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MEDIA STRATEGY. OBJECTIVES. Portray Kibaki and the PNU Coalition as: The leaders that can be trusted to deliver; As the promise that people can believe in; As the only option. Audience. 14.5million voters 60% under 35 old – Youth 50% are women Regions Low-income
OBJECTIVES Portray Kibaki and the PNU Coalition as: • The leaders that can be trusted to deliver; • As the promise that people can believe in; • As the only option
Audience 14.5million voters 60% under 35 old – Youth 50% are women Regions Low-income Ethnically marginalised constituencies
Choosing the battleground • Stronger and proactive communications. Need to stop responding to attacks from Opposition as this removes the focus from the issues we want aired – set our own agenda • Manage the media effectively and proactively.
Our messages need to:- • Maintain the conversion of the converted – keep sending the messages about economic recovery etc (The Track Record) • Convert the unconverted – tap into their dreams and aspirations, wealth and education (The Future) • Sow seeds of doubt in Raila and Kalonzo supporters, particularly urban ones (The Offensive) • Get the converted onto their feet and into the polling booths. Voter apathy would affect Mwai Kibaki more than the other candidates (The March Forward)
Themes • The Track Record • The Future • The Offensive • The March Forward Develop and transmit messages with these themes in mind. Read from one script.
Language Inspiring – “Biblical” language, e.g. portraying Kenya at a road junction with two roads. The narrow one which is hard at times but which leads to the “promised land” and the wide and easy one which eventually leads to disaster and ruin. Draw on the African tradition of folk tales etc to capture people’s imagination and speak to their hearts
IMAGERY Visual – Allow the listener a front row seat into the candidate’s mind and vision. Do this with an easily identifiable image. A “Kibaki” Bus. Half of the bus should be travelling on a smooth tarmacked road, the other half should be on a potholed road, showing the transition made under Kibaki’s leadership.
The Bus: Image can be used to transmit different messages • Kibaki is the driver of this progressive bus- displaying the good track record, creating a visual and emotional connection to the factual. No other driver can get Kenya to the promised land • MoU – No need for a tout, speak to the driver directly • Invite naysayers to the front of the bus to see the progress • Negatives being kicked off the bus – corruption, tribalism etc
PERSONAL APPEAL Repackaging “Wanjiku” The electorate need an invention they can identify with easily. An imaginary person who can represent them and whose dreams and aspirations match their own.
Enter Mutiso • Average Kenyan, ambitious and hard-working, rural or urban but educated. A person with aspirations for a better life. • Mutiso is on the Bus which is on the Road • When criticism is made of other, enter our “man” e.g. what has Raila/Kalonzo done for Mutiso? • Connection with all the messages, combine the Track Record, The Future, The Offensive and the March Forward
Packaging Mwai Kibaki • Age - Messages reinforcing Mr Kibaki’s ability, suitability and desire for the job. • Accessibility - Involvement in the community. Pictures of him riding in a matatu and talking to people for instance. Needs to show that he wants to be President • Company – A leader of vision, younger, more acceptable leaders and perhaps that kid who sat in for the Budget
Using emotion effectively as a message Using tactical emotional “outbursts” will portray the candidate as a man who can be passionate. People respond to those who encapsulate core characteristics of a human being, such as anger, humour and passion. Such a person is charismatic and is able to connect with other people through the medium of human nature. The electorate will feel that you understand them, that they can identify with you and that they can trust you. Anger for instance must be sincere but controlled. Gestures rather than words are a better bet, in order to avoid getting out of hand and the resultant embarrassment. Hitting the table/other hand with your fist, removing your tie in frustration at times will give the air of one who is moved by a situation. People will respond. Insults and personal attacks must be avoided at all costs.
National Issues Trust (Kibaki can be trusted, Raila & Kalonzo untrustworthy) Tribalism (Kibaki for national unity, Raila is a Kikuyu hater Unemployment (Econ. Growth under Kibaki will lead to creation of employment) Insecurity Corruption Cost of Living