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Learn about various fitness tests to measure exercise, skilled-related fitness, and components like agility, power, and balance for healthy, active living. Discover definitions, examples, and how these skills relate to each other in different sports.
Healthy, Active lifestyles Healthy, Active lifestyles Q. What are the 4 tests that can Measure health related exercise? A. Cooper run, Hand grip test, Sit and reach test, Harvard step test. Q. What is a PAR-Q? A. Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire Healthy, Active Lifestyles Healthy, Active lifestyles Q. Can you state what the ‘cooper run’ measures and what you have to do? Cardiovascular fitness & muscular endurance 12 Minute Run Q. What are the 7 tests that can measure skilled related fitness? A. Illinois run, Standing stork test, sergeant jump test, standing broad jump, ruler drop test, 30m sprint, 3 ball juggle
Healthy, Active lifestyles Healthy, Active lifestyles Q. Can you state what the ‘Hand Grip test’ measures and what you have to do? Muscular strength in the hand Squeeze the dynamometer as tightly as possible 3 times. Q. Can you state what the ‘Sit and reach test’ measures and what you have to do? Flexibility of the hamstrings Legs must be straight and measure how far past the toes you can reach Healthy, Active Lifestyles Healthy, Active lifestyles Q. Can you state what the ‘Illinois run’ measures and what you have to do? Agility Run around a course and change direction as quickly as possible Q. Can you state what the ‘Harvard step test’ measures and what you have to do? Cardiovascular endurance and muscular endurance Step on and off a bench every 2 seconds for 5 minutes
Healthy, Active lifestyles Healthy, Active lifestyles Q. Can you state what the ‘Sergeant jump test’ Measures and what you have to do? Leg power Touch the wall at highest point of the jump Q. Can you state what the ‘Standing Stork test’ Measures and what you have to do? Balance (Static) Stand in a specific position for as long as possible. Healthy, Active Lifestyles Healthy, Active lifestyles Q. Can you state what the ‘Ruler jump test’ Measures and what you have to do? Reaction Time Catch the ruler between finger and thumb as quick as possible. Q. Can you state what the ‘Standing broad jump test’ Measures and what you have to do? Power 3 attempts to jump as far past your height as possible
Healthy, Active lifestyles Healthy, Active lifestyles Q. Can you state what the ‘Three ball Juggle test’ measures and what you have to do? Coordination Juggle as long as you can before dropping a ball. Q. Can you state what the ’30m sprint’ measures and what you have to do? Speed Run as fast as possible to the finish line Healthy, Active lifestyles Healthy, Active lifestyles Q. What skill related components would be best suited to a Sprinter? Speed/ Power/ Reaction Time Q. What skill related components would be best suited to a Striker in football? Speed/ Agility/ Balance / Co- ordination.
Healthy, Active lifestyles Healthy, Active lifestyles Q. Can you define ‘Agility’ and give An example of what athlete may need this component? The ability to change the position of the body quickly and to control the movement of the whole body Gymnast, Rugby player Q. Can you name the 6 components Of skilled related fitness? A. Agility, Balance, Coordination, Power, Reaction time, speed. Healthy, Active Lifestyles Healthy, Active lifestyles Q. Can you define ‘Balance’ and give An example of what athlete may need this component? The ability to retain the centre of mass of the body above the base of support. Archery (static) Basketball (dynamic) Q. Can you define ‘coordination’ and give An example of what athlete may need this component? The ability to use two or more body parts together Tennis (hand eye) Football (Foot eye)
Healthy, Active lifestyles Healthy, Active lifestyles Q. Can you define ‘Power’ and give An example of what athlete may need this component? The ability to undertake strength performances quickly. Power = strength x speed Sprinters, Athletics – Throwers, jumpers Q. Can you define ‘Reaction Time’ and give an example of what athlete may need this component? The Time between the presentation of a stimulus and the onset of movement. Sprinter, badminton Healthy, Active Lifestyles Healthy, Active lifestyles Q. Can you explain how the skills can Relate to each other? A. In football coordination to dribble the ball, speed is needed to get the ball, strength to hold off an opponent and power to get a hard shot at goal. Q. Can you define ‘Speed’ and give An example of what athlete may need this component? The differential rate at which an individual is able to perform a movement or cover a distance in a period of time. Runner, boxer