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我们有一故事传给万邦 We’ve a story to tell to the nations 使人心归正离邪荡 That shall turn their hearts to the right 这故事是真理慈爱 A story of truth and mercy, [ 是讲述平安 真光 ] x2 [Astory of peace and light]x2. 我们有一诗歌唱给万邦 We’ve a song to be sung to the nations 能使人心向主归降 That shall lift their hearts to the Lord,
我们有一故事传给万邦We’ve a story to tell to the nations 使人心归正离邪荡That shall turn their hearts to the right 这故事是真理慈爱A story of truth and mercy, [是讲述平安 真光]x2[Astory of peace and light]x2
我们有一诗歌唱给万邦We’ve a song to be sung to the nations 能使人心向主归降That shall lift their hearts to the Lord, 这诗歌能胜过罪恶A song that shall conquer evil [能粉碎利剑矛枪]x2[And shatter the spear and sword]x2
我们有一信息传给万邦We’ve a message to give to the nations 是高天掌权荣耀王That the Lord who reigneth above 差遣独生子成救赎Hath sent us His Son to save us [显明祂慈爱无量]x2[And show us that God is love]x2
有一救主要介绍给万邦We’ve a Savior to show to the nations 忧苦路祂走过多趟Who the path of sorrow hath trod, 全世界的男女老少That all of the world’s great peoples [皆来归附主足旁]x2[Might come to the truth of God]x2
因黑夜必要转为晨光For the darkness shall turn to dawning, 中天太阳更显辉煌 And the dawning to noonday bright, 基督国度必降临地上And Christ’s great kingdom shall come to earth, 大地充满爱与光The kingdom of love and light.