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Myths and Music Daemons and Devils in blues and rock. Vesa Matteo Piludu Helsinki. Department of Comparative Religion University of Helsinki. Exú (Salvador, Brazil). Exu’s colors: red and black. Exú - Carybe. Traditional trickster Is uncontrollable, unpredictable
Myths and MusicDaemons and Devils in blues and rock Vesa Matteo Piludu Helsinki Department of Comparative Religion University of Helsinki
Exú - Carybe • Traditional trickster • Is uncontrollable, unpredictable • But it is possible to ask him favours • Dominantly male, but also female, strongly human and emotive, full of desires • It is dangerous for his human-like behaviour … but isn’t evil • He is the mediator, the bridge between humans and divinities • He must called before all the others divinities to avoid “confusion”
Exú • Exu (known as Eleggua in Cuba and Legba in Haiti) is the owner of the roads and doors in this world. • He is the repository of axé (life energy). • The colours red and black or white and black are his and codify his contradictory nature. • In particular, Exu stands at the crossroads of the human and the divine, as he is a child-like messenger between the two worlds • Exú is also connected to sacrifices and offer
Eshú l'arôye! • If Exú is respected, he ”opens the doors” and it is helpful • If isn’t considered, he could cause every kinds of catastrophes • He isn’t only good or bad, it depends on the situations
Exú ceremony - padé • The exú ceremony is called padé • It consist of an offer of vegetals to Exú • … and it is performed beforethe real ceremony, to avoid “confusion” during the ritual • CD Filhos de Gandhi, track 3: “sire de exú”
Tecno and Rap - Exú • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MqXQavT72s8 • Theo Werneck and Paula Pretta's music
Rappa (Brazil): Lado B Lado A • Se eles sao Exu • Eu sou Yemanjá • Se elem matam bicho • Eu tomo banho de mar • (…) • Nao abro mao da mitologia negra • Pra dizer: • Eu nao pareco com com voce • (…) • Eu soh guerreiro, sou trabalhadorEh todo dia vou encararCom Fé em Deus e na minha batalha (...) • If they are Exú • I’m Yemanjá • If they kill a beast • I swim in the sea • (…) • I’m not renouncing to the Black Mythology • To say: • I’m not like you! • I’m a warrior, a worker • Fighting every day • With faith in God and in my battle (…) • Exú = crossroads’ god • Yemanjá= Sea goddess • Free translation: Vesa Matteo Piludu
Exú and the crossroad’s Devil • The figure of Exú, Elegguá, Legbá … the god of the crossroads popular in the Afro-American religions … became the Devil or Satan of the crossroads in the blues and in North American popular music • The Blues’ Devil is different from the ambiguous, tricky but also generous Exú …Satan is clearly only a negative figure • In the puritan and protestant United States the moral distinctions should be clear: there is good and bad, black and white, profane and sacred, Sunday and Friday
The symbols are changing their meaning often, especially in oral and popular culture … The world of existence isn’t static According to Eero Tarasti (Existential semiotics, 2000 – Fondamenti della semiotica esistenziale, 2008) the symbols are mobile, flying as the objects in a Chagall painting Symbols according to the existential semiotics
Cross Road Blues (Take 2) • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yd60nI4sa9A&feature=related • I went to the crossroad fell down on my knees I went to the crossroad fell down on my knees • Asked the Lord above "Have mercy, now save poor Bob, if you please” • Mmmmm, standin' at the crossroad • I tried to flag a ride Standin' at the crossroad • I tried to flag a ride Didn't nobody seem to know me everybody pass me by • Mmm, the sun goin' down, boy dark gon' catch me here oooo ooee eeee boy, dark gon' catch me here • I haven't got no lovin' sweet woman that love and feel my care • You can run, you can run tell my friend-boy Willie Brown You can run, you can run tell my friend-boy Willie Brown • Lord, that I'm standin' at the crossroad, babe I believe I'm sinkin' down
What Lord? • The ”Lord” of the Crossroad is probably a kind of Elegua, Exú or Legba (Afro-American gods of crossroads and doors) … some supernatural being that could help during the night • Even so, Robert Johnson use the generic world ”Lord”, indicating also the Christian God • Another lord of Crossroad in the Afro-American folclore is the Devil … but a call to the Devil asking for help is a nonsense, as the Devil is clearly a negative figure in the Johnson’s and Blues men's songs • Even so, legends about a secret path between Johnson and the Devil are “classic” of blues literature .
Nature and Robert Johnsonby: Carter Neil • To us being by the side of a road at night may contain a bit of fear, but to a Black man in the Delta in Johnson's time this was a terrifying position to be in. • After dark a Black man could be considered to be a threat by a White man and could be beat up, or worse without any evidence of wrongdoing.
Robert Johnson and Satan at the Crossroad • In the Delta of the Mississippi River, where Robert Johnson was born, they said that if an aspiring bluesman waited by the side of a deserted country crossroads in the dark of a moonless night, then Satan himself might come and tune his guitar, sealing a pact for the bluesman's soul and guaranteeing a lifetime of easy money, women, and fame. • They said that Robert Johnson must have waited by the crossroads and gotten his guitar fine-tuned.
Crossroads of Highways • It is said that Robert Johnson made his pact with Satan at the crossroads of Highways 49 and 61 in Clarksdale, Mississipi
Robert Johnson, 1911-1938, the most influential Delta blues artist of all King of Delta Blues Granfather of Rock Robert Johnson
The original folk legend talk about another Johnson: Tommy • “So you sit at the crossroads. Out of the darkness, there comes a sound in the distance. A large black man appears, playing a guitar. He takes your instrument, gives you his, and for a moment you play together. Your fingers dance across the strings and begin to bleed. The man tunes your guitar and hands it back to you. He walks away into the darkness. You strum a chord, pick a note, and it occurs to you that you can play anything, absolutely anything you want. You also know that the devil will come back for your soul, and he will come back sooner rather than later.” • "That's the way I learned to play anything I want," Tommy Johnson told his brother LeDell. • Tommy may have sold his soul first, or said that he did, but Robert Johnson, who was not related to Tommy, is the more notorious “soul-swapper”
Satan and the musicians • The story of a musician that learn to play from a devil, a spirit or a daemon is present in every culture • Plato wrote as the best artist and especially the musicians shoud be possessed by a daimon • In Finland the best pelimanni (folk players) were told to have learnt the art from a devil or a water spirit • Paganini was called the Devil’s Violinist • Paganini’s many adventures and extraordinary indulgences apparently sparked off stories of his being in league with the devil and that he had even been imprisoned for murder. • "The devil was at his elbow!" was the claim made to explain his technical prowess at the violin. • Someone even swore that he saw the devil directing Paganini’s arm and guiding the bow! • As a result, his burial in consecrated ground was actually delayed for 5 years.
Robert Johnson: Me and the Devil Blues • Animated Video: • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3MCHI23FTP8&feature=related • Early this mornin' • when you knocked upon my door • Early this mornin', ooh • when you knocked upon my door • And I said, "Hello, Satan," • I believe it's time to go.“ • Me and the Devil • was walkin' side by side • Me and the Devil, ooh • was walkin' side by side • And I'm goin' to beat my woman • until I get satisfied • She say: “you don't see • why that you will dog me 'round”spoken: Now, babe, you know you ain't doin' me right, don'cha • She say you don't see why, ooh • that you will dog me 'round • It must-a be that old evil spirit so deep down in the ground • You may bury my body • down by the highway side • (spoken:) Baby, I don't care where you bury my body when I'm dead and gone • You may bury my body, ooh • down by the highway side • So my old evil spirit can catch a Greyhound bus and ride
Blues spirits, blues feelings, blues music • Blues illness • The blues are also evil spirits causing bad and depressive feelings • There are many kind of blues: loneliness blues, walking blues • Blues recovering • Playing the blues music and singing about the blues spirits, the blues singer is able to drive blues spirits away • It’s a kind of musical exorcism and self analysis
Robert Johnson: Hellhound On My Trail • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wC4M4eQlz5I • got to keep movin' • I got to keep movin'blues fallin' down like hailblues fallin' down like hail • Umm mmm mmm mmm • blues fallin' down like hailblues fallin' down like hail • And the days keeps on worryin' me there's a hellhound on my trailhellhound on my trailhellhound on my trail • If today was Christmas Eve • If today was Christmas Eveand tomorrow was Christmas Day • If today was Christmas Eve • and tomorrow was Christmas Dayspoken: Aow, wouldn't we have a time, baby? • All I would need my little sweet rider just to pass the time away, huh huhto pass the time away
Robert Johnson: Hellhound On My Trail • You sprinkled hot foot powder, mmm mmm, around my doorall around my door • You sprinkled hot foot powder • all around your daddy's door, hmm hmm hmm • It keep me with ramblin' mind, rider every old place I goevery old place I go • I can tell the wind is risin' • the leaves tremblin' on the treeTremblin' on the tree • I can tell the wind is risin' • leaves tremblin' on the treehmm hmm hmm mmm • All I need's my little sweet woman • and to keep my company, hey hey hey hey my company
Preachin' Blues (Up Jumped the Devil) • Mmmmm mmmmm I's up this mornin' • ah, blues walkin' like a man I's up this mornin' ah, blues walkin' like a man • Worried blues give me your right hand • And the blues fell mama's child tore me all upside down • Blues fell mam's child and it tore me all upside down • travel on, poor Bob • just can't turn you 'round • The blu-u-u-u-ues is a low-down shakin' chillspoken: Yes, preach 'em now. • Mmmmm mmmmm • is a low-down shakin' chill • You ain't never had 'em, I I hope you never will • Well, the blues is a schin' old heart diseasespoken: Do it. now. • You gon' do it?Tell me about it. • Let the blues is a low-down achin' heart disease • Like consumption killing me by degrees • I can study rain • oh, ohm drive, oh, oh, drive my blues • I been studyin' the rain and I'm 'on drive my blues away • Goin' to the 'stil'ry stay out there all day
From: Disease Imagery in Johnson's Preaching Bluesby: Adriana C. Rissetto • The speaker … states that he can "study rain/oh, oh, drive, oh, oh, drive my blues" in the same way that a scientist would scrutinize a bacteria culture in order to ascertain a cure to the disease. • Here the rain resembles a vaccination in which a small amount of the virus is introduced into the patient's blood in order to build up an immunity • the speaker studies the rain, a symbol of depression, to build up "an immunity" to the effect of the blues on him. • However, eventually he rejects this in favor of the distillery, a quick and easy pain killer which offers immediate, albeit temporary, relief. • http://xroads.virginia.edu/~music/BLUES/rissetto.html
Nature and Robert Johnson by: Carter Neil • When he says "I been studyin' rain..." he is doing more than using the image of rain to reinforce an idea of isolation. • He is telling the listener that he has knowledge about loneliness gained through a study of it, through an intense relationship to it. • His use of the word "study" further serves to validate his attempt in the song to "preach" the Blues since a preacher must know what he's talking about. • http://xroads.virginia.edu/~music/BLUES/neil.html
ROBERT JOHNSONIf I Had Possession Over Judgment Day http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3KgYk5FFMhg&feature=related If I had possession over judgment dayif I had possession over judgment day Lord, the little woman I'm lovin' wouldn't have no right to pray And I went to the mountain lookin' far as my eyes could seeAnd I went to the mountain lookin' far as my eye could seeSome other man got my woman and the -'a lonesome blues got me • And I rolled and I tumbled and I cried the whole night longAnd I rolled and I tumbled and I cried the whole night long • Boy, I woke up this mornin' my biscuit roller goneHad to fold my arms and I slowly walked away • (spoken: ) I didn't like the way she doneHad to fold my arms and I slowly walked awayI said in my mind, "Yo," trouble gon' come some dayNow run here, baby set down on my kneeI wanna tell you all about the way they treated me
Robert Johnson: Life and Legend • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5RAcer5QVMs&feature=related
Robert Johnson STOP BREAKIN DOWN • Short film about Robert Johnson told through the eyes of Son House • Clip 1 • This clip shows a young Robert learning how to play then as a 27 year old man playing at Three Forks the night of his death • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A7OivLt6wwU&feature=related • Clip 2 • This clip shows Robert as a young and terrible guitar player. It shows one of the reasons why he later became great...the crossroads myth. • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tPrjzohMjcA&feature=related • Clip 3 • This clip shows Robert as a young man studding hard, learning how to play the guitar from Ike Zinneman. The locations are a street corner and rent party. The last scene is a flashback to the crossroads • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eNLdrqHqWOg&feature=related
Robert Johnson and the hellhounds • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z-PQ3z9M2U0&feature=related • This is a part of Supernatural TV films, "Crossroad Blues", season 2 • Interwiews: • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y__fi7SAhJQ&NR=1
Devil's Roadmap Featurette: Crossroad Blues Film • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y__fi7SAhJQ&feature=related
Film: Crossroads (1986) duel: Steve Vai http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D0QKbnCDW94&feature=related
The women of the film Crossroads Has the typical characteristics of Pomba Gira (sensual, gypsy looking) and the hoodoo woman of the blues (femme fatale, expert of love spells, creates love blues and desperation in men)
On Robert Johnson Part 1 • Calt, Stephen. "Robert Johnson Recapitulated." Blues Unlimited 86, November 1971. • Charters, Samuel. Robert Johnson. New York: Oak Publications, 1972. • Cowley, John. "Walking Blues." Blues Unlimited 106, February-March, 1974. • Ferris, Tim. "Robert Johnson." Rolling Stone. February 4, 1971. • Greenberg, Alan. Love In Vain: a Vision of Robert Johnson. New York: Doubleday, 1983. • Groom, Bob. Robert Johnson. Knutsford:Blue World, 1967. • Groom, Bob. "Robert Johnson: The Man Behind the Music." Blues World 4, November, 1965. • Groom, Bob. "Standing at the Crossroads: Robert Johnson's Recordings." Blues Unlimited 118-121, March-October 1976. • Guralnick, Peter. "In Search of RobertJohnson." Rolling Stone, March 26, 1976.
On Robert Johnson Part 2 • Guralnick, Peter. Searching for Robert Johnson. New York: Dutton, 1989. • Iglauer, Bruce. "Reconstructing Robert Johnson." Living Blues 5, Summer 1971. • Lomax, Alan. The Land Where the Blues Began. New York: Dell, 1993. • Marcus, Greil. Mystery Train. NewYork: Dutton, 1975. • Mosley, Walter. RL's Dream. New York: Norton, 1995. • Palmer, Robert. Deep Blues. New York: Viking, 1981. • Pearson, Barry Lee and Bill McCullogh. Robert Johnson: Lost and Found. University of Illinois Press, 2003. • Schroeder, Patricia R. Robert Johnson, Mythmaking, and Contemporary American Culture. University of Illinois Press, 2004. • Shines, Johnny. "Remembering Robert Johnson." American Folk Music Occasional 2, Oak Publications, 1970. • Wald, Elijah. Escaping the Delta: Robert Johnson and the Invention of the Blues. Armistad Press, 2004. • Welding, Pete. "Hellhound On his Trail: Robert Johnson." down beat, Music '66. • Wolf, Robert. Hellhound on my Trail: the Life of Robert Johnson, Bluesman Extraordinaire. 2004.
Robert Johnson, blues and rock folklore • The topics of the Robert Johnson’s lyrics and legend (hoodoo, love spells Devils, blues spirits) are extremely popular in blues lyrics Rock music, practically born from blues, herded all this folklore themes, that has been reinterpreted in an original way by several authors The “damned” but sensual and fascinating Robert Johnson became also a kind of “model” for blues and rock stars
John Lee Hooker & Jim Morrison ( The Doors ) Roadhouse Blues • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KxJpFM10yxI&feature=related
Jim Morrison Possesed by Devils Part 1 • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D99UQfzceiI&feature=related
Website about blues lyrics and hoodoo • http://www.luckymojo.com/blues.html#why
Santana: Black Magic Woman, 1970 Album: Abraxas, Author: Peter Green • Got a black magic womanGot a black magicwomanI’ve got a black magic woman Got me so blind I cant seeThat she’s a black magic womanShe’s trying to make a devil out of meDon’t turn your back on me babyDon’t turn your back on me babyYes don’t turn your back on me baby Stop messing round with your tricks Don’t turn your back on me babyYou just might pick up my magic sticks • Got your spell on me babyGot your spell on me baby Yes you got your spell on me babyTurning my heart into stone I need you so bad, magic womanI can’t leave you alone • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6WCc025HH0E&feature=related
Joe Cocker: Civilized ManSongwriters: Alter, Louis / Delange, Eddie • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SEFA31Gt8T8&feature=related • You made me need youNeed you so badWould you believeAnd never so mad, oh yeahDouble cross me once, and never cross me againNow you're running 'round looking for some sympathyWell you know as well as I that we're history You're lucky, I'm a civilized manYou're lucky, I'm a civilized manOh yeah, a civilized man • A poison arrow, right from the startRight down to zero, you went for my heartOh yeahYou've been hoodoo, voodooStart the fire again • Now you ask me to forget all you've brought me toWhen you know as well as I you've got it coming to youYou're lucky, I'm a civilized manYou're lucky, I'm a civilized manOh yeah, a civilized man
SOLD IT TO THE DEVIL by Merline (The Yas yas Girl) Johnson • I sold my soul, sold it to the Devil and my heart has turned to stone I sold my soul, sold it to the Devil, and he won't let me alone I'm hateful and I'm evil, I carries a Gatling gun I drink carbolic acid, be darned if I will run But I sold it, I have sold it Sold it to the Devil, and my heart has turned to stone.
Female Hoodoo • HOODOO BLUES by Bessie Brown • I'm on the war path now, I'm mean and evil I vow, Some woman stole my man, to get even I've a plan. Gonna sprinkle ding 'em dust all around her door Gonna sprinkle ding 'em dust all around her door Put a spider in her dumplin', make her crawl all over the floor
Mojo Hands for women and men • MOJO HAND BLUES by Ida Cox I'm going to Louisiana, to get myself a mojo hand I'm going to Louisiana, to get myself a mojo hand 'Cause these backbiting women are trying to take my man • MOJO HAND by Lightnin' Hopkins • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RNDJF4azgog&feature=relatedI'm goin' to Louisiana, and get me a mojo hand I'm goin' to Louisiana, and get me a mojo hand I'm gonna fix my woman so she can't have no other man • Cold ground was my bed last night, rocks was my pillow too • I woke up this morning, I'm wondering, "What in the world am I gonna do?" I lay down thinking, "Buy me a mojo hand."
HOO DOO BLUES by HARRY CHATMON • I'm the old hoodoo, works with white mojo (=white magic hoodoo)I'm the old hoodoo, works with white mojo, I can get a woman a man, anywhere I go. A woman come to me, beggin' and cryin', "Someone have done went and took that man of mine;" "Listen, sweet mama, looked at your hand, Go back home and control your man." • (…) • I'll tell you one thing, sweet mama, what you'll have to do, Go down town and get you a old horseshoe. Come back home and fix it up over your front door, Bet you five dollars your man'll never leave home no more.
Lightnin’ Hopkins: Black Ghost Blues • Black ghost, black ghost, please stay away from my doorBlack ghost, black ghost, will you please stay away from my doorYeah you know you worry po' Lightnin' so now, I just can't sleep no more • Yeah you know I go to dreaming first night, black ghost is all po' Lightnin' can seeI go to dreaming first night, black ghost is all po' Lightnin' can seeYou know that's why I begin to wonder why you keeps on worryin' me Black ghost is a picture, and the black ghost is a shadow tooWhoa black ghost is a picture, and the black ghost is a shadow tooYou just can see him, but you can't hear him talkin'Ain't nothin' else that a black ghost can doBlack Ghost Blues!
THE JINX BLUES [No. 1] by Son House • Well, I got up this mornin', jinx all 'round jinx all 'round, 'round my bed, • Know I thought about you and, honey, and it like to kill me dead • (…) • You know the blues ain't nothing but a low down shaking, low down shakin', achin' chill • (…) • Well, blues, blues, is a worried heart, is a worried heart, heart disease • (…) • Know, 'clare the woman you be lovin', man, is so doggone hard to please (…)Mmm, I rather be outdoors, walkin' up, walkin' up, and down the road (…) • I said, look a here, darlin', honey, don't you try to cry no more, Well, when I leave this time, I'm gonna hang crepe on your door http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r62FNK3JCqs
Son House "Death Letter Blues" • Son House "Death Letter Blues" • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NdgrQoZHnNY • Cassandra Wilson "Death letter" • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AFvnT0X9eFQ I got a letter this morning, how do you reckon it read?"Oh, hurry, hurry, gal, you love is dead"I got a letter this morning, how do you reckon it read?"Oh, hurry, hurry, gal, you love is dead"
Son House "Death Letter Blues" • I grabbed my suitcase, I took off, up the roadI got there, she was laying on the cooling boardI grabbed my suitcase, I took on up the roadI got there, she was laying on the cooling board • Well, I walked up close, I looked down in her faceGood old gal, you got to lay here till Judgment DayI walked up close, and I looked down in her faceYes, been a good old gal, got to lay here till Judgment Day (…) • Oh, some people tell me the worried blues ain't bad It's the worst old feelin' that I ever hadSome people tell me the worried blues ain't badBuddy, the worst old feelin', Lord, I ever hadHmmm, I fold my arms, and I walked away"That's all right, mama, your trouble will come someday"