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Independent SRTP Consultants

Independent SRTP Consultants. 1. Introduction. Robin Crellin. Management of a Social Responsibility Programme that includes Biodiversity Clients include BAT and 3 other large Manufacturers. 2. What is SRTP?. “Social Responsibility in Tobacco Production”

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Independent SRTP Consultants

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Independent SRTP Consultants 1

  2. Introduction Robin Crellin • Management of a Social Responsibility Programme that includes Biodiversity • Clients include BAT and 3 other large Manufacturers 2

  3. What is SRTP? “Social Responsibility in Tobacco Production” A systematic and continuous approach to the improvement in Social Responsibility standards amongst tobacco suppliers. Based on BAT’s own “in-house” procedures for its own leaf Suppliers (no “double standards”). Constructed around Road Maps, Action Plans and On-Site Reviews. Emerging from an Earthwatch review of BAT’s own leaf Operations in East Africa in 1999. Revised in 2005 to include Biodiversity overtly (rather than implicitly as in original). 3

  4. The 2005 Revisions • Reflect current policy • Introduce more measurables (‘metrics’) to ensure greater understanding of progress expected • Create clearer differentiation between levels • Extend range of Road Map elements to further clarify contemporary needs • Include elements of biodiversity 4

  5. The New 2005 Road Map Elements • 1. SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY POLICY ROAD MAP • 1. Formal Statement of the Group of Companies • 2. Formal Statement of each Company • 2. INTEGRATED CROP MANAGEMENT ROAD MAP • 1. Tobacco Seed Quality Assurance • 2a. Integrated Pest Management (IPM) • 2b. IPM Safety • 3. Soil Resource Protection • 4. Water Resource Protection • 5a. Use of Wood and Other Fuels • 5b. Use of Wood for Tobacco Barn Construction • 6. Biodiversity • 7. Farmer Training • TOBACCO PROCESSING ROAD MAP • 1. Occupational Environment • 2. External Environmental Impact • 3. Safety • 4. Fire Prevention • 5. First Aid, Medical Examination and Care • 6. Sub-Contractors and Visitors • 7. Vehicles • SOCIO-ECONOMIC FACTORS ROAD MAP • 1. Minors in Crop Production • 2. Farmers Standard of Living • 3. Capacity Building in Processing and Extension Services 5

  6. Rating Criteria of the Road Maps Poorly managed Reactive Management to best International practice standards management Responds to disaster but does not plan Adequate and proactive risk management but does not manage all risks systematically Highrisk 4 4 3 2 1 6

  7. Biodiversity Road Map Wording 7

  8. The Action Plan A bulleted list of specific Actions to be taken that can be ticked off as completed, and which will lead from the current level towards the next level up. 8

  9. The On-Site Review Two days, with a team of two, one day mainly focussed on Agronomy, the other on Processing and Policy. Evaluation based on hard evidence only – what you see and the documents you read. Most specifically NOT an audit, which would require a larger team for a week to cover certain map elements only. Objective is to determine whether Self-Assessment is being conducted accurately. Secondary objective is to advise, explain and ensure proper understanding of issues and procedures. 9

  10. Outcomes Manufacturer obliges its Suppliers to participate in the SRTP Programme and demonstrate continuous improvement Reviews verify that the improvements are being delivered and Returns are accurate Annual reports from LeafTc concerning Self-Assessment Returns and Reviews quantify the raising of standards Average level has risen from 2.5 to 3.0 between 2000 and 2004 - from “Reactive+” to “Pro-active” – but not (yet) to “Best Practice” Levels achieved can be linked to specific outcomes for each Map Element by revisiting the Road Map requirement for each level 10

  11. Only Tobacco? • The System rarely refers to tobacco specifically and should be applicable: • in whole, to any crop which undergoes subsequent processing • in part, to the growing of any crop • in part, to the activities of any processing plant • LeafTc seek to diversify their activities outside of tobacco. 11

  12. The Challenge • LeafTc expects many Suppliers to forge links with local NGOs to enable these Suppliers: • to identify suitable indicator species and methods • to conduct monitoring programmes • to provide data on the growing region to the NGO • BUT • LeafTc looks to the Partnership to provide this assistance to Suppliers who operate where there are no appropriate local NGOs 12

  13. The Opportunities • Impact on biodiversity in Tobacco production areas: • - circa 150 Tobacco Suppliers in circa 50 countries around the world • - linked to circa 1,000,000 growers (with extremes of smallholders and large sophisticated farmers) • - with a structured and monitored SRTP (including biodiversity) • 2. Diversification to other crops/industries: • - LeafTc needs links into other Agro-industries • - SR(T)P programme can then be diversified • - this structured and monitored SR(T)P (including biodiversity) can be promoted more widely and possibly avoid “audit fatigue”. 13

  14. Contact Us Thank you for your time, and we hope that this presentation has been useful to you, and that you can assist us in grasping the opportunities! For more information about LeafTc or any of the topics covered today, please contact: Robin Crellin 01202 701889 www.leaftc.com robin@leaftc.com 14

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