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Join our eco-efficiency initiative to save energy and money by adopting standard energy-saving behaviors. Learn about our sustainable practices and the savings achieved through our project. Stay updated with our continuous improvement program towards eco-efficiency. Visit our website for more information.
The project • “If I switch off, I don’t waste and I don't spend money!” • For a continuous improvement towards eco-efficiency • ARPAT (Environmental Protection Agency - Tuscany Region) • Azienda USL 11 Empoli (Local Health Authority 11 of Empoli) Presentation by Sonia Cantoni Maria Grazia Petronio Sevilla 2007- Taking the Commitments to the streets
The idea………………. • February 16th • Anniversary of Kyoto Protocol • coming into force • ARPAT and Azienda USL 11 • “M'ILLUMINO DI MENO" (I LIGHT UP LESS) • ENERGY SAVING NATIONAL DAY • promoted in Italy • by “Caterpillar”, broadcasted by Radio 2 RAI Sevilla 2007- Taking the Commitments to the streets
The idea………………. • Involve our operators • in adopting a standard behavior • aimed at energy saving Sevilla 2007- Taking the Commitments to the streets
2005-2014“UNITED NATIONS DECADE OF EDUCATION FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT”Adopted by the UNCoordinated by UNESCO Sevilla 2007- Taking the Commitments to the streets
6- 12 novembre 2006UNESCO Italian National Committee “THE EDUCATION FOR SUSTAINABLE ENERGY WEEK” IN ITALY Sevilla 2007- Taking the Commitments to the streets
6- 12 novembre 2006ARPAT – AZIENDA USL 11 Empoli • “IF I SWITCH OFF, I DON’T WASTE AND I DON'T SPEND MONEY!” • IN TUSCANY REGION • objective • to generalize energy saving initiatives within environmental and sanitary agencies networks • to involve other public structures Sevilla 2007- Taking the Commitments to the streets
The Actions • - a coordination group • - the “sustainability doses” • - information to employees and to public • - participation to the Energy Saving Week (November 6th to the 12th) • - monitoring of consumption • - supply of a questionnaire regarding activated behaviors • - analysis and evaluation of data • - communication of the results and undertaken initiatives • - more shared eco-efficiency projects: for a global responsibility of public institutions Sevilla 2007- Taking the Commitments to the streets
The participation ARPA Tuscany 831 ARPA Piedmont 1500 ARPA Veneto 1200 ARPA Marches 283Tot. 3814 head and territorial offices USL 11 360 General Managership 8 decentralized offices Schools Tot. 4564 Province of Pisa – Environmental Sector Province of Florence - Environmental Sector Development Agency – Empolese Valdelsa District Tot. 179 Friends of the Earth - Florence 250 Sevilla 2007- Taking the Commitments to the streets
The behaviors Some employees show strong awareness of the value of environmental sustainability and responsibility Some sustainable practices are common and well-established but... More internal information/communication needed Sevilla 2007- Taking the Commitments to the streets
The savings • - February 16th, 2006: • 10% to 40% less in energy consumption • with an estimated reduction of the CO2 emission • of 600 Kg • - November, 2006: • 40% less in Bacci Ridolfi secondary School of Castiglionfiorentino • no significant results in other structures • why? More improvement in the eco-efficiency of equipment and structures Sevilla 2007- Taking the Commitments to the streets
The Communication • A sustainable seminar to present the results of the project (16/02/07) • - videoconference with other Agencies • - invitations only in electronic format • - public transport to the seat of the seminar • - printed matter reduced at the very least • - all records available on ARPAT and USL’s web sites • - sustainable catering CO2 emission reduction Sevilla 2007- Taking the Commitments to the streets
The programme for continuous improvement towards eco-efficiency • ARPAT • - A permanent interdisciplinary working group • - More internal communication • - A “forum” on Intranet • - New actions for eco-efficiency, depending on the available resources • - Projects shared with schools • USL • - Analysis of the environmental performance of physical structures • - Behaviors analysis of employees • - Training initiatives for general managers • - Sustainable construction: new rules towards bio and eco-sustainability • - Projects shared with schools • Synergy continues… Sevilla 2007- Taking the Commitments to the streets
In conclusion Direct environmental aspects: a keystone in the management systems of public administrations. The specific project: high degree of replicability and exportability It should become an example !!! Sevilla 2007- Taking the Commitments to the streets
Thanks for your attention www.arpat.toscana.it www.servizi.usl11.tos.it • Working group • ARPAT • Carlotta Alaura A.F. Comunicazione • Maddalena Bavazzano Direzione generale • Luigi Bellatalla Area Patrimonio, Uff. Tecn.,Prov. • Paolo Bettini Area Patrimonio, Uff. Tecn.,Prov. • Sonia cantoni Direttore Generale • Alessandro Cardia Sett.Tec. SIRA • Carmela D’Aiutolo A.F. Educazione Ambientale • Domenico D’Amico Sett. Tecn.Inn.Tecn.Sv.e Ric.Amb. • Diletta Frulli U.O Comunicazione Dip. Fi • Gaetano Licitra Sett.Tec SIRA /STePPAS • Diego Palazzuoli Sett.Tec. STePPAS • Franco Paoli A.F. Comunicazione • Simone Ricotta A.F. Educazione Ambientale • Danila Scala A.F. Epidemiologia Ambientale • USL11 Empoli • Sandra Bonistalli U.O. Educazione alla Salute • Fania Giuntoli U.O. Igiene e Sanità Pubblica • Gianluca Grassini U.O. Igiene e Sanità Pubblica • Maria Grazia Petronio U.O. Igiene e Sanità Pubblica • Erica Rossi U.O. Igiene e Sanità Pubblica Sevilla 2007- Taking the Commitments to the streets