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U.S.HISTORY 11. WELCOME Mr. Higginbotham. The students will learn what the expectations and the content of the class are, as well as getting to know the teacher and classmates. 8-26-19 Get to know each other activities???? Fun Quiz over historical stuff Go over syllabus/expectations.
U.S.HISTORY 11 WELCOME Mr. Higginbotham
The students will learn what the expectations and the content of the class are, as well as getting to know the teacher and classmates 8-26-19 • Get to know each other activities???? • Fun Quiz over historical stuff • Go over syllabus/expectations. • Seating chart and go over web site. • Exit ticket! If we have time.
What to expect from me • I will work hard to make the class interesting, fun, and informative. • I like to laugh, especially at myself because I sometimes do silly stuff. • I am not above, or smarter than you I just have more experience. • Understand I make mistakes and I have bad days. • We can work most any problem out with good communication. I am easy to get along with. • I want you to look forward to coming to this class. • I want you to be able to push yourself to get out of your comfort zone and believe in yourself a little more. Experience success. • I want you to learn about life, culture, society, both past and present, in this class that will affect you for the rest of your life. Be able to understand our connections to the past and look to our future.
Answer these questions honestly 1. What is your first impression of the students in the class? 2. What is your first impressions of the teacher? 3. Do you like history/social studies classes? Why or why not? 4. What grade do you expect to get in this class? What are your overall expectations?
More Questions 5 What are some good things going on in United States right now? What are some problems? 6. What are some things teachers do that really bother you? 7. Is homework important? Why or why not? 8. Do you think cell phones interfere with overall instruction in the classroom?
Short QuizAnswer to the best of your ability. 1. What is manifest destiny? What is imperialism? 2. What was the Civil Rights movement and who was the leader? 3. Why did we get into the Vietnam War? 4. Who was the president that was elected to four terms? Could it happen again?
More Questions 5. Why did we get into World War II? How did it end? 6. What is suffrage? What is segregation? 7. Can you name the last four presidents?
The students will learn why understanding history is important and how it affects their lives each day. • Bell Ringer #1 and #2 and discussion • Discussion over the importance of understanding history • Video clip(s) • Get in groups and discuss topics students think are part of history that we will study this semester. Write on the board and discuss. • Go over homework assignment. Students will work on the rest of the class period.
1ST BELL RINGER In your words define Perspective. Why is Perspective important in a class like this?
Do you feel history is important to understand? Why or Why not? Bell Ringer #2 for
Low Key first Assignment 1. Pick someone from your family who you felt took part in a significant part of the history we are about to study. It could even be yourself. 2. In the first paragraph describe the part of history they took part in. Be as detailed as possible. Describe this time in history using some historical evidence. Look this stuff up. 3. In the second paragraph describe why you feel the family member made a significant contribution to history. This is one of the reasons you are connected to history. 4. You can also share some of your own history of your life and what kind of historical things have happened in your lifetime. 5. You will share this with the rest of the class just from your desk.
understand how the expansion of industry came about and how industrialization changed the culture in the late 1800’s and early 1900’s 8-30/9-3-19 • Bell Ringer #3 and discussion. • Share your family history stories. • Go over inventions/inventor and industrialization notes • Video clip(s) on industrialization. • Reading from pg. 152-161 in text.
Bell Ringer #3 for 8-29/ What do you remember what America was like during the Civil War and Reconstruction from your history class last year? Big Idea. With the end of the war came growing markets, with lots of natural resources and creative ideas. What would this cause in the U.S.
2nd Industrial Revolution 1870-1914 Causes • Great natural resources • Abundant labor supply • Strong government policy • New sources of power • Railroads • Inventions/inventors
The students will learn that the expansion of industry came about and how industrialization changed the culture in the late 1800’s and early • Bell Ringer #4 and discussion • Go over my web site • Finish any family stories that were not done. • Continue notes on the rise of Industry, inventions, etc. • Video clip • Map of United States • Reading from pages 152 to168 and fill out sheet
Bell Ringer #4 for 8-30/31- Compare/contrast the inventions in your lifetime with those during the last part of the 1800's and early 1900's. Do you feel the ones back then made a bigger impact? Why or Why not?
The SWBAT understand how railroads benefited the country through the expansion of industry and the growth of the country, but it also led to some corruption. • Bell Ringer #5 and discussion and fun facts • Notes about the railroad industry and the impact it had on America • Video clip over the railroad industry. • Finish maps from last week • Reading quiz over industrialization and questions over railroads. • Reading in book from 152 to 168.
Bell Ringer 5 for 9-4/5- What do you feel the birth of the railroad industry willdo to America?
The SWBAT understand how the Robber Barons and other important people affected industry during the progressive era through hands on experience. • Bell Ringer 6 and discussion and fun facts • Student group work researching the Captains of Industry and other significant people of the progressive era. • Students present information to the rest of class. • Make sure work from Tuesday is finished. • Video clips of inventors, etc.
Bell Ringer #6 for What does the term laissez-faire mean? Do you agree with this term when it comes to government and business?
Some Fellas from the Progressive Period • Andrew Carnegie • JP Morgan • John D Rockefeller • Cornelius Vanderbilt • Sam Gompers • Eugene Debs • George Pullman • William Marcy "Boss" Tweed
STUFF TO SAY ABOUT EACH PERSON • Background/history of the person • Fun facts about the person • The good things about the person • The bad things about the person • The ugly things about the person. • What is their legacy. How did what they do affect us today?
How it will be graded • Each person will write out what they individually researched. 10 pts • Each person will share with the class what they researched 5 points. • The group will be graded on how they all worked as a team. 5 points. • Answer questions from the rest of the class. 5 points. • 25-point total.
The SWBAT understand how the Robber Barons and other important people affected industry during the progressive era through hands on experience 9-10/11- • Fun Facts • Bell Ringer #7, video and discussion • Students will present their presentation over the guys from the progressive era. Time will be given to wrap it up if needed. • Notes over the Robber Barons/Captains of Industry.
Bell Ringer #7 for How did what happen on 9-11-2001 affect America then, and how is it still affecting America now? How do you feel it has affected your family?
The SWBAT what immigration has meant to the United States over the years 9-12/13-18 Quiz next class • Bell Ringer #8 and discussion • Group discussion (philosophical chairs) over immigration • Finish notes over Robber Barons. • Notes over immigration • Video clip over immigration
Bell Ringer #8 for 9-12/13- What is immigration? Give me your feelings about immigration/immigrants coming to America? Would your feelings in 1870 be different than they are now? Why? What is the best immigration policy in your mind?
The SWBAT understand how the rise of immigrants, industry and big business led to more urbanization. 9-14/17- • Bell Ringer #9 and discussion • Continue notes over the labor movement, urbanization and immigration. • Video clip(s)? • Quiz (you can use your notes) • Reading quiz over Labor Unions Pages 176-183 • Reading in book should be from 152 through 203
Bell Ringer #9 for 9-14/ What is Urbanization? Why do you feel it started to rise at the end of the 1800's/early 1900's.
The Rise of Urbanization in the United States in the late 1800's.
The SWBAT to understand more about the Gilded age and how Jim Crow laws, and trust busting took a part in this period. We will also continue to look at Labor Unions. 9-18/19- • Bell Ringer #10 and discussion • Notes over Jim Crow Laws and Power point photos over urbanization and labor unions during progressive period. • Teddy Roosevelt and Trust-Busting notes • Make sure Reading quiz over labor unions are complete • Create a poster making your own labor union with specific grievances.
Bell Ringer #10 for 9-18/19-18 This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA-NC
The SWBAT understand the government policies that were brought around by the progressive movement. 9-20/21- • Bell Ringer #11 and discussion. Fun fact of the day also. • Finish Labor Union poster (go over labor union power point real quick) • Review Gilded Age notes and finish Teddy Roosevelt/progressive period • Videos over Angel Island and Henry Ford • Finish Study Guide and turn that in if poster is completed
BELL RINGER #11 for 9-20/21- • Questions: • What does it say on the rope around the woman in the political cartoon below? • What does the woman in the political cartoon represent? How do you know this? • 3. What do you think “Tearing off the Bonds” means?
The continue to learn about the progressive period through studies, which also include reading and comprehension of the Jungle. • Bell Ringer 12 and discussion. Fun facts • More notes over the Progressive Period and the political machine • Video clip • Reading and questions over the Jungle. Comprehension assessment • Review reading and questions for the unit test • Make sure poster is finished
Bell Ringer #12 for How did the changes brought about by the Progressive movement affect the way we live today?
The SWBAT better understand the material from unit 1, which includes industrialization, immigration, inventions and progressivism by reading and completing a study guide in preparation for the test next week. • Bell Ringer 13 and discussion. • Video clip over the Jungle • Make sure the union poster and questions over the Jungle are completed. • Finish worksheet over what did I do and why was I significant • Complete Unit 1 Review sheet industrialization, urbanization, and immigration in preparation for test next week. • We may have a short quiz next class period and some review games. • Readings pages 152-275
Bell Ringer #13 for . Both of these terms will be on the test next week. On your phones, or in the book look up and define assimilation. How does that compare to the term nativism that you have learned? Give me your thoughts on assimilation when it comes to assimilation. Do you agree with it or not? Why or Why not?
The SWBAT prepare for the Unit 1 test by completing a study guide and participating in a review game with the class. • Bell Ringer 14 and discussion. Fun facts also • Finish review guides • Review games for test over Unit 1 on Tuesday/Wednesday • Video clip? • Quiz? • Read pages 152-275 for this Unit 1 over the 3 I's
Bell Ringer 14 for 9-28 and 10-1-2018Review items • Problems caused by Urbanization included what? • What most freed manufacturers from restrictions on where factories could be built? • What did industrial consolidation/trusts reduce in the late 1800s? • What was the mission of the Sherman Antitrust Act? • What progressive era president do we credit for giving us national parks? • Unions were created to help solve what problems?
The SWBAT show what they know about unit 1 progressivism, which also included industrialism, immigration and inventions by meeting proficiency on a unit test. 10-2/3-18 • Bell Ringer #15 and discussion. Review questions. • Bell Ringers will be collected today. 15 of them worth 45 points. • Independent review and review game. • Video clip?
Bell Ringer 15 for 10-2/3-19: Review Questions • A power business person who is engaged in unethical business practices. • Process in which people start to resemble the traits of another cultural group after moving into a new area. • What was prohibition? • What was the spoils system? • What is Civil Service and what is it based on? • What was the populism movement?