details Standard 3: identify characters/settings/major events in story Craft and Structure(Standards 4-6) Standard 4: ask/answer questions about unknown words in text Standard 5: recognize common text types Standard 6: name author/illustrator and define their role telling story Integration of Knowledge and Ideas(Standards 7-9) Standard 7: describe relationship between illustrations and story Standard 8: not applicable to Literature Standard 9: compare/contrast adventures/experiences of characters Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity(Standard 10) • Standard 10: engage in group reading with purpose/understanding
Kindergarten Reading: Informational Text - 10 Key Ideas and Details(Standards 1−3) Standard 1: ask/answer questions about key details in text Standard 2: identify main topic and retell key details of text Standard 3: describe connection between two people/events/ideas/pieces of information Craft and Structure(Standards 4-6) Standard 4: ask/answer questions about unknown words in text Standard 5: identify front/back cover and title of book Standard 6: name author/illustrator and define their role presenting ideas/information in text Integration of Knowledge and Ideas(Standards 7-9) Standard 7: describe relationship between illustrations and text Standard 8: identify reasons author gives to support points in text Standard 9: identify similarities/differences between two texts on same topic Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity(Standard 10) • Standard 10: engage in group reading with purpose/understanding
Kindergarten Reading: Foundational Skills - 4 Print Concepts(Standard 1) Standard 1: demonstrate understanding of organization and basic features of print Phonological Awareness(Standard 2) Standard 2: demonstrate understanding of spoken words/syllables/sounds (phonemes) Phonics and Word Recognition(Standard 3) Standard 3: apply grade-level phonics/word analysis skills in decoding Fluency(Standard 4) • Standard 4: read emergent-reader texts with purpose/understanding
Kindergarten Writing - 10 Text Types and Purposes(Standards 1-3) Standard 1: use drawing/dictating/writing to compose opinion pieces Standard 2: use drawing/dictating/writing to compose informative/explanatory texts Standard 3: use drawing/dictating/writing to narrate single event or several linked events in order Production and Distribution of Writing(Standards 4-6) Standard 4: begins in grade 3 Standard 5: respond to questions/suggestions from peers, adding details to strengthen writing Standard 6: explore variety of digital tools to produce/publish writing Research to Build and Present Knowledge(Standards 7-9) Standard 7: participate in shared research/writing projects Standard 8: recall information from experiences/gather information from sources to answer question Standard 9: begins in grade 4 Range of Writing(Standard 10) • Standard 10: begins in grade 3
Kindergarten Speaking and Listening - 6 Comprehension and Collaboration(Standards 1-3) Standard 1: participate in collaborative conversations with diverse partners about kindergarten topics/texts with peers/adults Standard 2: ask/answer questions about key details/clarification to confirm understanding of text read aloud/information presented orally/through other media Standard 3: ask/answer questions to seek help/get information/clarify Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas(Standards 4-6) Standard 4: describe with detail familiar people/places/things/events Standard 5: add drawings/other visual displays to descriptions for additional details Standard 6: speak audibly and express thoughts/feelings/ideas clearly
Kindergarten Language - 6 Conventions of Standard English(Standards 1-2) Standard 1: demonstrate command of conventions of standard English grammar/usage when writing/speaking Standard 2: demonstrate command of conventions of standard English capitalization/punctuation/spelling when writing Knowledge of Language(Standard 3) Standard 3: begins in grade 2 Vocabulary Acquisition and Use(Standards 4-6) Standard 4: determine/clarify meaning of unknown/multiple-meaning words and phrases Standard 5: explore word relationships/nuances in word meanings Standard 6: use words/phrases acquired through conversations/reading/being read to/responding to texts
Alignment of Kindergarten Common Core State Standards to College and Career Readiness Anchor Standards
Instructional Focus Calendars Links to Unit Plan
Writing Workshop Underlined Underlined
Question Stems Optional Supplemental Text Resources * ** ***
Supplemental Paired Texts CCLA.K.RI.9 With prompting and support, identify basic similarities in and differences between two texts on the same topic (e.g., in illustrations, descriptions, or procedures). CCLA.K.RL.9 With prompting and support, compare and contrast the adventures and experiences of characters in familiar stories. Main Selection Theme: Transportation (Bus) Maisy Drives the Bus (2000) by Lucy Cousins School Bus (1993) by Donald Crews Magic School Bus Series Books Truck (1980) by Donald Crews* Alphabeep: A Zipping Zooming ABC (2003) by Debora Pearson Don’t Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus (2003) by Mo Williams** Berenstein Bears Catch the Bus: A tell the Time Story (1999) by Stan and Jan Berenstein Example From U3W2
Poetry Pairings Example From U7W3 CCLA.K.RL.5 Recognize common types of texts (e.g., storybooks, poems). It’s Snowing, It’s Snowing (1984) by Jack Prelutsky It’s Raining Pigs & Noodles (2000) by Jack Prelutsky The Random House Book of Poetry for Children (1983) intro by Jack Prelutsky** It Fell in the City (1985) by Eve Merriam* NOTE: Full text Available online see link in BEEP Flicker Flash! **
Author/Character Studies CCLA.K.RL.9 With prompting and support, compare and contrast the adventures and experiences of characters in familiar stories. CCLA.K.RI.6 Name the author and illustrator of a text and define the role of each in presenting the ideas or information in a text. Books with the Yoko Character (by Rosemarie Wells) Yoko’s Show and Tell, Yoko Writes her Name, Yoko’s Paper Crane Books by Rosemarie Wells with Max Character: Max and Ruby, Bunny Money, Bunny Cakes, Bunny Party, Max’s Dragon Shirt, Max’s ABC Example From U4W3
Performance Tasks • Correlates with Treasures’ Instruction • Incorporates Higher Level Skills and • Instructional Strategies • Connects Reading, Writing, Speaking, • and Listening • Addresses multiple standards • Follow model in CCSS Appendix B • sample performance tasks