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Beta glucan -What is Beta Glucan?

Beta glucan is a large molecule, known as polysaccharide, made up of smaller suagr molecules linked together. Since the 1960s, the body of beta glucan research has been growing with more and more emphasis on specific conditions and illnesses. Not all beta glucans are created equal. Beta glucan from different sources have different health benefits. There are many kinds of beta glucans, such as oat beta glucan, barkey beta glucan, mushroom beta glucan, black yeast beta glucan, baker's yeast beta glucan, etc.Yeast beta glucan such as black yeast beta glucan is known to have the widest spectrum of health benefits, including as dietary fibre, heart health, and immune system modulator.

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Beta glucan -What is Beta Glucan?

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  1. What is Beta Glucan? Beta Glucan http://blackyeastbetaglucan.com/

  2. More people become aware of Beta Glucan More people with heart & cancer problems benefiting from consuming beta glucans Beta Glucan – What is Beta Glucan? http://blackyeastbetaglucan.com/

  3. Beta Glucan – What is Beta Glucan? What is Beta Glucan? Beta Glucan is linked sugar molecules => large molecules of linked smaller sugar molecules (scientifically) Polysaccharide of sugar molecules http://blackyeastbetaglucan.com/

  4. Beta Glucan – What is Beta Glucan? What is Beta Glucan? Originate from natural sources: yeast, fungi, mushrooms, oat, barley, lichens, and bacteria betaglucan, β-Glucan, beta d-glucan beta-glucan, β-1,3 glucan, β-1,3/1,4 glucan, http://blackyeastbetaglucan.com/

  5. Beta Glucan – What is Beta Glucan? Brief History of Beta Glucan: Research on beta glucans started in the 1940s by an immunologist, Dr. Louis Pillemer Pillemer => the drug Zymosan, a drug prepared from yeast cell wall extract Pillemerobserved the ability of Zymosan to nonspecifically trigger the response of the immune system http://blackyeastbetaglucan.com/

  6. Beta Glucan – What is Beta Glucan? Brief History of Beta Glucan: Big breakthrough in beta glucan research => Dr. Nicholas DiLuzio, Dr. D.L. Williams & Dr. I.W. Browder Pillemer => the drug Zymosan, a drug prepared from yeast cell wall extract Dr. DiLuzioidentified the active component in Zymosan responsible for activating immune system http://blackyeastbetaglucan.com/

  7. Beta Glucan – What is Beta Glucan? Brief History of Beta Glucan: The active ingredient was identified as beta 1,3 D-glucan. Since then the volume of research on beta glucan has been growing for the past decades http://blackyeastbetaglucan.com/

  8. Beta Glucan – What is Beta Glucan? Not All Beta Glucans Are Created Equal: Different beta glucans have different health benefits Oat and barley beta glucans are known to be beneficial as dietary fiber and heart health Mushroom beta glucan, however, is mainly beneficial for the immune system http://blackyeastbetaglucan.com/

  9. Beta Glucan – What is Beta Glucan? Not All Beta Glucans Are Created Equal: Mushroom beta glucan, however, is mainly beneficial for the immune system Yeast beta glucans, such as black yeast beta glucan and baker’s yeast beta glucan, have the combined health benefits of oat, barley and mushroom beta glucans http://blackyeastbetaglucan.com/

  10. Beta Glucan – What is Beta Glucan? Not All Beta Glucans Are Created Equal: In other words, yeast beta glucans have the widest spectrum of health effects http://blackyeastbetaglucan.com/

  11. Beta Glucan – What is Beta Glucan? Not All Beta Glucans Are Created Equal: The difference between black yeast beta glucan and baker’s yeast beta glucan lies in the concentration of the beta 1,3 glucan and beta 1,6 glucan This will influence their relative effectiveness in modulating the body’s immune system http://blackyeastbetaglucan.com/

  12. Beta Glucan – What is Beta Glucan? Visit Black Yeast Beta Glucan website at http://BlackYeastBetaGlucan.com/

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