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What is the Local Offer?

What is the Local Offer? C lear & locally-agreed info on education, health & social care services & provision that children and young people (0-25) who have SEN or are disabled and their families and carers can readily access or expect From widely available to more specific

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What is the Local Offer?

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Presentation Transcript

  1. What is the Local Offer? • Clear & locally-agreed info on education, health & social care services & provision that children and young people (0-25) who have SEN or are disabled and their families and carers can readily access or expect • From widely available to more specific • Covering lower level need & EHCPs • LA LO will need to preface school LOs • Devised by the SE7 LO Steering Group made up of Parent Partnerships & reps from Parent Carer Forums

  2. As a regional group we have so far: • set out principles that should be followed when completing the Local Offer (LO) locally • Developed guidance on ‘Essential’ & ‘Desirable’ features of the LO • developed questions for schools to complete related to what they provide for children with SEND • worked with relevant groups (e.g parents, professionals, schools) to help shape the principles, guidance and any recommendations • Started to develop our local work streams • Identified schools to pilot completion of questions • Started to think about awareness raising and training programme for the area’s local offer

  3. Empowering for parent carers, young people & professionals Accessible Factual Co-produced by parent carers, young people & professionals Holistic Sustainable and sustained Starts with the widely available Transparency SE7 LOCAL OFFER PRINCIPLES

  4. ESSENTIAL & DESIRABLE FEATURES Essential Consistent format across the region Involvement of parent carers & children & young people  Has both SE7 and local branding Access points available across the community Both area-wide & school specific Supported by trained people who can guide parent carers through it Comprehensive but not unwieldy Sets out its purpose and who it is aimed at Searchable on the internet Includes a feedback facility on the local offer itself for users Desirable Searches can be filtered by area, age, need etc Includes a feedback facility on individual services for users

  5. How have Parent Carers participated in this workstream? LO should also set out how parents can participate Local workstream task groups, focus groups, school sub groups etc LO SE7 Steering Group LO Policy Working Group

  6. What have been some of the challenges of • co-production? • Time constraints • Lack of understanding of the principles of parent participation • Needed to have parent forum reps on the steering group as well as local involvement • Engaging with secondary schools, post 16, ICT, health & social care • Identifying leads for each element of the Local Offer

  7. Future Challenges • Keeping ahead of school funding reform • Accountability • How LO will relate to mediation and first tier tribunal • Where will it sit? • Integrating LO with existing local information resources • Developing ICT systems • Keeping co-production to the fore • Build in feedback on LO

  8. Future Challenges cont. • Making sure LO covers all settings e.g. • early years settings • post 16 (housing, colleges, youth groups et al) • home-educating families • excluded children, PRUs • child minders • Engaging with governors • Health & social care and relationship with joint commissioning • Ensuring commitment from all • Ensuring sustainability i.e. plan for updating

  9. Opportunities Show differences between services offered in different areas Transparency All info in one place Should reduce need for assessments Could serve as an audit tool

  10. Joint development and ownership of the LO will be key to its success

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