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Platform Integration: The Microsoft Case in America and Europe

This article explores the role of platform software compatibility layers in the PC industry, focusing on the integration of Windows Vista with various OEMs such as Dell, HP, and Sony. It discusses the increasing power and features of operating systems, the economic characteristics of tying analysis, and the growth of operating systems in size. The article also examines early legal rulings and compares the cases in the US and Europe.

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Platform Integration: The Microsoft Case in America and Europe

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Platform Integration:The Microsoft Case in America and Europe David A. Heiner Vice President & Deputy General Counsel (Antitrust) Microsoft Corporation April 20, 2007 .NET Institute Conference

  2. Role of Platform Software

  3. Compatibility Layer in PC Industry Architecture Applications Devices Windows Vista DELL HP SONY OTHER OEMs

  4. Integration at Every Level of the PC Technology Stack Applications Elaborate games, computer aided design, etc. More powerful applications Operating system More powerful operating system Graphical user interface, Internet support, etc. Microprocessor Intel 8080: 10,000 transistors Intel Pentium: more than 10 million transistors More powerful microprocessor

  5. Tying Analysis: Key Economic Characteristics Steady addition of new features is the competitive norm

  6. Numerous features integrated into Modern OSs TrueType Fonts Email Client Graphical User Interface Network Client “Calendaring Systems” Voice Recognition Java Runtime Environment Media Playback Instant Messaging Web Browsing Digital Imaging Video conferencing Suite of Business Productivity Applications

  7. Operating Systems Have Grown Dramatically in Size

  8. Early Legal Rulings Courts reviewed product design claims under a deferential standard

  9. U.S. Government Case

  10. U.S. Government Case

  11. European Commission

  12. Comparison

  13. What Next?

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