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‘ Levelling educational opportunities of disabled persons in Lower Silesia ’. LEVELLING EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES OF DISABLED PERSONS IN LOVER SILESIA. ‘ Levelling educational opportunities of disabled persons in Lower Silesia ’. DIAGNOSIS.
‘Levelling educational opportunities of disabled persons in Lower Silesia’ LEVELLING EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES OF DISABLED PERSONS IN LOVER SILESIA
‘Levelling educational opportunities of disabled persons in Lower Silesia’ DIAGNOSIS
‘Levelling educational opportunities of disabled persons in Lower Silesia’ ACTIVITIES’ AREAS :
‘Levelling educational opportunities of disabled persons in Lower Silesia’ SOURCES OF FINANCING :
‘Levelling educational opportunities of disabled persons in Lower Silesia’ PARTNERS
‘Levelling educational opportunities of disabled persons in Lower Silesia’ . TRULY EFFICIENT ALTOGRTHER The aim of the project is to develop a methodology for raising awareness of children from the primary and lower secondary schools for the presence and the needs of disabled people and their environment, exchange of experience in this matter between German and Polish teachers and giving teaching materials (script of a form period), presenting how to talk about disability at mass schools. On a project there are 400 teachers and 10 000 students from Poland and Germany from border districts of Lower Silesia and Saxony.
‘Levelling educational opportunities of disabled persons in Lower Silesia’ . INTEGRATION FROM NURSERYSCHOOL The aim of the project is promoting the activity of disabled people amongst teachers and pre-school children. As part of the project, nursery school teachers from Lower Silesia are being trained so that they can conduct classes concerning different kinds of disability. Education of kindergarten pupils through such values as: tolerance, understanding, respect to other (particularly those weaker) is making them aware, that disabled people are playing an important role in the society and many times they are more active than truly healthy persons.
‘Levelling educational opportunities of disabled persons in Lower Silesia’ . SOCIAL ANIMATORS FOR DIABLED PEOPLE – ACTIVATION OF THE ENVIRONMENT IN THE BORDERLAND The aim of the project was creating the group of social animators, who in their local communities would initiate the activities in favour of the improvement of access of disabled people for the education. Through instruments obtained during the project - abilities of assessing a situation in one's most immediate environment and knowledge about raising funds for the implementation of projects - young people were supposed to become social leaders, actively acting for raising the standard of living of disabled people.
‘Levelling educational opportunities of disabled persons in Lower Silesia’ . CO-FINANCING OF BULDING WORKS IN OBJECTS SERVING THE RHABILITATION The aim of the implementation of a task is an infrastructure improvement of the social rehabilitation in Lower Silesia, inter alia at schools. Thanks to granted subsidies disabled people can both learn and work and spend time actively in dignified and luxurious conditions for themselves.
‘Levelling educational opportunities of disabled persons in Lower Silesia’ . THE LOVER SILESIA REGION AID SCHEME FOR STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIESBN ‘EFFICIENT STUDENT’ It is the first program of this type in Poland, the self-government of the Lower Silesia Voivodship is supporting disabled students of primary schools, lower and upper secondary schools from the entire voivodship with disposable scholarships. Disposable scholarships can be intended for the purchase of objects facilitating or enabling the learning. Students can also pay for rehabilitation classes, training courses, camps, colonies or the accommodation. .
‘Levelling educational opportunities of disabled persons in Lower Silesia’ . LOVER SILESIA WITHOUT BARRIERS these are activities breaking stereotypes about disabled people. It is putting on the potential of persons with disabilities so that they can fully participate in society of our region as its rightful residents. It is a disabled person as the competent citizen rather than the object of charity actions. As part of the campaign the Marshall Office is co-financing: television and radio programs, articles in regional and local newspapers, workshops and conferences. .
‘Levelling educational opportunities of disabled persons in Lower Silesia’ Michał Huzarski The President of the commission of health and family social policy Regional Parliament of Lower Silesia Voivodship e-mail: sejmik@umwd.pl www.umwd.dolnyslask.pl/sejmik