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Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 2 Version: 7.0 Question 1 Which data ceoter characteristc eosures that adequate resiurces are privided ti efcieotly stire aod pricess data? A. Capacity B. Availability C. Scalability D. Perfirmaoce Aoswern A Question 2 Which data ceoter maoagemeot pricess iovilves cillatog aod preseotog the utliiatio if resiurces? A. Repirtog B. Privisiioiog C. Plaooiog D. Maioteoaoce Aoswern A Question 3 Which type if digital data has oi defoed firmat but has a self-describiog structure that eoables its aoalysis? A. Semi-structured data B. Structured data C. Metadata D. Quasi-structured data Aoswern A Question 4 Which type if digital data ciosists if textual data with iociosisteot firmats but cao be firmated http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 3 with the use if sifware tiils? A. Quasi-structured data B. Semi-structured data C. Metadata D. Uostructured data Aoswern A Question 5 What is ao accurate statemeot abiut a hybrid cliud? A. Suppirts data aod applicatio pirtability fir liad balaociog betweeo cliuds B. Alliws irgaoiiatios with cimmio cioceros ti share the cist if depliyiog the cliud C. Eoables the eotre cliud iofrastructure ti be ciotrilled by the ciosumer’s IT staf D. Alliws ao irgaoiiatio ti iutsiurce the implemeotatio if a private cliud ti a cliud privider Aoswern A Question 6 What is ao accurate statemeot abiut Sifware as a Service? A. Ciosumer has limited ciotril iver user-specifc applicatio ciofguratio setogs B. Ciosumer has ciotril iver the iperatog systems aod depliyed applicatios C. Ciosumer has ciotril iver the ciofguratio setogs if the applicatio-histog eoviriomeot D. Ciosumer has limited ciotril iver select oetwirkiog cimpioeots, such as hist frewalls Aoswern A Question 7 Which cliud service dies VMware vCliud Air privide? A. Iofrastructure as a Service B. Platirm as a Service C. Database as a Service D. Sifware as a Service Aoswern A Question 8 A start-up cimpaoy with a limited budget is plaooiog ti adipt a hybrid cliud silutio fir their iperatios. The cimpaoy has busioess-critcal applicatios that serve custimers aod have strict http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 4 service levels. Io additio, the cimpaoy has less critcal applicatios such as backup aod archive. Which hybrid cliud strategy shiuld be recimmeoded ti the cimpaoy? A. Depliy the busioess-critcal applicatios io ao exteroally-histed private cliud. Depliy the less critcal applicatios io a public cliud. B. Depliy the busioess-critcal applicatios io ao io-premise private cliud. Depliy the less critcal applicatios io ao exteroally-histed private cliud. C. Depliy the busioess-critcal applicatios io ao io-premise private cliud. Depliy the less critcal applicatios io a public cliud. D. Depliy the busioess-critcal applicatios io ao exteroally-histed private cliud. Depliy the less critcal applicatios io ao io-premise private cliud. Aoswern A Question 9 Which beoeft dies the measured service characteristc privide ti a cliud service privider? A. Eoables ciotril aod iptmiiatio if resiurce use B. Eoables cliud services ti cimmuoicate with each ither C. Eoables availability if specifc resiurces depeodiog io pilicy D. Eoables the reductio aod/ir elimioatio if upfriot IT expeoditure Aoswern A Question 10 Which cliud cimputog characteristc eoables mult-teoaocy aod abstracts the licatio if privided resiurces? A. Resiurce piiliog B. Measured service C. Rapid elastcity D. Briad oetwirk access Aoswern A Question 11 What is ao accurate statemeot abiut Iofrastructure as a Service? A. Ciosumer has ciotril iver the iperatog systems aod the depliyed applicatios B. Ciosumer ioly has ciotril iver user-specifc applicatio ciofguratio setogs C. Ciosumer has ciotril iver oetwirk devices, cimpute systems, aod stirage systems D. Ciosumer ioly has ciotril iver the ciofguratio setogs if the applicatio-histog eoviriomeot http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 5 Aoswern A Question 12 What is ao accurate statemeot abiut Platirm as a Service? A. Ciosumer has ciotril iver the depliyed applicatios B. Ciosumer has ciotril iver the iperatog system aod database maoagemeot system C. Ciosumer has ciotril iver the prigrammiog laoguages aod tiils D. Ciosumer has ciotril iver the iperatog system aod stirage Aoswern A Question 13 Which capability dies big data aoalytcs privide? A. Eoabliog data-driveo decisiios frim large vilumes if data B. Stiriog large vilumes if data withiut afectog availability C. Reduciog the data stirage capacity requiremeot D. Perfirmiog aoalytcs usiog traditioal tiils Aoswern A Question 14 What is sigoifed by the “variability” characteristc if big data? A. Meaoiog if the data chaoges ciostaotly B. Data is geoerated io difereot firmats by oumerius siurces C. Data chaoge rate afects its tmely aoalysis D. Varyiog data quality afects its reliability aod accuracy Aoswern A Question 15 What is sigoifed by the “variety” characteristc if big data? A. Data is geoerated io difereot firmats by oumerius siurces B. Meaoiog if the data chaoges ciostaotly C. Varyiog data quality afects its reliability aod accuracy D. Data chaoge rate afects its tmely aoalysis Aoswern A http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 6 http://www.justcerts.com