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Programming for Serendipity. Current Organizational Structures. Hierarchical Workgroups Flat Others?. Job Spaces/Work Spaces. Job spaces that look at student spaces? Where can the hunches live? Staff coffee houses? What else?. OptiMal Organizational StrucTures ?. Network?
Current Organizational Structures • Hierarchical • Workgroups • Flat • Others?
Job Spaces/Work Spaces • Job spaces that look at student spaces? • Where can the hunches live? • Staff coffee houses? • What else?
OptiMal Organizational StrucTures? • Network? • Affiliation? • Project Teams? • Other?
Services/Job Responsibilities • Ingrained from an early age • Matrix based for easy evaluation by a single person • Linear • What else?
OptiMalJob Descriptions/workplans • Not unilateral? • Piece work? • Cross work groups? • What else?
Personal Creativity/Innovation • Preparation? • Incubation? • Illumination? • Implementation/ Verification?
Thank You for Your Participation! Rachel Frick Jill Emery
Reading List 1. Dan Cohen: Planning for Serendipity: http://dp.la/info/2014/02/07/planning-for-serendipity/ 2. Spec Kit 339:Innovation and R&D: http://publications.arl.org/Innovation-R%26D-SPEC-Kit-339/ 3. Redesigning a Library’s Organizational Structure: Higa, M. L., Bunnett, B., Maina, B., Perkins, J., Ramos, T., Thompson, L., & Wayne, R. (2005). Redesigning a Library’s Organizational Structure. College & Research Libraries. http://crl.acrl.org/content/66/1/41.full.pdf+html 4. Where do good ideas come from by Steve Johnson: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NugRZGDbPFU http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0af00UcTO-c
Photo Credits clickonenglish.blogspot.com tickledbylife.com Figure 3: The 'Swiss cheese' model of serendipity. http://www.informationr.net/ir/16-3/paper491.html Organizational Chart library.princeton.edu Org chart: The Ohio State University libraries: library.osu.edu Organization of the Library of Leiden: www.library.leiden.edu Bringing Order out of Chaos, University of Eastern Finland Library: www.emeraldinsight.com Portland State University 3rd Floor Collaborative Space, Jill Emery Networking: Dirty word or lever: www.ekaterinawalter.com Social Networks: blog.myheritage.com Banks School Supply Catalog: banksschoolsupplycatalog.com Role of business: www.emeraldinsight.com Integrated assessment: akoaotearoa.ac.nz Optimal Fab Operation Design: www.tefen.com Creativity & Innovation Mind Map: www.mind-mapping.co.uk Braindancing Smorgasbord: braindancingsmorgasbord.blogspot.com Rachel Frick Jill Emery