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Intro to Abbreviations

Intro to Abbreviations. From Houghton Mifflin text p. 186-187. What are abbreviations?. An abbreviation is a short way to write a word. Most abbreviations begin with capital letters and end with periods. Ex.- Mr. is an abbreviation for Mister.

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Intro to Abbreviations

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Intro to Abbreviations From Houghton Mifflin text p. 186-187

  2. What are abbreviations?

  3. An abbreviation is a short way to write a word. Most abbreviations begin with capital letters and end with periods. • Ex.- Mr. is an abbreviation for Mister

  4. Yikes! This schedule was published on the web with 6 errors. Can you help rewrite it? Remember that abbreviations start with capital letters and end with periods.

  5. CHALLENGE: • Make up funny names that match a person’s job. For example, Mr. Weedy could be a gardener and Ms. Piper a plumber. Then write a schedule of guest speakers for Career Day at school. Use abbreviations for days, months, and people’s titles. • Read your schedule to your group and have them spell the abbreviations you used.

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