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Children's rights and children place outside their home. Situation in Switzerland. Useful reports. Government report on child welfare (2012) Optimus study on sexual abuse (2012) International study on child protection (2012)
Children's rights and children place outside their home Situation in Switzerland
Usefulreports • Governmentreport on childwelfare (2012) • Optimusstudy on sexual abuse (2012) • International study on childprotection (2012) • State report on theimplemantationofthe UN Convention on childrenrights (2012) • Position papersandreportsof NGOs
Data 8 Mio. inhabitants 1.45 Mio. minors (below age of 18) 2010: 923 cases of child abuse reported to diagnosed by hospitals and doctors 2009: 22% of 9th grad girls and 8% of 9th grad boys have experienced sexual abuse with body contact 2009: 32’514 child welfare measures are ongoing
Children placed outside their home, Art. 9 CRC Children in Foster care 2009: 2’373 Children and youth (up to 24 years) in residential care: 8’000 (estimation) in around 250 residential institutions
Art. 9 CRC measures Professionalization of local authorities Quality4children.info: standards and procedures to strengthen participation of young people in residential care (European Project) Improve regulation for foster care
Art. 12 CRC child views Change of civil code: children from 6 years on should be heard in court cases when their interest is concerned (divorce, legal guardian, child protection etc.).
Improving child welfareRecommendations for social education (Art. 3/19) Ensure good selection of social education students Have common standards for all professionals working with children and in particular for social professionals Professionals have no record of criminal offences against children
Improving structures for child welfare (Art. 3/9/19 CRC) Having a national board for children rights / child welfare with all regional authorities => they agree on common principles and regional boards in each canton Child protection specialist have to be professional educated workers For the individual case use the method of the case conference (different professionals involved => interprofessional system and family participation)
Ensure a high quality of professional child welfare (Art. 25 CRC) Audit of Services (foster care places / residential treamtment) Regular review of state child welfare systems