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Chicago . DØ. Tevatron. Main Injector. New Electroweak Results from DZero. Z -> tt Observation and Cross Section times Branching Fraction Diboson Studies: W g , Z g , WW, WZ. “Wine + Cheese” January 28, 2005. For the D Ø Collaboration. Tom Diehl
Chicago DØ Tevatron Main Injector New Electroweak Results from DZero • Z -> tt Observation and Cross Section times Branching Fraction • Diboson Studies: Wg, Zg, WW, WZ “Wine + Cheese” January 28, 2005 For the DØ Collaboration Tom Diehl Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
Outline • DØ Run II Data • The DØ Detector • Inner tracker, calorimeter, & muon systems • s*Br(Z->tt) at 1.96 TeV • Motivation • Event Selection • Tau reco, classification, & ID • Cross Section measurement • Dibosons: WW, WZ, Wg, Zg • Motivation • WWg and WWZ Couplings & Anomalous Couplings • WW (Dileptons) • Cross Section @ 1.96 TeV • WZ (Trileptons) • Limit on s(WZ)s(WZ), and AC limits. • Wg in e and m channels • Wg Cross Section, Photon ET Spectrum, and limits on AC. • Progress on Rad. Zero • Zg in ee and mm channels • Zg Cross Section, Photon ET Spectrum, Event Characteristics, and limits on ZZg and Zgg AC. • Summary
The DZero Collaboration • 19 Countries • 86 institutions • ~620 physicists
DZero Run II Data • ~700 pb-1 pp collisions at sqrt(s) = 1960 GeV since the start of Run II. • Since the end of the 2004 shutdown the Tevatron has returned to high-performance operation. • Stores routinely in the 80-100e30 cm-1 s-1 range. • Peak luminosity increases due to effort in A.D. • Challenges DZero to adapt to increasingly higher luminosities • Trigger List • Reconstruction • So far, so good. pp collisions at sqrt(s) = 1960 GeV 650 pb-1 Analyzed to here: 520 pb-1 Monthly Eff’y
SMT SMT SMT The DZero Detector in Run II: Inner Tracker Tracker
The DZero Detector in Run II: Calorimeter Fine Longitudinal and Transverse Segmentation • Fitted Z(ee) peak has 3.7 GeV/c2 mass resolution in Run II.
No Shielding D0 Shielding The DZero Detector in Run II: MUONS • Fitted Z(mm) peak has 8.1 GeV/c2 mass resolution in Run II. Simulation m’s in Central Scint. Counters Run II Data Unbiased Triggers t(ns) Run II Run Ia
Physics Motivation • Test consistency of SM couplings to all leptons • Benchmark our level of understanding of the experiment. • Tau is most difficult lepton to ID • Develop Tau ID, Efficiencies, backgrounds • We use this signal to tune up our triggers and algorithms for non-SM searches such as • certain parts of SUSY space • New Phenomena such as heavy resonances that decay with enhanced coupling to 3rd generation. • What do we know about this? • NNLO calculation* predicts s(Z) =242+-9 pb. • Br(Z->tt) is well measured. *from Hamberg, van Neervan, and Matsura, Nucl. Phys. B359, 343 (1991), using CTEQ6L
The analysis is complicated. Start Divide Events into OS and SS (For BKGD Estimate) Lepton Pairs Preselection: single muon events Reconstruct taus Final Event Selection Classify tau candidates Extract Cross Section
Event Selection Tau Decay Signature • L=226 pb-1DL/L = 6.5% For reference: • One t must decay to mnn. • Event Selection startswith an isolated muon • One m w/ pT(m)>12 GeV/c • This muon carries the sign of it’s tau lepton • The other t can go to any of 3 decay modes
Cones of size R=0.3 and 0.5 Charged Particle I.P. Reconstruct Tau Candidates • Start with the Calorimeter • CAL. ET (R=0.5) > 5 GeV & ET (R=0.3) > 3 GeV • Taus have narrow jets • Then use the Tracker • N(tracks w/ pT>1.5 GeV/c in the narrow cone) > 0 • Start with the highest pT track • If there’s a second track such that Mass(2-tracks)<1.1 GeV/c2, add that track to the tau list • If a third track such that Mass(3-tracks)< 1.7 GeV/c2, add it unless total charge = 3 or -3. • If total charge = 0, discard the tau candidate. • Require |f(m)-f(t)| > 2.5 (These are low pT Z’s) • Reconstruct EM subclusters with ET > 800 MeV
“One-Prong + EM” “One-prong” “Multi-Prong” TRK + CAL Type 1 no TRK, but EM sub-cluster o Type 2 TRK + CAL • 1 TRK + wide CAL cluster Type 3 Tau Identification: Classification • Classify the tau candidates into three types • “One-prong”, a single track w/ no EM subclusters • “One-prong” + EM, a single track w/ EM subclusters (cleanest) • “Multi-prong”, more than one track And there are selection criteria discriminating them from each other And rejecting background.
“One-Prong + EM” “One-prong” “Multi-Prong” TRK + CAL Type 1 no TRK, but EM sub-cluster o Type 2 TRK + CAL • 1 TRK + wide CAL cluster Type 3 Gets rid of events w/ extra m’s Tau Identification: Classification • Classify the tau candidates into three types • “One-prong”, a single track w/ no EM subclusters • “One-prong” + EM, a single track w/ EM subclusters (cleanest) • “Multi-prong”, more than one track
“One-Prong + EM” “One-prong” “Multi-Prong” TRK + CAL Type 1 no TRK, but EM sub-cluster o Type 2 TRK + CAL • 1 TRK + wide CAL cluster Type 3 Gets rid of events w/ extra m’s Tau Identification: Classification • Classify the tau candidates into three types • “One-prong”, a single track w/ no EM subclusters • “One-prong” + EM, a single track w/ EM subclusters (cleanest) • “Multi-prong”, more than one track • No attempt to separate hadron channels from electron channels. • At this point we have the charge sign of m and t.
Jet-Background • 1 TRK + wide CAL cluster + EM sub-cluster o q o Tau Identification: Neural Network • Divide 29,021 events into SS and OS lepton-lepton candidates. • We still have a large background from multijets. Jets tend to • be wider than t’s • have higher track multiplicity • have higher mass than M(t) • be less isolated from other hadronic energy than are tau’s from Z’s. • A Feed-forward neural network • 8 input nodes (each a new criteria), a single hidden layer with 8 more nodes, and a single output (the answer). Not all inputs for all tau types. • Train the 3 types separately on expected signal and backgrounds. “One-Prong”+ EM “One-Prong” “Multi-Prong” “All Types”
Tau Identification: # Candidates TOTAL Number of Events • Events predicted and events observed before and after P(NN)>0.8 criteria for all 3 types. • QCD background is scaled from same-sign data • The other bkgds and expected Z(tt) from MC. • Eff’y(NN)=0.78 Signal/Bkgd ~ 0.82 • #Z(tt) Observed = 865+-55 after M(tt)>60 GeV/c2 • P Eff’y = 1.52% for M(tt) > 60 GeV/c2. Before NN QCD 13881+-264 Z/g -> mm 100+-24 W->mn 434+-153 Z/g*->tt 1174+-43 SUM 15589+-309 OS Events 15911 QCD 984+-46 Z/g -> mm 70+-16 W->mn 58+-20 Z/g*->tt 914+-24 SUM 2026+-57 OS Events 2008 After NN • type contribution to signal: 13% Type1, 58% Type 2, 29% Type 3
ET(t) ET(t) PT(m) PT(m) Systematic Uncertainties UNCERTAINTY IN • Energy scale 2.5% • NN MC inputs 2.6% • Backgrounds 4.6% • PDF’s 1.7% • Eff’y & Accept. 2.6% • Trigger Eff’y 3.5% • Total 7.5% • Figures show ET(t) and pT(m) for: Z->tt MC vs. background subtracted data
Cross Section Calculation • For m(tt)>60 GeV/c2 • After removing the g* contribution Theory: Matsura + van Neervan Submitted to PRL. hep-ex/0412020 FERMILAB-PUB-04/381-E
What else can we say about Taus? • Z->tt mass peak • We can find states that decay to tau’s. • Not some other large source of tau pairs. • Searches for Higgs, SUSY etc with tau final states are available and more are coming • Lepton Universality • Use DØ’s Run II preliminary muon and electron results Upper Left: Mass(m,t) for Bkgd vs. Signal MC for type 1 and type 2 tau tracks Upper Right: Mass(m,t) for (OS events - Bkgd) vs Signal MC 1.96 TeV
Dibosons (Outline) • Dibosons: WW, WZ, Wg, Zg • Motivation • WWg and WWZ Couplings & Anomalous Couplings • WW Dileptons • Cross Section @ 1.96 TeV • WZ Trileptons in Run II • Limit on s(WZ), s(WZ), and AC limits. • Wg in e and m channels • Wg Cross Section, Photon ET Spectrum, and limits on AC. • Progress on Rad. Zero • Zg in ee and mm channels • Zg Cross Section, Photon ET Spectrum, Event Characteristics, and limits on ZZg and Zgg Anomalous Couplings.
Dibosons: Introduction • Motivations • Multiple vector bosons provide a high-pT Standard Model process with a cross section and interesting physics • Cross sections are useful for New Phenomena search analyses. • a SM parameter to measure: the gauge boson “self-couplings” SM Higgs Branching Fractions • More Motivation • We are on the lookout for very massive particles that decay to the heaviest gauge bosons. • Like the Higgs. • Or the Higgs that doesn’t decay to fermions. • Or whatever. hep-ph/9704448
WWgCoupling WWZ Coupling t-channel u-channel s-channel WWg and WWZ Couplings • Self-interactions are direct consequence of the non-Abelian SU(2)L x U(1)Y gauge symmetry. SM specific predictions. • Cancellation of t- and u-channel by s-channel amplitude removes tree-level unitarity violation (in Wg, WW, and WZ, too). Textbook example • t-channel: At high energy limit and with massless quarks (simpler calculation). s violates unitarity. • s-channel: Term of opposite sign cancels unitarity violating part.
WWg and WWZ Anomalous Couplings • Characterized by effective Lagrangian • 5 CP Conserving SM Parameters: lZ = 0 lg = 0 DkZ = 0 Dkg= 0 (Dk = k-1) Dg1Z = 0 (Dg1Z = g1Z -1) In Wg production, only the WWg couplings. In WZ, only WWZ couplings. In WW, both and one has to make an assumption as to how they are related. W+ Boson Static Properties mW =e(1+k+l) / 2MW QeW = - e (k-l) / M2W
WW Production Effect of Non-SM WWg and WWZ Couplings • Cross section increases especially for High ET bosons (W/Z/g). • Unitarity Violation avoided by introducing a form-factor scale L, modifying the A.C. at high energy. e.g.: # Events/20 GeV/c PT(W) (s^(0.5)=1800 GeV)
Anomalous Couplings – LEP and Tevatron • DØ and CDF put limits on anomalous WWg and WWZ Couplings in Run 1. • WWg and WWZ couplings from WW • WWg couplings from Wg analyses * • WWZ couplings from WZ * • DØ Combined Wg, WW, WZ (1999) Tightest from the Tevatron • LEP Combined (1D 95% CL) LEP EWK Working Group hep-ex/0412015 “HISZ” SU(2)xU(1) coupling relations *(complementary in several ways) Didn’t use a form-factor dependence in their couplings.
Dileptons Lepton+jets All-jets emnn and mmnn en+jets, mn+jets All-jets Br = 2.5 and 1.2% Br = 15% Br = 47% Pure and efficient Low branching Frac. Efficient Not very pure Very Efficient Never Mind WW Production and Decay • Decay Modes are named like top pairs. In fact, WW is one of the top backgrounds. Campbell & Ellis • s(WW) ~ 13.5 pb-1 at Run II Tevatron energy*. * Ohnemus (1991), (1994) and Campbell & Ellis (1999).
WW to Dileptons in Run I • WW to dileptons @ DØ and CDF • Cross section limit and anomalous coupling limits @ DØ (PRL and several PRDs) • Evidence for WW Production and anomalous coupling limits @CDF in 1997 PRL. • Leptons + jets channels provided more restrictive A.C. limits than dileptons at DØ andCDFbut we couldn’t isolate a signal from the much bigger W+jets background. 1D AC limits
D0 D0 D0 em Channel ee Channel mm Channel Run 2: WW -> Dileptons Event Selection • Preselection Criteria • Two oppositely-charged e or m w/ pT>15 GeV/c. At least one has pT>20 GeV/c. • MET > 30, 40, & 20 GeV/c2 in ee, mm, & em channels to remove Z/g*. Missing Transverse Energy After Preselection Criteria Shows agreement between data and signal plus backgrounds. mm channel
WW ->emnn Event Selection • em channel criteria • No third lepton so that 61< M(l+l-) < 121 GeV/c2. • Minimal Transverse Mass > 20 GeV/c2. • “Scaled MET” > 15 rootGeV • HT(jets w/ ET>20 &|h|<2.5) <50 GeV. • 3+ silicon hits on electron if MT(mn)~MT(W). • Background is 3.81+-0.17 events and is 71% W+j or g. • Eff’y is 15.4+-0.2%. • Expected signal is 11.1+-0.1 events. • 15 Candidates Observed. REMOVES WZ & ZZ multijets & Z/g* All Cuts except MT(min) Z/g* ->tt D0 Top pairs Wg
WW (Dileptons) Quick Summary • The dielectron and dimuon channels have selection criteria along the same lines but with much more emphasis on rejecting Z bosons. • As a result, the efficiency isn’t as high in these channels as in electron+muon.
WW Cross Section – Systematic Unc’ys • These are mostly correlated between channels (horizontally). • These are added in quadrature for each channel (vertically). Bottom Line Systematic Unc’y: +8.7% -6.5%
WW-> Dileptons Cross Section • For each channel • We combine channels to extract s as minimum in D0
WW-> Dileptons Cross Section • Submitted to PRL hep-ex/0410066 CDF Run II: hep-ex/0501050 Also submitted to PRL
Trileptons Lepton+jets All-jets e’s and m’s e+jets, m+jets All-jets Br = 15% Br = 49% Br = 1.5% Efficient Not very pure Use B-tagging Very Efficient Never Mind Pure and efficient Very Low branching Frac. • Measure s(WZ) with “trileptons” • “Leptons + jets” is stepping stone for WH where H decays to bb. WZ Production and Decay • s(WZ) ~ 4.0 pb at Run II Tevatron energy. Campbell & Ellis
WZ @ Tevatron in Run I • DØ Trileptons Results (92 pb-1) • mnee and enee channels • 1 candidate w/ background of 0.50+-0.17 events (mostly Z+jets). • Expected 0.25+-0.02 WZ events • Model independent limits on Anomalous WWZ couplings in 1999 PRD. • DØ + CDF Results (leptons + jets) • Cannot distinguish between W+jets, WW, and WZ in those analyses. • Limits on anomalous WWg and WWZ couplings using the ET spectrum of the dijets from WW and WZ combined. • 1996 PRL (CDF) and 1996 + 1997 PRLs (DØ) and several PRD’s -> 1999 (DØ) 1D limits
32222 entries 24552 entries Run 2: WZ -> Trileptons Event Selection • At least 2 isolated e’s and/or m’s with ET>15 GeV that make a Z boson • 71<M(ee)<111 GeV/c2 or 50<M(m+m-)<130 GeV/c2. • A third isolated e or m with Et>15 GeV • DR(leptons)>0.2 mm Identify a Z boson Only 65 events with 3 ee Rejects Brems, W/Z+g, Z->taus WZ efficiency after these criteria is ~15%.
WZ -> Trileptons Event Selection + BKGD. • MET>20 GeV • ET(had) < 50 GeV Z/g*+jet Background M.C. WZ (Z->mm) * 3e Event For a W boson Remove Top with B-> isol. lepton DiElectron Channel MET • Background (Mostly Z+X) Total = 0.71+-0.08 bkgd.expected. • 2 mmmn and 1 eeen Candidates WZ efficiency after these criteria is ~13%. M(ll) *s(ZZ)=1.43 pb (Ellis+Campbell,Ohnemus)
WZ -> Trileptons Event Selection + BKGD. • MET>20 GeV • ET(had) < 50 GeV Z/g*+jet Background M.C. WZ (Z->mm) * 3m Events For a W boson Remove Top with B-> isol. lepton MET Dimuon Channel • Background (Mostly Z+X) Total = 0.71+-0.08 bkgd.expected. • 2 mmmn and 1 eeen Candidates WZ efficiency after these criteria is ~13%. M(ll) *s(ZZ)=1.43 pb (Ellis+Campbell,Ohnemus)
WZ Cross Section • Cross section limit Combined Ln(Likelihood) D0 Prelim. • “Evidence” for WZ Production • P(0.71 bkgd) -> 3 Candidates is 3.5% • Interpreting the Events as Signal + Background: D0 Preliminary CDF Run II: hep-ex/0501021 submitted to PRD
WWZ Anomalous Trilinear Couplings • Generate a grid of WZ MC using Hagiwara, Woodside, + Zeppenfeld LO generator => Fast Detector Simulation. • Form ln(Likelihood) for each grid point to match the observations using the BKGD-subtracted number of events. • Intersect the ln(Likelihood) with a plane at Maximum-3.0 to form 2D Limits @ 95% C.L. -Ln(Likelihood) L=1 TeV Dg1z vs. lz
WWZ Anomalous Trilinear Couplings 1D Limits (holding the other to 0) • Inner contours: our 2D limits. Outer contours are from s-matrix unitarity. • Best limits in WZ final states. • First 2D limits in Dkz vs. lz using WZ. • Best limits available on Dg1Z, Dkz, and lz from direct, model-independent measurements. • The DØ Run II 1D limits are ~ factor of 3 better than our Run I limits. DØ Preliminary 95% C.L. L=1.5 TeV L=1 TeV
Wg Production • Sensitive only to WWg couplings • Identify W boson decay to en or mn. • We don’t bother with hadronic W channel. The background from QCD photons (qq annihilation and Compton at L.O.) and from “phony” photons swamps it. • Final state radiation is sort of a “background” w/ a collinear divergence @ low-ET. Initial State Radiation Final State Radiation WWg Vertex Monte Carlo Prediction Baur & Berger (1990)
Wg @ Tevatron in Run I • D0 (1995 and 1997 PRL’s) + CDF(1995 PRL) • s agrees w/ SM and Limits on Anomalous WWg couplings using the photon ET spectrum. DR(lg)>0.7 & ET(g)> 7 GeV (CDF) DR(lg)>0.7 &ET(g)> 10 GeV (DØ) Anomalous Coupling Limits DØ Tightest WWg limits at hadron collider, (UP TO NOW)! 1D limits
Run 2: Wg Event Selection: en and mn ID a W boson • An isolated electron w/ ET>25 GeV in |h|<1.1 • MET>25 GeV • MT(en)>40 GeV/c2. • .NOT. 70<M(eg)<110 GeV/c2. • One m, isolated, w/ pT > 20 GeV/c. • MET > 20 GeV • No MT cut at this stage Eliminate Z bosons Lum’y: eg (mg):162 (134) pb-1 ID a Photon (Both Channels) ET(photon)>8 GeV DR(l,g)>0.7 |hg|<1.1 • An isolated EM object • No track match (spatial) • (Calorimeter j -width)2 < 14 cm2 • If photon has tracks in a hollow cone of size 0.05<DR<0.4 require For g within fiducial coverage, Efficiency(ID) = 0.81+-0.03
Run 2 Wg: Expected Backgrounds Wg->eng Wg->mng • W+jet (jet mimics g)* 58.7+- 4.5 61.8+-5.1 events • “leX” (Z’s) 1.7+-0.5 0.7+-0.2 • Wg->tng0.42+-0.02 1.9+-0.2 • Zg (lost lepton) 0 6.9+-0.7 Total BKGD 60.8+- 4.5 71.3+-5.2 events # Observed 112 161 candidates * Probability(jet mimics g) ~ 5x10-3 anddecreases with ET(jet). # Observed – Background = 141 Wg 1.7x as many Wg as in Run 1 1.6x as much luminosity as in Run 1 (analyzed so far)
Wg Cross Section & Event Characteristics Decay Channel eng mng Lum’y 162 (6.5%) 134 (6.5%) pb-1. # Observed 112 161 candidates Total BKGD 60.8+- 4.5 71.3+-5.2 events Eff’y*Acc. 0.023+-0.001 0.044+-0.002 Three-body Transverse Mass en channel D0 Prelim. D0 Prelim. mn channel ET(g) >8 GeV DR>0.7 D0 Prelim. 323 Candidates w/ ~114 BKGD. ~200 pb-1.DR>0.7 CDF FERMILAB-PUB-04-246-E => PRL ET(g)>7 GeV Scales adjusted to same.
Wg Anomalous Couplings • Photon ET agrees w/ S.M. (last is overflow bin). Baur + Berger MC w/ A.C. • Form a binned-likelihood based on pT(g) in a lg vs. DKg grid including bkgd on events w/ MT(3)>90 GeV/c2. Combined channels ET(g) D0 Prelim. D0 Prelim. @ 1.96 TeV 1D limits @ 95% C.L. 2D limits 1D limits Still the tightest at any Hadron Collider!
Wg Radiation Amplitude Zero • For COS(q*), the angle between incoming quark and photon in the Wg rest frame, = -1/3, SM has “amplitude zero”. • For events w/ MT(cluster)>90 GeV/c2. One could guess the Wg rest frame. We use charge-signed Dh(l,g) D0 Preliminary Muon Channel M.C. • We plot the background-subtracted muon data vs. MC Dh(l,g) => hints of the Rad. Zero. • It will help to extend the eta-coverage of electrons and especially of photons.
Zg Production Initial State Radiation Final State Radiation No SM ZZg or Zgg interaction. Monte Carlo Prediction Baur & Berger (1993) • Initial and final state radiation. • Identifying Z boson decay to e+e- or m+m- is easiest. • Zg->nng was done in Run 1A. It might be possible to do it in Z->bbar. We don’t bother with hadronic Z channel.
ZZg/Zgg Anomalous Couplings • Non-SM Characterized by an effective Lagrangian w/ 8 form-factor coupling parameters called h1V, h2V, h3V, and h4V whereV stands for g and Z. CP Violating h1V and h2V CP Conserving h3V and h4V • In SM all these couplings =0. • Transition Moments