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Typical variability dynamics of injected insulin Glargine (Lantus).

Explore the kinetics and dynamics of Afrezza insulin therapy compared to other rapid-acting analog insulins, providing valuable insights for diabetes management.

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Typical variability dynamics of injected insulin Glargine (Lantus).

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Figure 1: Patient inhaling Afrezza. The other two photos are of the device (open) and with the cartridge.

  2. Figure 2: Kinetics of the Phase 1 and Phase 2 insulin releases from the pancreas of a healthy person (in response to a glucose spike) and the sum of the two curves.

  3. Figure 3: Comparison of the pharmacokinetics of Afrezza to that of Rapid Acting Analog Insulin and to the pancreatic response to a spike of glucose.

  4. Figure 4: Pharmacodynamics of Afrezza, Rapid Acting Analog Insulin and Regular Human Insulin as commercially sold.

  5. Figure 5: Graphic illustrating how the late postprandial persistence of RAA Insulin causes hyperinsulinemia and a substantial drop in glucose, which offsets the high prandial peak that can lead to an average glucose below baseline and a misleading HbA1c. Also shown is the above baseline average glucose of an insulin such as Afrezza without the late persistence.

  6. Typical variability dynamics of injected insulin Glargine (Lantus).

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