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A TWO-FLUID NUMERICAL MODEL OF THE LIMPET OWC. CG Mingham, L Qian, DM Causon and DM Ingram Centre for Mathematical Modelling and Flow Analysis Manchester Metropolitan University, Chester Street, Manchester M1 5GD, U.K. M Folley and TJT Whittaker School of Civil Engineering,
A TWO-FLUID NUMERICAL MODEL OF THE LIMPET OWC CG Mingham, L Qian, DM Causon and DM Ingram Centre for Mathematical Modelling and Flow Analysis Manchester Metropolitan University, Chester Street, Manchester M1 5GD, U.K. M Folley and TJT Whittaker School of Civil Engineering, Queen’s University, Belfast
Acknowledgement • EPSRC (UK) for funding the project (grant number GR/S12333)
Background • LIMPET: a wave energy converter based on the Oscillating Water Column (OWC) principle. • LIMPET installation on Islay, Scotland (75kw). • Small scale experimental trials at Queen’s University, Belfast.
Background • The problem involves both water and air flows, wave breaking, non-sinusoidal waves, vortex formation and air entrainment. • Linear wave theory is not suitable for modelling such flow problems. • A two-fluid (water/air) non-linear model (Qian,Causon,Ingram and Mingham, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, Vol.129, no.9, 2003) has been applied in the present study.
AMAZON-SC: Numerical Wave Flume • Two fluid (air/water), boundary conforming, time accurate, conservation law based, flow code utilising the surface capturing approach. • Cartesian cut cell techniques are used to represent solid static or moving boundaries.
Governing equations • 2D incompressible, Euler equations with variable density. bis the coefficient of artificial compressibility
Discretisation • The equations are discretised using a finite volume formulation Where Qi is the average value of Q in cell i (stored at the cell centre), Vi is the volume of the cell, Fij is the numerical flux across the interface between cells i and j and and Dlj is the length of side j.
Convective fluxes • The convective flux (Fij) is evaluated using Roe’s approximate Riemann solver. • To ensure second order accuracy, MUSCL reconstruction is used where (x,y) is a point inside the cell ij, r is the coordinate vector of (x,y) relative to ij and DQij is the slope limited gradient.
Time discretisation The implicit backward Euler scheme is used together with an artificial time variable t (to ensure a divergence free velocity field) and a linearised RHS. The resulting system is solved using an approximate LU factorisation.
Computer Implementation • A Jameson-type dual time iteration is used to eliminate at each real (outer) iteration. • The code vectorises efficiently with simulations typically taking about three hours to run on an NEC SX6i deskside supercomputer.
Boundary Conditions • Seaward boundary – a solid moving paddle (boundary) is used to generate waves (wave-maker). • Atmospheric boundary – a constant atmospheric pressure gradient is applied. Spray and water passing out of this boundary are lost from the computation. • Landward boundary – a solid wall boundary condition is used for the landward end of the domain. • Bed and wave power device – modelled using Cartesian cut cell techniques.
Cartesian Cut Cell Method • Automatic mesh generation • Boundary fitted • Extends to moving boundaries
Cartesian Cut Cells • Input vertices of solid boundary (and domain)
Cartesian Cut Cells • Input vertices of solid boundary (and domain) • Overlay Cartesian grid
Cartesian Cut Cells • Input vertices of solid boundary (and domain) • Overlay Cartesian grid • Identify Cut Cells and compute intersection points.
Wave Generation • Waves are generated using a moving paddle with prescribed velocity: U=-0.2sin(2t) • 0.3m Still Water Level; 6.0m long wave tank • Using 120x40 grid cells • 10 waves simulated, starting from still water
Wave Generation • Comparison with experimental results for free surface elevation at two locations
LIMPET OWC Simulation • Wave Conditions: Regular waves with wave length L 1.5m , period T=1.0s and still water level H = 0.15m. • Device located at about 2 wave lengths from the moving paddle • 5 seconds simulated, starting from still water
LIMPET OWC Simulation Free surface position and velocity vectors at T=4.0s
LIMPET OWC Simulation Free surface position and velocity vectors at T=4.2s
LIMPET OWC Simulation Free surface position and velocity vectors at T=4.4s
LIMPET OWC Simulation Free surface position and velocity vectors at T=4.6s
LIMPET OWC Simulation Free surface position and velocity vectors at T = 4.8s
LIMPET OWC Simulation Free surface position and velocity vectors at T = 5.0s.
Conclusions • Some initial results have been presented for simulation of LIMPET OWC device using a surface capturing method in a Cartesian cut cell framework. • The method is computationally efficient, • Capable of modelling both water and air, as well as their interface • Can handle both static and moving boundary easily. • Detailed comparisons with the small scale test from QUB using the same wave conditions are in progress. • The numerical model is generic and can be used to model a wide range of wave energy devices.