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Simple, timely and actionable information improves commercial office building performance

Simple, timely and actionable information improves commercial office building performance. Craig Roussac, Investa Property Group. After initial improvements, rate generally slows. Natural Gas 49 percent reduction since 2003/04. Electricity 30 percent reduction since 2003/04. MJ/m2. kWh/m2.

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Simple, timely and actionable information improves commercial office building performance

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Simple, timely and actionable informationimproves commercial office building performance Craig Roussac, Investa Property Group

  2. After initial improvements, rate generally slows Natural Gas 49 percent reduction since 2003/04 Electricity 30 percent reduction since 2003/04 MJ/m2 kWh/m2 Greenhouse Emissions 31 percent reduction since 2003/04 Water 43 percent reduction since 2003/04 kg.CO2/m2 L/m2

  3. Our best buildings follow a similar pattern

  4. Similar buildings, almost identical jobs, different outcomes… ‘Operator-Factor’ seems to be important ~20% reduction ~50% reduction

  5. Heading

  6. DEFRA’s Seven Population Segments (DEFRA, 2008)

  7. Research about (residential) energy feedback systems tells us • Direct in-home energy feedback systems canmotivate consumer behaviour change, resulting in energy savings ranging up to 20 percent. • Successful feedback has to: • capture the consumer’s attention, • link specific actions to their effects, and • activate various motives. • If this is the case, then different characteristics of the feedback itself become relevant, among them: • frequency, • content, • breakdown, • presentation, • inclusion of comparisons, and • combination with additional information and other instruments. (Darby, 2010; DECC, 2009; Fischer, 2008)

  8. How does Pulse work? INCOMING DATA 1,3,3,3,23,4,35,3,535,234,4,43,234,233,984 1,3,3,3,23,4,35,3,535,234,4,43,234,233,984 MODELLING PULSE DATABASE DAILY PULSE EMAILS BUILDING OPERATORS AND ENERGY EXPERTS ONLINE DATA VISUALISATIONS

  9. A ‘steady state’ base is required for meaningful analysis

  10. Simple email messages on a daily basis

  11. Early results are encouraging (Source: Investa Sustainability Institute)

  12. Impact of well-targeted fine-tuning can be profound Building D4NMI Data for Yesterday (Monday 27 August 2012) and its Closest Like Weather Day (Tuesday 10 July 2012) (Source: Investa Sustainability Institute)

  13. Pulse: fuel for a virtuous cycle?

  14. Conclusion • Here is our specification for a ‘best practice’ approach to improving building energy efficiency. It should build from a base of highly effective metering and monitoring tools that will allow: • utility usage profiles to be scrutinised in detail; • learning opportunities (anomalies between predicted and actual impacts as well as ‘cause-effect’) to be identified; • collaborative team-based problem solving to be fostered; • the success of interventions to be measured - holistically; • ongoing performance and repeat behaviours to be monitored and reinforced; and, • a detailed account to be accessible to an audience of interested observers. 14

  15. For further information www.investa.com.au/sustainability/ [www.greenbuildingsalive.com] [www.isi.org.au] 15

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