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Position Meeting Umpire - 2014 NCHSAA / IPFO News IPFO Umpire Position Assignments & Professionalism Ejections & Disqualifications Interactions with Coaches Penalties & Administration Umpire Mechanics Evaluations & Observations Judgment Q&A. NCHSAA / IPFO News.
Position MeetingUmpire - 2014NCHSAA / IPFO NewsIPFO Umpire PositionAssignments & ProfessionalismEjections & DisqualificationsInteractions with CoachesPenalties & AdministrationUmpire MechanicsEvaluations & ObservationsJudgmentQ&A
NCHSAA / IPFO News • All game fees will increase $6.00 beginning this season. • JV - $66.00 • Varsity - $76.00 • Playoffs - $86.00 • Eligibility for Assignment / Minimum Test Score • Raised to 75/ Regular Season (*Last year we had 2 officials below 75) • 80 / Class 1 or 2 for Playoffs • POD seeding in all sports has been discontinued • Seeds will be placed on brackets and teams will travel based on those seeds and not within geographic parameters. • E-Cigarettes • Added to the Tobacco/Alcohol/Controlled Substances area for coaches, players and officials. Don’t use them on school property. • HUDL • The IPFO now belongs to NCHSAA West. (Metrolina, North State, Southwestern, Western Carolina) • Important Dates: • First day of “7on7” workouts – June 17 • NCHSAA rules clinic – July 30 (Maiden HS @ 6:30PM) • IPFO association meeting – August 3 (Ashe Co. HS @ 2:00PM) • First day for scrimmages – August 11 • First regular season game – August 22 • First round of playoffs – November 14
IPFO Umpire Position • The Umpire position is one of analysis and advise, it’s unique. • An effective Umpire will analyze activity and advise the Referee when things are out of the ordinary. • The Umpire observes the behavior of the line play and thus controls the demeanor of the game. • The Umpire communicates with the players: • Keeps their mind on football. • Knowing penalty administration is expected, particularly yardage mark-off. • A supervisory type attitude is required. AS AN OFFICIAL MATURES AND GROWS WISER HE TALKS LESS AND SAYS MORE.
Assignments & Professionalism • Allassignments are put together with a purpose. • Assignments are made based on what the RSO believes is in the best interest of the crew, the schools involved, and the IPFO. • The RSO knows where the skeletons are buried. • Crew members have the right to be placed in a setting that will allow them to work their game without distractions or negativity. • Any official that elects to openly complain about his or someone else's assignment, the crew makeup, or make comments that are destructive to the Association as a whole, that official will no longer be assigned by the IPFO for the remainder of the season and will have lost my confidence in him. • Simply put, “Cancers will be removed”. TREAT YOUR CREW AS AVERAGE AND THEY WILL REMAIN AVERAGE; TREAT THEM THE WAY YOU WANT THEM TO BE AND THEY WILL BECOME SO.
Ejections & Disqualifications • Once a player is given an ejection or a disqualification, regardless of the level of play, it: • Must be properly identified as either a “disqualification” or an “ejection” before notifying the Head Coach. Have a discussion with the Referee before escorting the player from the field of play. • Avoid embarrassment, be sure of your call. • Properly determine if it fails to meet the NCHSAA sportsmanship ideals. • Must be enforced on the field of play at the time of the infraction. • Both the Referee and the ejecting Official to notify the Head Coach • If the Referee is the penalizing official, the closest wing official to witness notification. • Opposite wing official to notify the other Head Coach of the removed player’s status. Don’t get into specifics. • Must be promptly reported to the NCHSAA on the web site. (Within 24 hours / $100.00 fine) Once reported, copies go to: • NCHSAA Supervisor of Officials • Athletic Director & Principal of Penalized Player’s School • IPFO Regional Supervisor of Officials
Ejections & Disqualifications • Steps to file a report • 1. Go to www.nchsaa.org • 2. Hover mouse over the heading “Officials” • 3. Click “Ejection/DQ report” • 4. Click the link that says “ Official-Player-Coach Ejection-Disqualification Report” • 5. Select which report (click either ejection OR disqualification) • 6. Fill out all areas of the report • 7. Click Submit • 8. You will receive a confirmation email that reads, “Thanks for submitting your report………. “
Ejections & Disqualifications • If you have a unique ejection(s), please let the RSO know. Examples: Head Coach ejection; bench clearing fight; you’re not sure • Ejection Criteria - Examples of conduct that will result in an ejection: • Fighting • Flagrant Contact • Leaving the bench area- coming on to playing area when there is a fight • Biting observed or determined by an official • Taunting, baiting, spitting toward an opponent or official • Profanity (directed at opponent or official) • Obscene Gestures • Disrespectfully addressing an official • Disqualification Criteria -Examples of conduct that will result in a disqualification: • Second unsportsmanlike foul in contest
Interactions with Coaches • A coach does not think as an official does, and they don’t react to situations as you would. Coaches are partisan. • Use care when you select your words with a coach. Be direct and precise, particularly if the coach is upset. • Do not try to be funny, use sarcasm or similar choices of words when addressing a coach or player. • Usethe brief officials conference after a score to get messages to the coach if needed. • You don’t have to tolerate unsportsmanlike conduct directed at you from any coach or player. Be clear in your mind that there is a violation, then act accordingly. Don’t react without taking pause first, particularly if a call is being debated. IF YOU TRY TO STRETCH THE TRUTH WHEN COMMUNICATING WITH A COACH, IT CAN BECOME FICTION.
Penalties & Administration • Fouls Prior to the Snap – Secure the ball, establish the offending team, then mark off the penalty. The Referee will only give one signal. • Give Stationary & Precise Signals – Do not move when you are giving signals. • Crew Consultation – Don’t just react. When there are penalties involving double fouls, fouls during scoring plays, fouls during turnovers……….discuss the administration with the Referee and othersin the crew. This is a crew decision and it must be correct. • Know Penalty Administration – Know penalty administration backwards & forwards, particularly when scoring plays are involved. Always ask yourself: • Live or dead? • Loose or in player possession? • Scoring play? • Change of possession? • Special administration? WHEN YOU HAVE ONE OF THOSE “WHEN IN DOUBT” CALLS, USE COMMON SENSE AND DON'T CREATE A NEW PROBLEM.
Mechanics • Coin Toss • Taking a Knee: • Don’t tell players that they can’t rush, remind them not to do something stupid. The snap could be mishandled. Know the situation, score, and the implications. • Protect the snapper. Although he is not given specific protections in this case, he can be vulnerable. Protect him within the rules. • Obtaining the Ball Between Downs: • Allow the Back Judge or Referee to get you the ball from the side zone. • Don’t wander but a step or two from the hash mark unless it’s necessary to separate players or cover the ball during a dead ball interval. • Do not turn your back to the ball after the RFP whistle. • Marking Off Penalties: • Step off penalty from the flag, previous, or succeeding spot, regardless of where it is between the sidelines. • If the mark-off is in the side zone, move up the field with the necessary yardage, square off and move to the inbound spot. • Do not mark off using “yard” steps. • Using the Linesman: • With respect to 5 yard penalty/first down situations, HL will signal position of the down marker vs. tape on chain with one hand on leg. (Marker is either beyond or behind tape.)
Mechanics • Working Your Position • Remain on the sideline during a kickoff unless the ball is on the opposite side of the field. At that point, you can move no further than the bottom of the numbers. • Remain over the ball until the RFP whistle is blown, or the Referee releases you to your position. • Initial positioning is 4-7 yards away from the LOS. If a DB can’t see the QB/LOS, you move, don’t tell him to. • Setting up in the side zone is permissible when the ball is snapped from a hash. • Read the formation in order to anticipate the POA. • Read the Wings signals regarding illegal formation. • Shade on LJ side of football prior to FG & PAT attempts. • *NCHSAA Mercy Rule • Removes the conflict of how to “control” the clock when the game score is “out-of-control”. • Point differential of 42 or more by halftime. • Start of the second half and any point thereafter, the game will resort to a “running clock” or be terminated by mutual agreement. • The clock will only stop for charged timeouts, injuries and scores. • The “try for point” will always be an un-timed down. • The clock will start when the ball is legally touched on the kickoff. • The clock will start on the snap after a timeout.
Evaluations vs Observations • Observations made by Technical Advisors: • An “observation” is the result of a TA’s comments after reviewing a play on a HUDL video. • TA Video review Report • Each play is reviewed with the purpose of identifying your performance within a 6-12 second interval, that’s it. Nothing is assumed, nothing is implied. • When appropriate the TA will highlight both positives and negatives. (Think of it as a practice exam.) • Evaluations made by Technical Advisors: • Are made when a TA attends a game and witnesses your entire body of work. (Pre and post game, live and dead ball intervals) • Are used for post-season assignments. • New format will be used which minimizes gray areas in TA grading. Evaluation Form • Average evaluation score of 130 or more will make the official eligible for the final three rounds of the playoffs. (150 max.) OFFICIALS WISHING TO IMPROVE LISTEN CLOSELY TO OBSERVERS WHILE TAKING ADVANTAGE OF PROFITING FROM PRAISE AND ACCEPTING CRITICISM.
Officiating Judgment • Every Official Must Do His Best to Exercise Proper Judgment • The difference between a good official and a great official is being in proper position and exercising proper judgment regardless of the game situation. • If avideo shows something that was thought to be missed, the RSO/TA may point it out on the report for you to review. • Judgment will not be second-guessed when the official is properly positioned to make the call. Remember: You own the call. • You may be asked to explain your judgment so the RSO/TA can understand your position in what you saw. This is important when a coach/school complains about a call or how your evaluation is prepared. • The camera doesn’t have your angle. • Your decision is made within seconds and you don’t have the luxury of slow motion or replay. • Honesty with yourself is important. If your judgment was wrong on a particular play, analyze it, learn from it and move on. That’s all that can be asked of you. Mistakes are made, your job is to reduce the number of them. • Judgment can’t be taught, but proper mechanics can be.