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Including Youth in Your Community’s Point-in-Time Count, Part 1

Including Youth in Your Community’s Point-in-Time Count, Part 1. A National Priority. Barbara Poppe, Executive Director, US Interagency Council on Homelessness. A National Priority. Nan Roman President and CEO, National Alliance to End Homelessness. What is a Point-in-Time Count?.

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Including Youth in Your Community’s Point-in-Time Count, Part 1

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Including Youth in Your Community’s Point-in-Time Count, Part 1

  2. A National Priority Barbara Poppe, Executive Director, US Interagency Council on Homelessness

  3. A National Priority Nan Roman President and CEO, National Alliance to End Homelessness

  4. What is a Point-in-Time Count?

  5. The Youth Gap

  6. Why are Point-in-Time Counts Important? Total amount of federal and local funds. Distribution of federal and local funds Program model decisions • Point in Time Data: • Scale of homelessness • Concentration of homelessness • Measures effectiveness of programs and policies

  7. Counting Homeless Youth in Your Community

  8. NOW: Ensure the CoC’s PIT plan includes youth • Recruit organizations serving homeless youth and currently and formerly homeless youth to inform strategic planning. • Identify lead person or organization to develop and coordinate “youth-focused” strategy. • Develop materials to educate youth and community about purpose of PIT Count. • Modify existing planned data collection method or instrument if needed.

  9. Step 2: Map out locations and sources of data collection. • Identify all stakeholders that may encounter or serve unaccompanied, homeless youth. • Identify locations where homeless youth who are not regularly receivi9ng services may congregate. • Recruit homeless education liaisons and/or others in the public school system, local police, and other public agencies that may serve or temporarily detain homeless youth.

  10. Step 3: Facilitate collection of data. • Identify knowledgeable volunteers and practitioners to act as leads in collecting data. • Ensure volunteers collect data throughout day and evening. • Locations should be surveyed multiple times throughout the day.

  11. Step 4: Promote the quality of data gathered. • Host a training on PIT survey protocols for volunteers. • Ensure consistent definitions of various living situations to record accurate responses. • Address mandated reporter issues for youth under the age of 18.

  12. Step 5: Analyze data on youth homelessness. • Recruit skilled researchers and writers to assist with data analysis and report findings from the survey. Step 6: USE PIT findings to educate policy makers and the public about youth homelessness in your community.

  13. Resources For all of the documents discussed on today’s webinar, visit: http://www.endhomelessness.org/content/article/detail/3502 Alliance Families and Youth Contacts Sharon McDonald smcdonald@naeh.org André Wade awade@naeh.org Samantha Batko sbatko@naeh.org

  14. Counting Homeless Youth Webinar Series November 17, 2010 @ 2 pm ET: Including Youth in Point-in-Time Counts, Part 2: A Case Study of San Jose, CA Register: https://www2.gotomeeting.com/register/487542858 Including Youth in Point-in-Time Counts Part 3: Community Lessons Learned To be held shortly after Thanksgiving

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