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Detection of Cell Mitosis for Population Growth Analysis. Kyri Baker Carnegie Mellon University Methods in Medical Image Analysis Spring 2010. Outline. Objective/goal of this project Motivation Steps to achieve this goal and difficulties encountered Results and other methods Questions.
Detection of Cell Mitosis for Population Growth Analysis Kyri Baker Carnegie Mellon University Methods in Medical Image Analysis Spring 2010 Kyri Baker 2010
Outline • Objective/goal of this project • Motivation • Steps to achieve this goal and difficulties encountered • Results and other methods • Questions Kyri Baker 2010
Objective • Detect stem cell mitosis (divisions) • Automatically monitor how cell population changes over time when injected with a growth hormone Mitotic Event: Cell brightens, enlarges, and divides Kyri Baker 2010
Motivation • Want to farm stem cells for use in tissue regeneration • Biologists culture groups of cells and monitor how they react to specific growth hormones • A sign of a good growth hormone is one that causes the lineage tree to be symmetric Mitosis Cell Lineage Tree Mitosis Kyri Baker 2010
The Data • Hematopoietic stem cells from the bone marrow of adults • Dosed with a growth drug and chemicals to prevent clumping • Imaged every 30 seconds ≈ 11,000 frames Frame 1 Frame 11,000 Kyri Baker 2010
How to Detect Mitosis? • Many techniques can be experimented with - In general, cells become brighter and rounder - But illumination conditions can change, other cells can also be round • For certain: Cell area increases because another cell is being “born”! Meat of the algorithm: Monitor overall cell areas over time, and when the area of a cell starts to increase, mitosis is happening Challenge: How to accurately find the cell areas? Kyri Baker 2010
Step 1: Preprocess Image 1. Import Image 2. Threshold Image 3. Apply Hough Transform for circle detection 4. Set all pixels outside detected circle to black Kyri Baker 2010
Step 2: Correlation Filter • To refine the boundaries of cell nucleus and cell membrane • Used itkNormalizedCorrelationImageFilterwith an annulus mask • Cannot correlate with a template like: - Cells touching looks like mitosis: Mitosis Frames after Correlation Filter Kyri Baker 2010
Step 3: Watershed Image Filter • Find the areas of different cells Mitotic Cell Non-Mitotic Cells Larger Area Mitotic Cell Difficulties:False positives from image noise Nucleus Area ≈ 90-120 Nucleus Area ≈ 60-90 Kyri Baker 2010
Mini Steps: Relabeler, ColorFilter • Order watershed areas from largest to smallest with itk::RelabelComponentImageFilter • For nice watershed output visualization used itk::Functor::ScalarToRGBPixelFunctor Kyri Baker 2010
Results Actual Mitosis Algorithm Detected Mitosis Number of Mitotic Cells Frame • Current best results were achieved with: • Lower intensity threshold = 120 • Taking watershed regions with area > 120 pixels • Only keep as a true “mitotic event” if mitosis was detected over a series of 3 frames • or more Kyri Baker 2010
Other Methods Attempted • Subtracting previous frame to determine cell growth • Cells moved around too much, too many false positives • Monitoring overall summed area of all cells • Overall area calculation fluctuated too greatly, cannot determine exact instant of mitosis Overall Cell Area Frame Kyri Baker 2010
Questions? Kyri Baker 2010