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Summer Activities and Programs . Brainstorming. What are some examples of summer opportunities available to you?. Benefits of a summer job?. Expand your resume Graduating high school with work experience gives you an advantage Networking is necessary for real world employment
Brainstorming • What are some examples of summer opportunities available to you?
Benefits of a summer job? • Expand your resume • Graduating high school with work experience gives you an advantage • Networking is necessary for real world employment • Learn more about a career that interests you • Begin developing skills • Earn some extra cash
Unpaid vs. Paid Positions There are some internships that are paid while others are volunteer. Remember on your resume that employers value your experience and not whether you were paid or not!
Where to begin your search • Ask around • Reach out to existing friends or contacts with connections to employment opportunities • Use high school resources • Visit the guidance office or reach out to teachers for suggestions • Use online search engines • Visit the websites of companies you would like to work for • Send an email or call if you do not see any open opportunities; they may be open to hiring
Next steps for landing the job • Begin your search NOW! • Prepare references and resume • Request letters of reference from teachers/contacts in advance. Give at least two weeks notice. • Use guidance office as a resource when creating your resume and have it reviewed by a teacher or professional • Follow up with a phone call for positions you have applied for but not received a response from
Interview tips • Research the company • Have a general idea of the company’s history and mission. Ensure you understand the position you are applying for • Arrive early • This will show you are prepared and make you stand out
Interview tips • Dress professionally for interviews • Ask questions • Prepare 2-3 questions in advance to demonstrate your interest in the position • Follow up with a thank you note to the person that conducted your interview • Follow up with a phone call or email one week later if you have not had a response
Think outside of the box • If a company is not hiring paid positions then offer your services as an unpaid intern • You will still gain valuable experience and contacts • Volunteer • Reach out to local charities and organizations to learn what opportunities are available in your area
Summer Programs • Penn Summer High School Programs • http://www.sas.upenn.edu/summer/programs/highschool • American University Summer College Programs for High School Students • http://www.summeratau.com/hs/front/frontHideInput.jsp?uID=0&cmd=&loginType=skipWelcome&surveyID=489&clientID=543&campaignID=420 • MIT Residential Summer Programs • http://mitadmissions.org/apply/prepare/summer • Carnegie Mellon SAMS: The Summer Academy for Mathematics + Science • http://www.cmu.edu/enrollment/summerprogramsfordiversity/sams.html • Texas State University Honors Summer Math Camp • http://www.txstate.edu/mathworks/camps/hsmc.html
Summer Programs and Internships • Stanford Office of Science Outreach • http://oso.stanford.edu/programs/audiences/5-high-school-students • UCLA High School Summer Research Program • https://esc.seas.ucla.edu/mod/resource/view.php?id=224 • Johns Hopkins University Engineering Innovation • http://engineering-innovation.jhu.edu/ • NCI-Werner H. Kirsten Internship Program at the National Cancer Institute • https://ncifrederick.cancer.gov/careers/student_programs/internships/SIP/ • National HS-STEM Summer Internship Program (Homeland Security) • http://www.dhs.gov/national-hs-stem-summer-internship-program
SAME Engineering & Construction Camp Hosted by: Society of American Military Engineers • Where: SAME posts across the United States • Who can apply: Minimum of 15 years of age • Program Dates: Summer 2014 • Description: The USAFA camp is geared toward students interested in joining a service academy and is built on a reduced scale program of what a USAFA cadet in an engineering curriculum goes through. The camp operates under the concept ‘Build then Design’. Tasks are given that challenge students to use their imagination, as well as their problem solving and teamwork skills. Link: http://samecamps.org/?page_id=27
Mathematics Camp Hosted by Stanford University • Where: Stanford Campus, Stanford, CA • Who can apply: 10th and 11th grade students • Program Dates: July – August 2013 • Application Deadline: March 5, 2014 • Description: To bring mathematically talented and motivated high school students from across the United States to Stanford University for four weeks of serious mathematical pursuits. To provide access for these students to advanced topics in mathematics, in a way that is fun and interesting.” Link: http://math.stanford.edu/sumac/
Summer Programs Across the USA Extensive list of opportunities across the United States may be found at the link below http://www.careercornerstone.org/pcsumcamps.htm
Region 1 (Optimally for students in Northern California, Nevada, Oregon, and Washington State)
COSMOS Summer Program Hosted by: University of California • Where: UC Santa Cruz, UC Davis, UC Irvine, UC San Diego • Who can apply: High School Students • Program Dates: July 6 - August 2, 2014 • Application Deadline: February 21, 2014 • Description: COSMOS is a four-week residential program for talented and motivated students completing grades 8-12. Students work side-by-side with outstanding university researchers and faculty exploring advanced topics beyond the typical high school curriculum in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) fields. Link: http://cosmos-ucop.ucdavis.edu/main/application
RISE Summer Internship Program Hosted by Stanford University • Where: Stanford Campus, California • Who can apply: Students must be 16 years old by start date • Program Dates: June 18 - August 5, 2014 • Description: Intensive 7-week summer program for local Bay Area students interested in science, engineering, math, and computer science. Students spend 30 hours a week on the Stanford Campus, working in an active research lab under guidance of a mentor from the lab, and attending weekly group sessions that include field trips, presentations, hands-on science activities, and lab tours. Link: http://oso.stanford.edu/programs/39-rise-summer-internship-program
Stanford Medical Youth Summer Program Hosted by: Stanford University • Where: Stanford University School of Medicine, CA • Who can apply: 10th and 11th grade students • Program Dates: June 22 – July 27, 2013 • Application deadline: February 17, 2014 • Description: Participants divide their time between instruction, group project work, anatomy and pathology laboratories, hospital volunteer internships, educational field trips, evening discussions, and time with mentors.” Link: http://smysp.stanford.edu/education/summerProgram/index.html#10
Young Scholars Program Hosted by: UC Davis • Where: UC Davis Campus • Who can apply: 10th and 11th grade students • Program Dates: June 22- August 2, 2014 • Application deadline: March 21, 2014 • Description: Summer residential research program designed to expose approximately 40 high achieving high school students to the world of original research in the natural sciences with emphases on the biological, environmental and agricultural sciences.” Link: http://ysp.ucdavis.edu/
Region 2 (Optimally designed for students in Southern California, Southern Nevada, and Arizona)
NanoScience Lab Hosted by: California NanoScience Institute • Where: UCLA Campus • Who can apply: High school students • Program dates: July 8 – 12, 2014 or July 15 - July 19, 2014 • Application deadline: April 15, 2014 • Description: CNSI NanoScience Lab Program is an exclusive summer workshop for high school students interested in advanced science and technology and is limited to 30 participants. During this five day program students will learn about nanoscience and nanotechnology through intense hands-on experiments developed by UCLA graduate and postdoctoral researchers Link: http://nanosciencelab.cnsi.ucla.edu/
9Up Robotics Camp Hosted by Arizona State University • Where: ASU Campus • Who can apply: High school students • Program Dates: Summer 2014 • Description: This program will cover Microsoft Robotics Studio, robot construction, VPL programming, C# programming, Web programming in Service-Oriented Computing, Phone 7 programming, and a robotics challenge Link: http://venus.eas.asu.edu/roboticscamp/
Summer Transportation Institute Hosted by: Arizona State University • Where: ASU Campus • Who can apply: 10th, 11th, and 12th grade students • When: Summer 2014 • Description: Students spend three weeks on the ASU Tempe Campus and learn how traffic engineers plan and maintain our systems of transportation around the state Link: http://engineering.asu.edu/summerprograms/sti/index.html
High School Engineering Research Program Hosted by Arizona State University • Where: ASU Campus • Who can apply: 10th, 11th, and 12th grade students • When: Summer 2014 • Description: The program is designed for students to learn more about engineering fields, work on projects that benefit society, meet ASU faculty and graduate students, and help clarify future goals and aspirations. Link: http://engineering.asu.edu/summerprograms/research/
Summer Science Program Hosted by Summer Science Program, Inc. • Where: New Mexico Tech, Westmont College • Program Dates: Summer 2014 • Who can apply: Rising high school seniors • Description: SSP is a five-week residential enrichment program held on two campuses. Talented high school students come to SSP for its research-based curriculum, stimulating guest lectures, and behind-the-scenes field trips to places like NASA’s Jet Propulsion Lab or the Very Large Array Link: http://www.summerscience.org/admissions/index.php
Boise State e-Girls Hosted by Boise State University • Where: BSU Campus • Who can apply: 9th and 10th grade students • When: Summer 2014 • Description: Enrollment is limited to 50, workshops led by Society of Women Engineers. May include biomedical engineering, virtual worlds with Alice, packaging and the environment, designing for Natural disasters, Rocketing into Space, Physics of Rock Climbing/Rope Walking, a World of Career Choices and more. Link: http://news.boisestate.edu/update/2013/03/07/boise-states-2013-summer-camps-are-for-kids-of-all-ages/
CU Science Discover Hosted by University of Colorado • Where: Denver, CO and Boulder, CO • Who can apply: Students up to age 18 • Program Dates:Summer 2014 • Description:Science Discovery offers intensive 1-3 week summer workshops for high school students. Workshops provide unique opportunities for older students to work in CU laboratories, interact with CU scientists, and explore STEM careers. Link: http://sciencediscovery.colorado.edu/program/summer-classes/
Summer Science Institute Hosted by Bethel College • Where: Bethel College, Kansas • Who can apply: Rising 10th grade – college freshmen • Program Dates: June 1-6, 2014 • Description:Offers opportunities for research investigations in a number of areas of science, including biology, psychology, mathematics, chemistry and computer science. You will be able to study fascinating and challenging topics that high school courses typically do not cover, with a focus on learning how to do research through close interaction with faculty. Link: http://www.bethelks.edu/community/events/summer-camps/summer-science-institute/
Region 4 (Designed for Students in the North East)
Engineering Innovation Summer Program Hosted by Johns Hopkins University • Where: Johns Hopkins University Campus, Maryland • Who can apply: Rising undergraduate students • Program Dates : Summer 2014 • Application deadline: March 1, 2014 • Description: Engineering Innovation is a four-week Johns Hopkins engineering course. It is a condensed version of a 3-credit JHU course offered to freshman undecided engineering students. Students will have lab experiences in chemical engineering, civil engineering, mechanical engineering, material science, electrical engineering, and computer engineering.” Link: http://engineering-innovation.jhu.edu/parents/index.html
ESTEEM Research Mentoring Program Hosted by University of Maryland • Where: UMD Campus • Who can apply: Rising high school seniors (targeted to underrepresented students) • Program Dates: Summer 2014 • Description: ESTEEM Research Mentoring Program offers opportunities in research to high school students considering a career in engineering. Students will attend a four-week summer robotics camp where they design and build a SeaPerch Robot Link: http://www.cmse.umd.edu/summer/esteem.html
Mentor Connection Hosted by University of Connecticut • Where: UConn Campus • Who can apply: Current 10th and 11th grade students • Program dates: July 6-25, 2014 • Application deadline: April 2014 • Description: This program is an annual, three-week, summer program for academically talented secondary students at the University of Connecticut. It is designed to provide opportunities to participate in creative research projects and research investigations under the supervision of university mentors Link: http://www.gifted.uconn.edu/mentor/mentor13.html
Columbia Summer Program Hosted by Columbia University • Where: CU Campus, New York • Who can apply: Rising 9th – 12th grad students • Program dates: June 22 – July 12, 2014 or July 14 – August 2, 2014 • Application deadline: Early Registration is February 1, 2014 • Description: This summer program offers highly motivated high school students the opportunity to experience college life in the Ivy League while sampling the vibrancy of New York City. It combines academic rigor and instructional excellence with lively extracurricular offerings and careful supervision and support. Link: http://ce.columbia.edu/high-school/nyc
Exploring Engineering Hosted by University of Connecticut • Where: UConn Campus • Who can apply: Current 10th and 11th grade students • Program dates: June 22 – 26, 2014 • Application deadline: April 15, 2014 • Description: This one-week residential summer program for current high school sophomores and juniors will allow them to explore engineering careers by working in small groups with faculty and college students. They will learn what various engineers do in the workplace and see engineering concepts demonstrated Link: http://www.engr.uconn.edu/engineering2000.php
EXPLO Hosted by Yale University • Where: Yale Campus, Connecticut • Who can apply: 10th and 11th grade students • When: Sessions from June 2014 – August 2014 • Description The EXPLO at Yale offers students grades 10-12 the opportunity to explore more than 90 course offerings (ranging from psychology to video production to biomedical ethics and business management). For three weeks this summer, Yale University belongs to you Link: http://www.explo.org/360/yale/overview
Region 5 (Designed for students in the South extending from Tennessee to Texas)
D.R.E.M.E Summer Camp Hosted by Science Literacy Foundation • Where: Texas • Who can apply: Rising high school students • Program dates:Summer 2014 • Description: The D.R.E.M.E Summer Science Youth Academy is a camp for students established to continue motivating, supporting, and strengthening the learning of science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) Link: http://dremefoundation.org/science-literacy-camp-2/dreme-summer-camp-student-information/
Summer Science Research Program Hosted by Baylor University • Where: Baylor Campus, Texas • Who can apply: Rising high school seniors • Program dates: July 9 - August 12, 2014 • Application deadline: March 1, 2014 • Description: This program’s purpose is to give superior high school students hands-on research experience by working on research projects with Baylor University science professors in many disciplines. The research program occurs during the University’s first session of summer school. Link: http://www.baylor.edu/summerscience/index.php?id=2346
Student Introduction to Engineering Hosted by: University of Alabama • Where: UA Campus • Who can apply: Rising high school juniors and seniors • Program dates: Sessions occur during July 2014 • Application deadline: June 1, 2014 • Description: For students interested in science, technology, engineering and mathematics. Challenges in mathematics, engineering, computer science and English courses will be assigned. There will also be opportunities to team with other students in design competitions to test your skills. Link: http://site.eng.ua.edu/about/
Engineering Camp Hosted by: Society of American Military Engineers • Where: Vicksburg, MS • Who can apply: Rising high school juniors and seniors • Program dates: June 22-28, 2014 • Application deadline: March 28, 2014 • Description: The one-week program is supervised by professional engineers and volunteers from engineering organizations in the lower Mississippi Valley. The crewmates (campers) are exposed to a wealth of knowledge about the various career choices in the fields of engineering and construction, focusing primarily on water resources engineering. Link: http://samevicksburg.org/engineering-camp/
Region 6 (Designed for students in the Mid West extending from Kentucky to Wisconsin)
Hillsdale College Summer Science Camps Hosted by Hillsdale College • Where: Hillsdale College Campus, Michigan • Who can apply: Rising 10th, 11th, and 12th grade students • Program dates: Summer 2014 • Description: This program is primarily intended for high school sophomores, juniors and seniors interested in learning more about modern science. These science camps promote scientific literacy among high school students and instill a deeper appreciation of what science is all about. Link: http://www.hillsdale.edu/seminars/oncampus/sciencecamps.asp
Math and Science Summer Program Hosted by University of Michigan • Where: UM Campus • Who can apply: Rising sophmores, juniors, and seniors • Program dates: Sessions occur June – July, 2014 • Description: The program is designed to introduce high school students current developments and research in the sciences. It features small 15-student classes taught by UM professors as well as other outstanding instructors from across the country Link: http://www.math.lsa.umich.edu/mmss/
Fermilab Target Program Hosted by U.S. Department of Energy • Where: Fermilab, Warrenville, IL • Who can apply: Illinois 10th and 11th grade students • Program Dates: June 23 – August 1, 2014 • Application deadline: March 31, 2014 • Description: Fermilab’s Target program is a highly competitive paid summer internship opportunity for Illinois high school sophomores and juniors who have strong interest and demonstrated aptitude for mathematics and the science, physics, in particular Link: http://wdrs.fnal.gov/eeo/target.html
Girls’ Adventures in Math, Engineering, and Science (GAMES) Camp Hosted by University of Illinois • Where: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign • Who can apply: Rising high school students • Program dates: July 13 – 19, 2014 • Application deadline: April 15, 2014 • Description: This annual week-long camp, designed to give academically talented high school aged girls an opportunity to explore engineering and scientific fields through demonstrations, classroom presentations, hands-on activities, and contacts with women in these technical fields. Link: http://publish.illinois.edu/womeninengineering/camps/g-a-m-e-s-camp/
Operation Catapult Hosted by Rose Hulman Institute of Technology • Where: Rose Hulman Campus, Indiana • Who can apply: Rising high school seniors • Program dates: Sessions June – July 2014 • Description: Operation Catapult is a unique summer program. The goal is to explore fundamental scientific and engineering principles and systems. Apart from that, it offers the opportunity for group living in a campus setting. Link: http://www.rose-hulman.edu/admissions-financial-aid/early-planning/operation-catapult.aspx
UE Options Hosted by University of Evansville • Where: UE Campus • Who can apply: High school girls in grades 9-11 • Program dates: June 8 – 13, 2014 • Description: UE OPTIONS will acquaint you with the vast career options available with a degree in engineering or computer science. Specifically aimed for high school students talented in math and science.” Link: http://www.evansville.edu/options/
Introduction to Engineering Hosted by University of Notre Dame • Where: UND Campus, Indiana • Who can apply: Rising high school seniors • Program dates: Sessions occur June – July 2014 • Application deadline: March 15, 2014 • Description: This program is designed for students to get a taste of college life, meet the faculty, understand career opportunities in engineering, observe the facilities at Notre Dame Link: http://www3.nd.edu/~iep/index.html