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Pennsylvania O ffice of V ocational R ehabilitation. Orientation to OVR. Introduction to OVR. State Agency under PA Department of Labor and Industry 21 District Offices Statewide 15 Bureau of Vocational Rehabilitation Services (BVRS) District Offices
Pennsylvania Office of Vocational Rehabilitation Orientation to OVR
Introduction to OVR • State Agency under PA Department of Labor and Industry • 21 District Offices Statewide • 15 Bureau of Vocational Rehabilitation Services (BVRS) District Offices • 6 Blindness and Visual Services (BVS) District Offices • VR Agencies are mandated by Federal Law; every state has a VR Agency • 78% Federal Funding with a 22% State match
OVR’s Mission • To help Pennsylvanians with disabilities to secure and maintain competitive employment and independence.
Eligibility Guidelines • OVR is NOT an Entitlement Program; rather it is an Eligibility Program. Eligibility must be determined within 60 days. 3 criteria to meet: • Individuals must have a disability that interferes with their ability to get and/or keep a job • Individuals must want to become employed (competitive setting) • Expectation is that the individual will benefit from VR services in terms of a positive employment outcome • Currently on Order of Selection (MSD only)
Functional Limitation Factors- must have deficits in 3 of these 7 areas • Mobility- physical, cognitive, & psychological ability to move from place to place inside & outside of home • Self Care- ability to plan, initiate, solve, & carry out activities related to independent living & work • Work Tolerance- endurance, fatigue, & speed • Interpersonal Skills- relationships, attendance, grooming, appropriate behaviors • Work Skills- cognitive integration (processing info visually or auditory); recall & retain of info • Communication- safety, health, & relaying correct info • Self Direction- ability to think through decisions
Financial Liability • Financial Needs Test- based on a family’s combined household income from prior year (as long as the student is a dependent of the parent). • FNT is used for at-cost services. Therefore, the family may have to pay for an at-cost service if the their income is high and there is an FNT participation amount for that year. • If there is a Financial Contribution toward the cost of services the customer is made fully aware of such costs in advance of service provision
OVR Services that are free to customer • Vocational Evaluation- 20 day evaluation at HART Center, HGAC, Goodwill, etc. • Neuro Psych Evaluation • Community Based Work Assessment • Vocational Counseling and Guidance • Job Readiness Training classes at District Office • Transitioning Services- IEP meetings, meeting with student at school, preparing for post-secondary programs, researching job shadowing/internships • Assistive Technology Evaluation • Functional Capacity Evaluation • Driving Evaluation (to assess ability to drive & needs) • Referral to other community resources (i.e., MH-IDD, Dress for Success, LIU work experience)
Promoting academic success (pas) • OVR is the recipient of a federal transition grant from the Rehabilitation Services Administration. The goal of the PAS program is to improve post secondary education and employment outcomes of youths with disabilities. • Sponsors of PAS- Office of Vocational Rehabilitation, the school district, and Harrisburg Area Community College(Gettysburg, York, & Lancaster campuses) • The PAS class gives high school students the opportunity to experience a college-level course. They will learn about various learning styles, advocating for themselves, utilizing resources, and assistive technology devices.
Project pas (continued) • Upon successful completion of the class with a grade of “C” or higher, the student will earn one college credit. • OVR is able to pay for the cost of the class including the tuition, fees, and books. These are fees that would normally be the student’s responsibility to pay if they were taking a class at HACC. • Transportation depends on either the school district or the student/family. • Once the student has an open case with OVR, he or she is able to complete the HACC application packet in order to be signed up for the class. • The class lasts for 8 weeks (1 day a week for 2 hours) and is usually offered both semesters.
AT-cost services (available after graduation) • Financial Aid for College/Training- a 169 form (used by FAFSA/PHEAA) is used to see if the customer is able to receive funding for the school year. • Hiram G. Andrews Center • Assistive Technology devices & training • Therapy (psychological, vision, physical, occupational, speech) • Behind-the-wheel driving lessons • Van/home modifications • Job Coaching (Supported Employment)
How to apply for OVR as a high school student: • If a student seems like an appropriate referral to OVR and would benefit from services, please have them get an OVR application from your school’s representative during their senior or junior year (preferably their 2nd semester) • The student will fill out the application and then give it back to either the school’s rep (who will forward it to me) OR mail it directly to the York District Office (address is on the application)
How to apply for OVR as a high school student (cont’d): • My secretary puts the application in our computer system and then will send a letter to the student’s mailing address. • Once the student gets that letter, they will CALL ME WITHIN 30 DAYS to set up the intake appointment. • This appointment can either be at the high school or at a satellite location (i.e., Hanover CPC office, Adams County Career Link, or York District Office). If the student is under 18 years of age, a legal guardian must attend the meeting • Things to bring to intake appointment: copy of last year’s W2 form; a copy of student’s driver’s license OR state photo ID OR copy of a birth certificate AND school ID.
After intake appointment: • I will request medical, school, or counseling records in order to obtain diagnoses (60 days to do this). • IF the student is eligible for OVR services, I will contact them to schedule the Individualized Plan for Employment meeting (status 17 while in high school). • As long as OVR customers keep in contact with their counselors and are still interested in obtaining employment, the case stays open until they have obtained and maintained a job (according to their job goal) for at least 90 days.
Adams co. school representatives for oVR • Bermudian Springs High- Jackie Norpel & Holly Wallen • Gettysburg High- Joe Pecaitis & Nicole LeGore (Autistic Support class) • New Oxford High- Lori Althoff • Brethren Community Home (LIU)- Leann Starner • LIU Life Skills Support class- Rose Moorehead • LIU Outlets class- Lorrie Hyrcek • Delone Catholic High- Robert Lester • Littlestown High- Michelle Rodriguez • Paradise School for Boys- Cynthia Schrum • Fairfield High- Jodi Walters • Biglerville High- Brad Showers
OVR Contact Information • OVR York District Office (covers Adams, Franklin, Lancaster, and York Counties) 2550 Kingston Road, Suite 101 York, PA 17402 (800) 762-6306 Toll Free (717) 771-4407 www.dli.state.pa.us