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SRS Global Outreach Program Lunch Time Symposium Edinburgh, Scotland 09-05-07. Moderator: Steven Mardjetko M.D. Participants: Oheneba Boachie-Adjei M.D. James Ogilvie M.D. Richard Gross M.D HB Calder Ph.D. Meeting Agenda.
SRS Global Outreach Program Lunch Time SymposiumEdinburgh, Scotland09-05-07 Moderator: Steven Mardjetko M.D. Participants: Oheneba Boachie-Adjei M.D. James Ogilvie M.D. Richard Gross M.D HB Calder Ph.D
Meeting Agenda • A) Introduction/Summary of SRS GOP Activities 2006-07 Mardjetko (5 min) • B) SRS GOP Database: Systematic Data Collection allows Critical Evaluation of SRS GOP Sites (Boachie-Adjei) (10 minutes) • C) Effective Communication in International Medical Education: Overcoming Language Barriers (Ogilvie) (10 minutes) • D) Innovative Instrumentation Techniques Applicable for GOP Operating Theatres (Gross) (10 minutes) • E) Spinal cord monitoring: what it takes to get a SRS GOP site Spinal Neuromonitoring Program Going (HB Calder) (10 minutes) • F) Discussion and Q/A- Moderator: Mardjetko (10 minutes)
SRS Global Outreach Program • Concept Conceived by Past Presidents’ Dennis Drummond and James Ogilvie M.D. in 2003 to fulfill the Mandate of Globalization set forth by the SRS Leadership • Michael O’Brien M.D. chosen as the “Inaugural” Chairman 2003-2006 • Committee members, Advisory Board • Program built “From Scratch” with help from a lot of SRS Members and SRS Staff (Amy Miller/Tressa Goulding), POSNA members • Relationships with other Service Organizations: Health Volunteers Overseas, Orthopedics Overseas, numerous charitable foundations
SRS Global Outreach Program Mission Statement SRS Global Outreach Program (SRS GOP) will provide education to those providing care to pediatric and adult patients in underserved regions of the world with any disorder that affects the shape, alignment, and function of the spine. SRS GOP will foster the development of regional, self-sufficient spine centers staffed by local physicians capable of providing continuing care to patients with complex spinal deformities.
SRS GOP Committee Members2006-2007 Steven M. Mardjetko, MD, FAAP, Chair (2007) Michael F. O'Brien, MD, Past Chair (2007) Munish Chandra Gupta, MD, Chair-Elect (2008) Oheneba Boachie-Adjei M.D. Board Liaison Richard H. Gross, MD (2009) Kamal N. Ibrahim, MD FRCS(C) (2007) Isador H. Lieberman, MD, MBA, FRCSC (2009) Baron S. Lonner, MD (2007) David C. Mann, MD (2007) Michael J. Mendelow, MD (2007) Francisco Javier Sanchez Perez-Grueso, MD (2009) Ellen M. Raney, MD (2008) Richard M. Schwend, MD (2008) Dilip K. Sengupta, MD, Dr. Med. (2007)
SRS GOP Endorsed Mission Sites • Active SRS GOP sites (2007) • Ghana- Boachie-Adjei- FOCOS Foundation • Barbados-Boachie-Adjei- FOCOS Foundation • Nicaragua- O’Brien- HVO/SRS Foundation • Dominican Republic- Andrew Moulton-Butterfly Foundation • Uganda- Leiberman- HVO • Cali,Co- Mardjetko- Silver Service Foundation • Wenzhou, China- Ogilvie- HVO • Shanghai, China-Mehlmann- Healing the Children • Prospective SRS GOP sites (2007) • Bulgaria- Boachie-Adjei- SRS GOP • Trinidad- Arlet-FOCOS • Guayaquil, Ecuador- Schwend-Perfect World
Notable Committee Work in 2007 • SRS GOP Business Plan • SRS GOP Budget • Objective Grading system for Educational Scholarship Program • Establish Definition of and Criteria for GOP service programs • Establish Lecture/Textbook/Journal Depository • Website Updates being prepared • Critical Evaluation of surgically treated patients with uniform data collection tool (FOCOS) • First Research initiative- Evaluation of Neural Injury Rates identified with Spinal Cord Monitoring from 3 SRS GOP Sites results in abstract (H.B. Calder)
Scholarships, Fellowships and Research Opportunities • SRS GOP Educational Initiatives • Annual Meeting Luncthime Symposium • Educational Scholarship Program allows surgeons from developing nations to attend the Annual SRS Meeting, IMAST, or a Regional Meeting. • Aid in planning/procurement of GOP visitorship/fellowships • Initiate Research Activities: collection of outcome data with SRS 22 and FOCOS Database, Comparison of complication rates between international and US sites. • Answer Specific Research questions to address problems unique to each Region’s population • The goal is to have the Host surgeons seek active SRS membership, establish self sustaining local clinical programs, establish their centers as regional “centers of excellence”, Become Active Contributing Members/leaders in SRS
SRS GOP Educational Scholarship Program14 Scholarships granted in 2007 • Educational Scholarship Fund recipients for 2007 • 1) Carrico de Oliveria, Gustavo(18)- Florianapolis, Brazil • 2) Tangente, Ronald (20) Davao City, Phillipines • 3) Petrenko, Dmytro (21)- Kharkiv, Ukraine (abstract submitted) • 4) Mezentsev, Andriv (21)- Kharkiv, Ukraine (abstract submitted) • 5) Levytskyi, Anatolii (21)- Kiev, Ukraine (abstract submitted) • 6) Yan wu Lie (19)- Xijing, China • 7) Lee, Jae-Joon (19) Gwangju, Korea • 8) Vo, Thanh (22) Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam • 9) Chandhary, Kshitij (18) Mumbai, India • 10) Trevidi, Vikas (18) Meerut, India (abstract submitted) • 11) Arogis, Alaric (20) Mumbai, India • 12) Ahmad, Alaeeldin (18) Ramallah, Palestine • 13) Dunn, Robert (20) South Africa • 14) Dr. Xu, (20) Wenzhou, China
SRS GOP Visitorship Program • 6 month Visitorships for international Surgeons associated with GOP Sites interested in expanding their educational experience. Supported through Medtronics Educational Grant. • Recipients • M. Gonzalez M.D. Cali, Colombia. 2005 • Chicago, Miami • R. Ramirez Torres M.D. Guayaquil, Ecuador 2007 • New York
SRS GOP Financial Support • Program Support through Charitable Grants provided by Medtronic, DePuy, Synthes, Stryker, and many others!! • Consider making a donation to SRS GOP at the SRS GOP Table! • We take Cash, Checks, and Credit Cards!! • Consider “Sponsoring” a SRS GOP Educational Scholarship Recipient • Get on Board and donate your expertise and time! It will be the most rewarding professional experience of your life!
The Success of this Program can be Measured by the Smiles of those whose lives you change!
If you have any Interest in Participating in any of the SRS-GOP Spine Missions, or Donating to the SRS GOP Please contact Amy Miller, or any SRS-GOP Committee Member THANK YOU!