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  2. Once upon a time there was a boy called George. He was a friendly boy at school but at home he seemed to be always sulking. George, you see, loved something too much he always wanted more and more – can you guess what that might be? It was sweets. His Mummy would only ever let him have two and then only after he’d eaten all his tea. Page 1

  3. George’s Mummy thought that he was sulking because he had no-one to play with. He had a lovely big playroom with lots of things to play with and a big garden with lots of things to play on but he had no brothers or sisters to play with. She said to him “George why don’t you ask your friends at school to come and play here on Saturday afternoon and have tea with you”. Page 2

  4. George thought about that and started to smile; he’d had a brilliant idea. When he got to school the next day he told his friends all about his lovely big playroom and all his toys, and all the things he had to play on outside, and asked if they’d like to come to his house on Saturday to play and have tea with him. Lots of them said yes so he said “Good, but you can only come if you bring some sweets with you.” Page 3

  5. On Saturday afternoon George’s Mummy was quite surprised that all the children came with gifts of sweets. She thanked them all and said to George “We’ll put all these sweets in this bowl for later, when you’ve all had tea.” Everyone had a great time playing in the playroom and out in the garden and a scrumptious tea with lots of nice things to eat and drink. Yum Yum! Page 4

  6. Then George’s Mummy brought in the bowl of sweets and gave it to George and said “Perhaps you’d like to share these with your friends.” She was horrified when he said “No, they’re mine, I’m keeping them all for me” and before she could take the bowl back he ran off to put the sweets into his secret hiding place. Page 5

  7. George’s Mummy said to his friends that she was sorry George had been so horrible, but thanked them very much for coming to play with him and hoped that they’d all had a good time. Page 6

  8. On Monday morning it was a very sad George who came to school with his Mummy. His teacher asked him what was wrong. But George couldn’t say anything he just kept crying. So the teacher asked his Mummy “What’s wrong with George why is he crying?” Page 7

  9. His Mummy told her what had happened on Saturday and said “George is a very silly boy, he likes sweets far too much, so I’ve taken all the sweets from his secret hiding place and brought them to you to share with everyone except George after lunch.” Greedy George wasn’t allowed any sweets until Christmas time. Page 8

  10. THE END

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