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Spelling Presentation Grades 3 - 5. Anne DeYoung Katie Kuffel Sara Sahs. “All children deserve to be taught in an environment that will promote, value and nurture their natural desire to learn” - Susie Haas - California Teacher of the Year.
Spelling Presentation Grades 3 - 5 Anne DeYoung Katie Kuffel Sara Sahs
“All children deserve to be taught in an environment that will promote, value and nurture their natural desire to learn” - Susie Haas - California Teacher of the Year
ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS STATE GOAL 3: Write to communicate for a variety of purposes A. Use correct grammar, spelling, punctuation, capitalization and structure. Early Elementary .A.1 Construct complete sentences which demonstrate subject/verb agreement; appropriate capitalization and punctuation; correct spelling of appropriate, high-frequency words; and appropriate use of the eight parts of speech.
Allot extra time on spelling tests and assignments. Allow the option to verbally spell words for tests. Give students a tape of verbal spellings of the words, so reading is not the only avenue to learn the spellings. Give the option of typing out the spelling of a word on a computer with out a spell checker, such as on a typewriter. Use flashcards for verbal practice instead of written worksheets. Allow extra instructional time for the teaching of the list of words. Set up peer tutoring with a buddy. Supply large lined paper to write out spelling words. Give multiple choice options for tests instead of only writing out the words. Give fill in the blank options on tests instead of only writing out the words. Teach mnemonic devices to help students remember the spellings of the words . Accommodations
Modifications • Shorten the spelling list expected to be learned by students for each testing period. • Use an appropriate grade level list for individual student’s ability. • Give students the option of pointing to pictures instead of writing out the words. This changes the objective from spelling to word recognition. • Make lists consist only of frequently misspelled words or necessary functional words. • For students who need it, give the option to trace words repeatedly then write independently once. This changes the objective from spelling to writing.
Websites: Spelling Activities Curriculum Resources Spelling It Right Journals: Journal of Direct Instruction Journal of Communication Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy Reading Teacher School Teachers: The Journal American School Board Journal Language Learning Effective School Practices (a D.I. Journal) Teacher Resources
Curricula: The Riggs Institute’s Writing and Spelling Road to Reading and Thinking SRA Phonics Open Court Phonics Open Court Reading Online Assessment Books: Best Practice: new standards for teaching and learning in America’s schools/ Steven Zemelman, Harvey Daniels, Arthur Hyde. Seven Ways to Improve Spelling Instruction / Bruce Cronnell. Words Their Way: word study for phonics, vocabulary, and spelling instruction / Donald R. Bear Teacher Resources Cont…
More Teacher Resources Professional Groups: ADI – (Association for Direct Instruction) e mail, chat rooms, discussion groups, links, consultants, etc… ADI Link SRA – news letters & discussion groups SRA Resources
What parents need to know: • Recent research outlines a developmental process taking place as students learn to spell. These 5 steps include: 1.The random letter stage: At this stage students group symbols together to represent words. They understand that words are groups of symbols but have not yet recognized the meaning of individual symbols. 2.Estimated Spelling: Children begin to write letters that represent the words they wish to communicate. Their understanding at this stage does not include accurate representation of all the sounds or syllables yet. • next
Spelling developmental process continued… 3. Phonetic Spelling Children continue to rely on phonetic spelling, thus their spelling may include substitutions of one vowel for another, or placing the correct letters in the wrong places as they form words. 4. Use of Visual Markers Children at this stage become aware that words are not only made up of sounds but also include visual rules, they begin to add silent letters and double letter, as well as other visual markers. 5. Mature Spelling This is the last stage, in which children (of average learning abilities are 10 – 12 years old) are able to understand the variety of spelling patterns in our language, including nouns, verbs, compound words, etc. More information and research on these stages found at: http://www.katyisd.org/teaching_learning/spelling /info.htm and http://www.ericfacility.net/ericdigests/ed272922.html
What the stages imply according to: ERIC Identifier: ED272922 Publication Date: 1986-00-00 Author: Lutz, Elaine Source: ERIC Clearinghouse on Reading and Communication Skills Urbana IL. Invented Spelling and Spelling Development. ERIC Digest • “Students’ invented spellings must be seen as opportunities for them to contribute actively to their own learning. By combining an understanding of invented spelling with formal spelling instruction, teachers should be able to develop more effective spelling programs.” • “Teachers must…relate spelling to purposeful writing rather than to conduct rule-based instruction or to rely on memorization.”
A suggested Spelling program: * NOTE: For parents, follow these guidelines when studying at home. • According to Teaching and Learning in Katy ISD: • Introduce words and patterns Group words with like sound patterns 2. Practice spelling the words Make sure to include practice with hearing, seeing and writing. It is important of children to be able to pronounce words correctly before being expected to spell it correctly. 3. Use words in writing Spelling becomes meaningful and therefore is learned best when children use the words to communicate their own messages in writing. 4. Review and extend Allow students to review their own writing and pick out the misspelled words themselves, looking off of a correct list. Extend their understanding by brainstorming like words that are of the same spelling./sound pattern. 5. Evaluate Self correction throughout is necessary for children to evaluate their own strengths/weaknesses and understanding.
Research Articles Graham, S. (1999). Handwriting and spelling instruction for students with learning disabilities: A review. Learning Disability Quarterly, 22, 78-98. Simonsen, F., Gunter, L. (2001). Best practices in spelling instruction: A research summary. Journal of Direct Instruction, 1, 97-105.
Special Organizations Special Organizations: Software - Animated Spelling CD (over 700 words with 2 games) National Association for Child Development – Speech & sound, the listening program, books, tapes, videos, software, etc… Sylvan Learning Center – After school tutoring for students who need extra help.
Special Organizations Cont… • CAL • Center for Applied Linguistics • http://www.cal.org CAL is a private, non-profit organization: a group of scholars and educators who use the findings of linguistics and related sciences in identifying and addressing language-related problems. CAL carries out a wide range of activities including research, teacher education, analysis and dissemination of information, design and development of instructional materials, technical assistance, conference planning, program evaluation, and policy analysis. next
More organizations • RLAC • Reading and Language Arts Centers Inc. • Our approach is: • Multisensory • Phonics-based • Sequential • Systematic • Cumulative • Structured • Research-based • http://www.rlac.com
Technologies to assist in learning spelling: Toys R’ Us Software: • Clifford the Big Red Dog: Phonicsby Scholastic Mac OS, Windows 95 / 98 / Me / XP • Reading Blaster Ages 6-7by Knowledge Adventure Mac OS, Windows 95 / 98 / Me / 2000 • Curious George Reading and Phonicsby Knowledge Adventure Windows 95 / 98 / Me Toys • LeapPad Plus Writingby LeapFrog (From Toys R’ US :List Price: $49.99 Price:$44.99 You Save: $5.00) Reading and Language Arts Centers Inc. Store: • http://www.rlac.com • 1195 Rochester Road, Suite MTroy, MI 48083866-307-0802 orders@rlac.com
Website # 1 http://www.funbrain.com/index.html Website # 2 http://atozteacherstuff.com/ Website #3 www.gardenofpraise.com/spell1.htm
Website #4 http://www.spelling.hemscott.net/ Website #5 http://www.sentex.net/~mmcadams/spelling.html Website #6 http://www.edhelper.com/
Resources to Contact For language Arts Specific: • Chomsky, Carol. "Approaching Reading through Invented Spelling." Paper presented at the Conference on Theory and Practice of Beginning Reading Instruction, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, May 1976. ED 155 630. • DiStefano, Philip P., and Patricia J. Hagerty. "Teaching Spelling at the Elementary Level: A Realistic Perspective." THE READING TEACHER 38 (1985): 373-377. • Gentry, J. Richard. "An Analysis of Developmental Spelling in GNYS AT WRK." THE READING TEACHER 36 (1982): 192-200. • Hodges, Richard E. LEARNING TO SPELL. Urbana, IL: ERIC Clearinghouse on Reading and Communication Skills and National Council of Teachers of English, 1981. ED 202 016. • Read, Charles. CHILDREN'S CATEGORIZATION OF SPEECH SOUNDS IN • ENGLISH. Urbana, IL: ERIC Clearinghouse on Reading and Communication Skills and National Council of Teachers of English; Arlington, VA: ERIC Clearinghouse on Languages and Linguistics, 1975. ED 112 426
Resources for General Advocacy Information: • State Resources from Protection and Advocacy groups in each state:http://www.protectionandadvocacy.com/ • Legal information on your rights and free email newsletter "The Special Ed Advocate":http://www.wrightslaw.com • Resource for Legal Information:http://www.edlaw.net/frames.html • The new IDEA law released in 1999: http://www.access.gpo.gov/nara/ • Basic Similarities and Differences of IDEA and 504: http://www.ldonline.org/ • Excellent accommodations for ADD/ADHD:http://www.add.org/content/school/list.htm • Resources for information about LD and ADD: http://mail.bcpl.lib.md.us/~sandyste/school_psych.html
“At each and every low point in my life, there has been a teacher that reached out her hand to me. It seems there was also a teacher present to share the triumphs in my life, offering a hug, a note of recognition, or just a simple smile. It has been through the kindness and love of teachers in my life that I found the inspiration to pursue this noble profession. I owe a debt to teaching I don’t know I can repay.” --Rebecca Curry, Canden County, Florida, Teacher of the Year