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How many “and” do you see? What would you mark during the reading period?

How many “and” do you see? What would you mark during the reading period?. A major distinction between prokaryotes and eukaryotes is the presence of membrane-bound organelles in eukaryotes.

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How many “and” do you see? What would you mark during the reading period?

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  1. How many “and” do you see?What would you mark during the reading period? A major distinction between prokaryotes and eukaryotes is the presence of membrane-bound organelles in eukaryotes. a. Describe the structure and function of TWO eukaryotic membrane-bound organelles other than the nucleus. b. Prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells have some non-membrane-bound components in common. Describe the function of TWO of the following and discuss how each differs in prokaryotes and eukaryotes. • DNA • Cell wall • Ribosomes c) Explain the endosymbiotic theory of the orgin of eukaryotic cells and discuss an example of the evidence supporting this theory.

  2. FRQ Score # of Students • 1 7 3 6 2 5 5 4 5 3 4 2 1 1 0 0 1

  3. Cells Test

  4. Worst scoring questions Q7 Q 9 Q 15 Q 26 Q 27 Q 36 Q41

  5. Corrections—5 corrections2 from worst offending, 3 other 1 A 2 A 3 A 4 D 5 C 6 A 7 E 8 D 9 E 10 E 11C 12 C 13 E 14 C 15 E 16 A 17 B 18 D 19 A 20 A 21C 22 C 23 B 24 E 25 D 26 D 27 E 28 C 29 D 30 E 31 A 32 C 33 B 34 D 35 A 36 E 37 B 38 D 39 B 40 E 41 E 42 E 43 C 44 E 45 D

  6. #7 #9—A, B or C

  7. Dispatch: Fill in Overview of Photosynthesis (Box 1)—book pg 209

  8. Thursday and Friday • Thursday—Teach yourself PHOTOSYNTHESIS • Friday—Teach yourself CELLULAR RESPIRATION ORAL EXAM—start Monday

  9. Photosynthesis

  10. Chloroplast

  11. Light Reaction 5 Complexes -PSII -Cytochrome b6f -PSI -FNR -ATP synthase 3 Carriers -Plastoquinone Qb -Plastocyanin -Ferredoxin Molecules -Photons -Chlorophyll -Protons -Water -O2 -NADP -electrons to make NADPH -ADP and Pi -ATP

  12. Overview Animation http://www.cix.co.uk/~argus/Dreambio/photosynthesis/photosynthsis%20animation.htm

  13. Light Reactions http://www.science.smith.edu/departments/Biology/Bio231/ltrxn.html Where does the light reaction occur?____________________ What starts the light reaction?__________________________ Where do the e- (electrons) come from?_____________________ What do the e- (electrons) do?____________________________ Where do the e- (electrons) end up?__________________________ When H20 is split where does the O go?______________________ When H20 is split where do the H+ (protons) go?________________ When H20 is split where do the e- (electrons) go?________________ Which photosystem comes first?______________________________ H+ (protons) travel from photosystem ___ to photosystem ______ H+ (protons) go from ___________ to _____________ in the chloroplast. When the H+ (protons) cross through ATP synthase __________ is converted into _______________. At the end of the light reaction, what molecules are made? _____________________________________ The ATPs made during the light reaction go ___________________________________________ The NADPH made during the light reaction go ___________________________________________ Draw the process

  14. Calvin Cycle http://www.science.smith.edu/departments/Biology/Bio231/calvin.html Where does the Calvin cycle take place?___________________________________________ Rubisco joins ____________________with _____________________ How many PGA’s are made?______________________________________________ What does ATP do to the PGA’s?_____________________________________________After it does this ATP becomes_____________ What does NADPH do to the PGA’s?____________________________________________After it does this NADPH becomes_____________ How many ATP and NADPH’s are needed?________________ Of the 6 G3P molecules made, only _____ becomes glucose. The other 5 become____________________ To convert G3P into RuB, __________ is needed. The ADPs made during the Calvin cycle go ________________________________ The NADP+ made during the Calvin cycle go ________________________________ What is made at the end of the Calvin cycle?_________________________________ Draw the process

  15. Narrated Photosynthesis http://vcell.ndsu.edu/animations/photosynthesis/movie-flash.htm

  16. Cellular respiration and photosynthesis quiz http://w3.dwm.ks.edu.tw/bio/activelearner/08/ch8c1.html

  17. Make a comic strip explaining photosynthesis Characters Chloroplast (stroma + thylakoid) ATP Stroma CO2 Sunlight H2) NADP+ NADPH Membrane Proteins H+ ATP synthase Glucose RuBP Rubisco Electrons O2

  18. Stomata • 90% of the plant’s water leaves through stomata • What does this mean for the plants in different biomes?

  19. ATP synthase

  20. Exit quiz a) Describe the structure and function of a chloroplast b) Describe the major events of the light reaction. c) Describe the major events of the Calvin cycle. d) Give one example of how membranes and a proton gradient are important components of the light reaction.

  21. Part 2 • http://www.phschool.com/science/biology_place/labbench/lab4/concepts2.html

  22. Part 2 Data

  23. Light reaction+ Calvin • http://highered.mcgraw-hill.com/sites/0072437316/student_view0/chapter10/animations.html# • http://www.cells.de/cellseng/1medienarchiv/Zellfunktionen/Memb_Vorg/Photosynthese/Dunkel_u_Staerke/Calvin-Benson-Zyklus/index.jsp

  24. Dispatch 1) What is the end result of photosynthesis? 2) Spliting water produces___________ 3) Describe the chloroplast 4) What pigments were described in the prelab?

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