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Andrew Clark character analysis

Andrew Clark character analysis.

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Andrew Clark character analysis

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  1. Andrew Clark character analysis This film shows Andrew as the Jock. He wears sporty cloths and likes to spend his time doing sport related things. This makes him a bold character in this film, this is because he thinks he is the best and that he could “have” anyone. This makes him a likeable character to the girls, this then makes him think that he Is the best. We see this by the way he acts towards Bender. Andrew says “My god are we going to be like our parents”. This gives us the impression that he does not wish to be like his dad. When he tapes the persons butt cheeks together, it shows us that he is the bullying jock of the school. The other characters think of him as the Jock that is obsessed with sport, trying to get a scholarship and someone who is always trying to impress others.

  2. What the film says about him, what you think of him •Andrew lives in the Illinois‘ suburbs  •The socioeconomic background of Andrew is Middle Class  - he need’s a scholarship for college instead of paying for it-  •The most Andrew works as is a wrestler and that’s for the schools team •Andrew lives with his dad, maybe mum but in the film she’s not brought up Andrews relationship with his dad is pressured , his dad is pressuring him to be the best and not to settle for second best        “No schools going to give a scholarship to a discipline case“ •Andrew’s friends and Coach influence him more then anyone, they have a huge effect on who he hangs out with, talks to how he act’s even how he eats •The most prominent emotion throughout the film for Andrew is Aggression but nearer the end of the film he starts to calm down •Other emotions effecting Andrew underneath we think are Sadness where his father doesn’t talk to him like a person, he only talks to him as a winner who’s losing. •We think Andrews self esteem is quite good because he always seems so cock sure of himself and comes across cocky  •It didn’t really come up in the film if Andrew knows a lot about the outside world but we think because of his social status and typical stereotypes that he doesn’t really seem to know what really happens in the outside world he’s quite like Claire in that concept Andrew’s had the life where it’s all about wrestling nothing else, don’t worry about the news, don’t worry about this that and the other only worry about Wrestling. •What emotion should the audience feel toward my character?  Sympathy, hate, friendly? •In the beginning of the film, what do we discover about my character? •In the middle of the film, how does my character grow and change? •At the end of the film, what will happen to my character? •How important is my character to the action of the film as a whole? •How old is my character? •How strong are my character’s emotions in this piece?  Pure hatred?  Mild lust? •What person or fictional character does my character most remind me of? •If I met my character, how would I react to them?

  3. What Andrew says and thinks – important scenes • Determined to make a good impression and show he’s the popular and do what he says • Peacemaker, Every time Bender picks on Claire Andrew sticks up for her and tells him to piss off , and back the hell away. So he’s like a peacemaker in that way. • Love, with Andrew love for him is weird because he knows he should like Claire but in the end falls for Allison the weird quiet girl, the total opposite of what it should be. • Wants to fit in Andrew is very social conscious as much as he’s a “popular” jock he still finds he has to TRY to stay in with that crowd. • Angry and frustrated with his parents’ relationship and their treatment of him ‘He called me a dirty tramp! My own father! Maybe he doesn’t mean it but he acts like he does.’ (why he got drunk) You’re tearing me apart and argument with them on stairs ‘Don’t I buy you everything you want?’ (Jim’s dad to him) ‘Can I talk to you guys? I gotta talk to someone.’ (Begs dad for advice on Chicken Run). • Desperate – I don’t know what to do anymore except maybe die • Brave and proud – chicken race • Kind and loyal– helps Plato thoughout, offers him jacket, friendship, esp in the end ‘I’ve got the bullets’ • Loving - towards Judy, wants to help his dad

  4. What Andrew does; • In Detention for taping a weaker students Butt Cheeks together. • In detention he comes across as over confident- he thinks he’s “hard” for being on the wrestling team and owning a letterman jacket. • Interested in other people “inquisitive” this can also come across as being “vain” for thinking and wanting to know what people think about him. • Andrew like’s to talk about himself but disguises it as being inquisitive. • Andrew’s not afraid of bender and doesn't take any of his shit. • Andrew doesn’t hide his opinion and if someone's wrong he’ll gladly tell him, this shows he’s comfortable in himself and confident . • He’s also proud of the fact he’s in the wrestling team, and puts bender down by saying things like “you're not in a club” • Andrew doesn't fight with his parents as such but he hates his dad and is constantly calling him a “prick”, because his dad is too picky and pushy.

  5. Andrew; what others think about him. • Dad – His dad wants Jim to be so tough that no one will mess with him. • Bender – He finds him a bit of a jerk. At first he doesn’t particularly like Andrew; he actually hates him at first but in the end he becomes okay with him. • Brian – Finds him friendly and cool to hang out with. He has a neutral status with him all the way through. • Allison – They understand each others problems at home. She falls in love with him at the end of the film as they kiss. • Claire – She finds him okay, there is not much social life between them. • Mr Vernon- Andrew’s head teacher finds Andrew a “jock” , Mr Vernon is stereotypical like that, but also because Andrew tries to do what teachers ask to stay on the wrestling team, Mr Vernon see’s this as an opportunity to walk over Andrew.

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