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OptiSurface Landforming Revolutionizes Agriculture Practices

Learn about the evolution of landforming techniques and how OptiSurface technology can enhance crop yields, quality, and profits through improved water management and soil precision. Explore case studies and design options for optimal land shaping.

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OptiSurface Landforming Revolutionizes Agriculture Practices

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Presentation Transcript

  1. By Dave Cox Farmer Graeme CoxBEng (Ag) PhD

  2. Evolution of Landforming We have been landforming since agriculture began

  3. Evolution of Landforming • 1900s Dumpy & Stakes • 1970s Laserplane • 1990s Multiplane • 2000s OptiSurface* *Patent Pending

  4. Benefits of Landforming Higher Yields, Quality and Profit through • Minimised water logging • Improve infiltration uniformity • Sooner trafficability • Improved crop establishment • Improved uniformity of crop maturity • Reduced weed problems

  5. OptiSurface Landforming …provides all of the benefits of traditional laser landforming only: MUCH BETTER!! • Much cheaper (up to 80%) • Much less topsoil removal • Much faster

  6. Case Study C7 • Block: C7 Area: 92 Ha • Location: DAVCO Farming, Burdekin • Row Cropping (sugar cane) • Lateral Move Irrigation

  7. Existing Topography Note: vertical scale exaggerated x 100 C7

  8. Plane of Best Fit C7

  9. Plane of Best Fit - Cut\Fill Map C7 Cut: 791m3/ha Cost: $1,190/ha Max Cut: 0.350m

  10. OptiSurface Design Constraints Minimum Downslope: 1: 900 0.111% Maximum Downslope: 1: 300 0.333% Max. Downslope change: 1: 4000 0.025% Minimum Cross-slope: 1: -200 -0.500% Maximum Cross-slope: 1: 200 0.500% Max. Cross-slope change: 1: 1000 0.100%

  11. OptiSurface Design C7

  12. OptiSurface - Cut\Fill Map C7 Cut: 180m3/ha Cost: $270/ha Max Cut: 0.270m

  13. Long Section Plot Long section plot Downslope: 0.111% to 0.333% C7

  14. Long Section Plot Downslope: 0.050% to 1.000% C7

  15. OptiSurface - Downslope Map C7

  16. Runoff Velocity Map FLOW DIRECTION C7 Rainfall: 75mm/hr Max Velocity: 0.44m/s

  17. Runoff Depth Map FLOW DIRECTION C7 Rainfall: 75mm/hr Infiltration:0mm Max Depth: 0.170m

  18. OptiSurface - Downslope Map C7

  19. Design Surface Options • OptiSurface 1D Row drainage in one direction only • OptiSurface 2D Row drainage in two directions • OptiSurface 4D Can drain in any direction as long as it leaves the field

  20. Case Study C8 – Existing LS2 LS1 C8

  21. OptiSurface 2D Design LS2 LS1 C8

  22. Long Section 1 C8

  23. Long Section 2 C8

  24. OptiSurface 4D Design C8

  25. OptiSurface 4D Existing C8

  26. Mass Haul Optimisation • Optimise for haul distance • Reduce cost by up to 70% • Mass haul value allows for more accurate earthmoving quotes

  27. OptiSurface - Cut\Fill Map Cut: 95m3/ha Cost: $200/ha Max Cut: 0.163m B8&B9

  28. Mass Haul Optimisation

  29. Contact Us: • Contact us for a FREE Design • Phone: +61 7 4782 7575 (international) (07) 47827575 (Australia) • Email: design@optisurface.com • Visit: www.optisurface.com

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