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New ideas. Shoto.so. Share your photos with those that were in the moment; effortlessly… A service that lets you upload photos of events and gatherings – letting you share instantly with those around you without any friction.
Shoto.so Share your photos with those that were in the moment; effortlessly… A service that lets you upload photos of events and gatherings – letting you share instantly with those around you without any friction. A rich platform that lets app developers make apps around your photos.
Investor Cheat Sheet Vision: Be the platform behind how people share and use their photos Brand -Shoto - is a japanese cartoon charactor as he likes to take photos - (As the Japanese do). Problem we are trying to solve: Our user share moments, trips and events with their family, friends and new people they meet often recording things via the camera on their smartphones. There is no real way for them to share this instantly and so memories get lost or “segregated” either because too much information is needed for the “sharing” or too much effort” Solution: A platform that work with Apps on your devices; uses GPS, Phonebook and your calendar to connect you with other people who you are friends with or share a network with that were also at the same place at the same time. Leap of Faith Assumptions: Growth Engine - Viral Frictionless Value - once the photos are there you can view them via a special code that is sent to your devices; no registration required, no need to add friends. As users add the app they automatically get access to all the pictures they were in as long as they upload one photo from that event (the Photo is the key to knowing they were there). Platform Effect - Other applications can be built around this such as gifts, souvenirs but also selling of photos. Timeline of your children's photos, see how you grow type apps, montage creation. Monetisation- Use for office pictures when album size is greater than x or for high quality storage. App revenue for manipulation of the photos. • Monetization Possibilities: • Premium Service (better quality storage, more pictures) • App Exchange for Picture Apps • Creation of Memorabilia from the moments
Investor Cheat Sheet Early Competition • Other spins: • Wedding Version • Crowd source wedding Photos • Shoto Photo of the Day • Review based photo ranking and potential for amateurs to sell it • Find other photos taken here • Those shared publicy • Map • Photos mapped on a World Map • How it would work: • Users install App or it is preinstalled. • All phone numbers in address book stored as one way hash in Cloud • User takes photo and Shoto uploads tracking GPS Coordinates and inserting Hash of user’s phone no • Anyone else who takes a photo also uploads via app (background) – Shoto’s engine looks at GPS and any photos at the same time span in the same location are huddled together as long as the • Phone Number Hash matches directly or through a common friend (can be transitive). • When a friend wants to see the photo they can get in by uploading a photo from the same event and they get a “key” or one of the keyholders shares it (but it only shares those they uploaded)
mingle.so A tool to harness the power of social network knowledge and foster meeting new and old friends Social Recommendations Fostering Physical Meeting Meeting new people {not digitally}
Investor Cheat Sheet Vision: Bringing the “physicality” back to the social fabric of modern day friendships and bringing recommendations through the power and knowledge of your network & their activities. • Problem we are trying to solve: • Our users don’t get time nor opportunity to physically meet their friends let alone meet new people as they used to • Moreover more and more “meeting” is happening digitally – a lot of our friendships are being lived through IMs and Social networks. • In parallel the absence of “physicality” our users are losing the recommendation power of their network; which movie to watch? Which place to eat? Where to go on Holiday? • Solution: • A social platform that runs on top of Facebook, Google+ and twitter that allows users: • to get recommendations from friends • Creates opportunities for them to meet by looking at interests, diaries and locations • Fosters meeting new people through trusted relationships • Leap of Faith Assumptions: • Users actively rely on their friends for recommendations; they meet less of the overall network so would be getting less range of recommendations • Users are so busy with their day to day lives that other than a handful of close friends they rarely get to meet others; they’d love a tool that suggested things and people • The idea of meeting new people randomly is “awkward” and so having a way to “ping” nearby folks where you share a connection is a good way to meet. • Conversation on Stages: • Focus on “recommendation” problem as this gets more people to get the app • Once more people have the app introduce the “meet your friends” feature • As you get to critical mass open the meet new people feature.
Investor Cheat Sheet Early Competition Map • Key Technology Pieces: • Recommendation Engine • Uses Checkin from Facebook, FourSquare • Uses Recommendations from Twitter • Data from Yelp • Links into your Diary • Meeting Existing friends • Looks at events + interests and diaries (Mobile or web) • Mobile App or Facebook app • Meeting new people • Uses Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter • Shows you those around you that you share a friend, contact or interest with • Allows you to ping them Meeting New People Social Recommendation • Revenue Model: • Analytics driven advertising • Data Analytics / Reports • Who goes where when etc • Promoted “hot spots” – • We go to places that have high frequency and given them an “in” to the users Meeting Existing Network
Internet of things A platform that keeps a track of what you own, want and give out. Track what you own Tell everyone what's on your wish list Track when you lend Micro-rent your stuff with insurance
Investor Cheat Sheet Vision: Create a social platform for tracking, trending and tracing what you own, want to own and give out. • Problem we are trying to solve: • People have no idea where their things are; they often forget what they lent to whom, when their warranties will expire and where is the manual. • Often they get presents they don’t really want; they have items that could be of value to their friends or to strangers (and lets them earn cash on it). • Our users also want to be able to see what others have bought, what is trending and make purchase decisions. • Developers are also looking for an extendable platform that lets them build apps around your things like clothes etc. • Solution: • A social inventory platform that lets users: • Easily input (either at point of sale or via a picture of UPC) what they own. System finds all the attributes. • Create your wish list that your Facebook friends can see. • Lend things via FB • Rent or search of things you may want on people on the network. • Dispose of things they no longer need (one click to ebay) and find things they want to buy basis real trends • Leap of Faith Assumptions: • Users will want to have a master inventory of everything they have • They will use it to lend and “processify” the interaction • Will want to lend out things they have • All UPCs are unique • Will want to put up things they want • Need a master list of inventory for insurance purposes • Want to know the value of their inventory • App Developers would like the ability to access your things and make customised apps (virtual wardrobe)
Investor Cheat Sheet Early Competition Map • Key Technology Pieces: • Product Input Enginer • Via Merchant • Via UPC Image • Form based • Product Recognition Engine • Lookup product and attributes • Link to category based information such as warranties, manuals • Inventory Core Engine • Key Inventory System • API Driven to allow 3rd Party App Developers • Sharing / Renting Engine • Free or Paid rental • Insurance if opted in • Analytics Engine Social Shopping Rent your things • Revenue Model: • Sell data to manufacturers (who bough what when and why) • Recommendation Engine for eCommerce platform • Extended Warranty • Insurance on rents + small booking fee Inventory of your items
Single Filing Cloud Storage (“Rio”) Aggregate all your online storage and use any Web app on any file Single Web interface Single Mobile App Single Desktop App Aggregated Market place or single set of developer APIs
Investor Cheat Sheet Vision: A single platform to aggregates files and pictures that are across the internet and let users use any app on them. • Problem we are trying to solve: • Our users use the cloud – they have files and pictures in many places. • People share things with each other and not everyone uses the same platform so the problem expands • App developers now need to write a version for each type of storage provider • Solution: • A middle ware platform that lets: • You see all your files and pics no matter which platform they are on; in your browser, on your phone or on your laptop. • A place to let developers build apps for a single API set and have users on multiple platforms • A way to let users use their favorite web apps on any files. • Leap of Faith Assumptions: • Users have files in many storage places online • They want to be able to see the files in one place • They want to be able to search across one • They want to use apps from different platforms on all their files