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ASAE Board Report: The Power of A DC Awareness Campaign

ASAE Board Report: The Power of A DC Awareness Campaign. August 14, 2009. Hyper-Targeted Initiative. Campaign focused on reaching about 1,000 influencers in DC/MD/VA: Congress - New staffers - Current staffers Members of the Obama administration Capitol Hill and business press

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ASAE Board Report: The Power of A DC Awareness Campaign

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  1. ASAE Board Report: The Power of ADC Awareness Campaign August 14, 2009

  2. Hyper-Targeted Initiative Campaign focused on reaching about 1,000 influencers in DC/MD/VA: Congress - New staffers - Current staffers Members of the Obama administration Capitol Hill and business press DC metro opinion leaders, senior private-sector insiders State legislators and their staffs, media and opinion leaders outside the Beltway

  3. Campaign Strategy Reposition the association community as problem solvers who are helping resolve America’s most pressing issues. Beyond, but including lobbying Valuable specialized expertise Real solutions to economy,jobs, healthcare and more Skilled at working together Create Powerful Conversation

  4. Campaign Tactics An integrated campaign that includes: • Digital Influence (Web site and social media) • TV Advertising (Broadcast and cable) • Digital Advertising and Paid Online Search • ASAE Added Value (USA Today and CNN Airport) • Member Materials • Media Relations

  5. Phase I Highlights By the Numbers: 4/26 through 6/11 ThePowerOfA.org generated 4,111 visitors to date; the majority from DC/MD/VA; average time on the site 2 mins 19 seconds District-based visitors spent the greatest amount of time on the site, 3 mins 28 seconds Total advertising targeted impressions = 10,286,823 Total advertising value = $472,274 including $213,322 of added value Highest Web traffic days include John Graham post (5/4) and Politico home page roadblock (5/5) Campaign delivered 645 (15%) more inside-the-beltway TV spots than originally estimated/planned; plus 1,557 views on YouTube Campaign news coverage includes 5 articles in National Journal, CEO Update, USAEmail, Association Trends, PR Week

  6. The Campaign:Digital Influence

  7. The Power of A Microsite:Total Page Views • During the initial campaign launch, the site has received: • 4,111 visitors; • 9,129 page views; • 2 minutes, 19 seconds – average time on site

  8. The Power of A Microsite:Visitors – Traffic Sources • The majority of ThePowerofA.org visitors are from DC, MD or VA • These ‘inside the beltway’ visitors spend an above average time on the site

  9. The Power of A Microsite:Visitors – Traffic Sources • The majority of ThePowerofA.org visitor from Maryland and Virginia are clustered within the greater Washington metropolitan area

  10. The Power of A Microsite:Volume of Conversation in Social Media • 28 Blog Posts • 144 Inbound links (including thePowerofA Badge referrals) • See attached excel sheet for a full list of referring links

  11. The Power of A Microsite:Volume of Conversation in Social Media • As posts have increased to almost daily frequency, the number of comments has increased as readers know to visit the site for up to date Health Care posts

  12. The Power of A Microsite:#PWRA on Twitter • Continued used of the PowerofA.org hash tag on Twitter is critical as new users have begun to associated their own content as being demonstrative of the Power of A campaign messaging.

  13. The Power of A Microsite:Engaging in Conversation • The most commented posts are the ones on which there’s back and forth between the ASAE Power of A Bloggers and readers • To increase readership and monthly visitors consider launching future posts that solicit user feedback (e.g. polls, links to other bloggers, etc)

  14. The Power of A Microsite:Youtube Channel • The Power of A advertisement on Youtube has received 1,557 views • With an average rating of 4.5 (out of 5) stars • Two comments, both positive:

  15. The Campaign:TV and Digital Advertising

  16. Advertising Campaign: 4/26 – 5/24 • TV and Digital Ad Summary: • 18inside-the-beltway Sunday political show TV spots: • Fox News Sunday, Meet the Press, This Week, McLaughlin Group, Face the Nation, Inside Washington, Chris Matthews, Sunday Today, Sunday Morning • 4,573DC Metro Cable TV spots • 5,421,457Digital AdImpressions • 3,561Visits to the website Section Divider

  17. ASAE 2009 Advertising Campaign- Total Value Media Cost Value $ 98,605 $ 78,900 $ 81,447 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 258,952 Cable Broadcast Digital USA Today CNN- Airport Total $ 151,700 $ 98,625 $ 136,949 $ 25,000 $ 60,000 $ 472,274

  18. Broadcast Advertising- Cable ASAE commercials ran on Comcast and Verizon Cable networks across CNBC, CNN, FXNC, CNN HN, Discovery, Fox News and History channels. A total of 4,573 cable spots ran from 4/27 through 5/24.

  19. TV and Digital Ads Drove Audience to PowerOfA.org • Site Performance Results: • Total visits to www.thepowerofa.org3,561 • Average pages viewed per visit 2.21 • Total Page views: 7,872 • Average time on site: 2:22 • % New Visits: 75.48% • Top Referring Sites: • www.politico.com • www.asaecenter.org • www.washingtonpost.com • www.rollcall.com • www.twitter.com Highest Traffic Days: 1. 5/4- John Graham Response - 463 visits 2. 5/5- Politico Home Page Ad – 339 visits Traffic Sources:

  20. Digital Advertising- Highlights • Top Line Results : • Total Impressions (amount of times the ads were displayed)- 5,421,457 • Unique Viewers (amount of people who saw the ads)- 1,799,494 • Total Clicks (amount of times the ads were clicked on)- 2,704 • Unique Visitors (amount of people who clicked on the ad)- 2,364 • Display Ad Performance Results: • Overall Performance (based on CTR**): • 1) Roll Call – 0.12% • 2) CQ - 0.05% • 3) Washington Post - 0.05% • 4) Politico – 0.05% • 5) USA Today – 0.02% • ** Politico drove the highest number of clicks totaling 1,373 • Cost Efficiency (based on Cost per Click): • Politico - $20.04 • Roll Call - $28.29 • CQ - $41.65 • Washington Post- $43.05 • ** USA Today- Bonus $0 Served Impressions by Publisher: USA Today- 18.16% CQ- 14.44% Wash Post- 18.23% Roll Call- 2.92% Politico- 46.25% ** Click-Through Rate (CTR) - Percentage of Total Clicks out of Served Impressions.

  21. Digital Advertising- Roll Call • Knowlegis Email: • Through this unique opportunity to partner with Roll Call, a total of 1,908 messages were delivered to 539 Congressional offices. • Opens: 79 (4.14%) • Links Followed: 6 (0.31%) • Roll Call Landing Page: • In an effort to continue audience engagement behind “Power of A”, we arranged for Roll Call to host a custom landing page within their site to promote consumer response and solicit more feedback. The landing page launched on 5/15 and is still live however, the promotion on the RC homepage ended on 5/31. • 181 visits to the Roll Call landing page • 23 clicks to the Power of A site

  22. Digital Advertising- Politico • Exclusive Content Alignment: • The Politico Home Page fixed 728x90 placement ran on 4/29, 5/5, 5/12, 5/19 for a total of 1,721,935 impressions and 1,023 clicks. • The 1st date 4/29, was Obama’s 100th day in office and this exclusive content provided additional exposure and directed 319 visits to the Power of A site.

  23. Digital Advertising- Washington Post • Elite Audience Reach: • 32,501 Run of Site impressions were served directly to the House and Senate members, which led to 30 clicks from this elite audience to the Power of A site. • A one week sponsorship of the Capital Briefing blog delivered 46,317 impressions which was over 400% the purchased expected amount of 11,000.

  24. CQ Politics-Feature Story Sponsorship CQ.com-Contextual (Economy)- 300x250 • Winning Negotiations: • CQ delivered 738,091 impressions in total and these placements led to 405 total clicks to the Power of A site. • 279,215 impressions were negotiated as bonus ($0) and equated to 133 free clicks.

  25. Digital Advertising- Google Paid Search • Paid Search Performance Results: • The ASAE paid search campaign targeted only people searching in Washington DC. The keywords were grouped into the following categories (as shown of below): Economy, The Power of A, Associations, and ASAE. Overall, the campaign received 673,577 impressions and drove 461 clicks to ThePowerofA.org, making up 8.3% of all total traffic to the blog. • Below are a list of the Top 10 Keywords ranked by the total number of clicks they received: • economic – 69 • the power of a – 37 • economy – 37 • the economy – 25 • power of a – 19 • united states economy - 8 • american economy – 4 • powerofa.org – 3 • global economy – 3 • economy 2009 – 3

  26. ASAE 2009 Digital Advertising- Google Paid Search Top 3Text Ads by the Number of Clicks Received: 3) 30 clicks 1) 298 clicks 2) 37 clicks

  27. The Campaign:ASAE Value Added

  28. Digital Advertising- USA Today • Valuable Partnerships: • Through ASAE’s partnership with USA Today 2,000,000 Run of Site bonus impressions were issued to help support the campaign. This opportunity was worth approximately $25,000 in value. • These placements drove 246 clicks to the Power of A site.

  29. CNN Airport TV Through ASAE’s relationship with Airport TV: • 892,000 impressions were generated in Regan National and Dulles airports over 42 days in rotation • 1,008 spots ran in CNN Airport Network and 12,096 in Arrivals TV (baggage claim) • Total Reagan audience = 1.57 million travelers • Total Dulles audience = 1.97 million travelers

  30. The Campaign:Member Materials

  31. Member Materials ASAE developed materials to be leveraged by members, accessible online: • Press release • Messages • Q&A • Newsletter article • TV and digital advertising • Website badge

  32. The Campaign:Media Relations

  33. News Coverage Five placements in top association and business trades: • Each piece included key messaging about association problem solving • National Journal “Under the Influence” blog, CEO Update, USAE-mail, Association Trends, PR Week • Four included interviews with John Graham, CAE

  34. Report Card Tables

  35. Program Element Goals v. Actual Strategic Program Element Element Goal v. Actual GOAL ACTUAL Media Goal v. Actual GOAL ACTUAL * Given average lead times, stories may not appear for 2-3 months, depending on the publication Print (magazines, newspapers) = circulation x 3.2 Broadcast (TV, radio) = audience Online = unique visitors / month

  36. Program Element Goals v. Actual Strategic Program Element Element Goal v. Actual GOAL ACTUAL Media Goal v. Actual GOAL ACTUAL * Given average lead times, stories may not appear for 2-3 months, depending on the publication Print (magazines, newspapers) = circulation x 3.2 Broadcast (TV, radio) = audience Online = unique visitors / month

  37. Program Element Goals v. Actual Strategic Program Element Element Goal v. Actual GOAL ACTUAL Media Goal v. Actual GOAL ACTUAL * Given average lead times, stories may not appear for 2-3 months, depending on the publication Print (magazines, newspapers) = circulation x 3.2 Broadcast (TV, radio) = audience Online = unique visitors / month

  38. Program Element Goals v. Actual Strategic Program Element Element Goal v. Actual GOAL ACTUAL Media Goal v. Actual GOAL ACTUAL * Given average lead times, stories may not appear for 2-3 months, depending on the publication Print (magazines, newspapers) = circulation x 3.2 Broadcast (TV, radio) = audience Online = unique visitors / month

  39. Program Element Goals v. Actual Strategic Program Element Element Goal v. Actual GOAL ACTUAL Media Goal v. Actual GOAL ACTUAL * Given average lead times, stories may not appear for 2-3 months, depending on the publication Print (magazines, newspapers) = circulation x 3.2 Broadcast (TV, radio) = audience Online = unique visitors / month

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