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Embracing the Last Day: Jesus' Example for Life

Delve into Jesus' last day, reflecting on His selflessness, forgiveness, and salvation for humanity. Learn how His actions serve as a guide for our own lives in serving others and spreading His message of hope.

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Embracing the Last Day: Jesus' Example for Life

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Last Day Of Your Life

  2. Introduction What would you do today if you knew it was the last day of your life? Would you go to work like you always did? Would you plead with your loved ones to become a Christian or be restored? Would you have your favorite dish at the most expensive restaurant in the world? Would you say your sorry to those who you’ve sinned against or hindered their faith? Or would you get drunk?

  3. Introduction Jesus knew the last day He would live on earth. Jesus warned His disciples about that day many times. Judas betrayed Jesus, He is arrested, tried, and condemned to death by the authorities. How did Jesus endure through the injustice, the agony, and suffering on the last day of His life? This morning we will examine the last day of the life of Jesus on this earth and how He lived that day as an example for us.

  4. Jesus Was Concerned about the Suffering of Others, not Himself The multitude that was following Jesus was mourning for Him especially the women. Jesus was concerned over the women and their children who would die an agonizing death in the destruction of Jerusalem. (Luke 23:27ff; Matt. 23:34ff; Mark 13:17ff) If this was the last day of our life, would we be thinking about the suffering of others or would we be focused on our own?

  5. Jesus Wanted His Persecutors to be Saved, not Condemned The Jews brought false witnesses against Him, Pilate proclaimed his innocence and tried to set Him free, but instead they asked that a murderer be let go. (Matt. 27:20-26) After seeing His bloodied body after His scourging, they mocked, ridiculed, beat, and spit on him. The thieves, rulers, and soldiers are all telling Jesus to save himself, but He was saying, “Father forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing” (Luke 23:34)

  6. Jesus Wanted His Persecutors to be Saved, not Condemned One of the thieves on the cross beside Jesus changed his mind about persecuting Him, and asked the Lord to remember Him when he came into His kingdom. Jesus said, “Today you shall be with me in Paradise.” (Luke 23:43) After Jesus’ death, burial, and resurrection, the apostle Peter on the Day of Pentecost that they had crucified their Messiah, and there were 3,000 baptized that day. (Acts 2:38)

  7. God Wants Everyone to be Saved, not Condemned The will of God and His Son to all of mankind is that they be saved, not condemned. (John 3:16ff; Mark 16:16; Acts 2:39) How was Jesus able to endure the shame, humiliation and agony of the cross? Because his motivation was His joy that we could be saved through His blood. (Hebrews 12:2) If you had the opportunity on the last day of your life, would you tell others about Jesus so that they could be saved?

  8. Jesus Denied Himself In the Garden, Jesus prayed 3X, “Father let this cup pass from me.” (Matt. 26:39) As a human being, Jesus was crying out for deliverance but He denied Himself by saying, “Nevertheless, not My will but Thine be done” (Luke 22:42) Jesus denied Himself when He refused to call 12 legions of angels to save Him from being arrested. (Matthew 26:53) Jesus denied Himself when he refused to come down from the cross. (Luke 23:35-37)

  9. Jesus Denied Himself Jesus denied himself the immediate access to power, possessions, and glory without the cross when he refused Satan’s temptations to sin. (Matthew 4:3ff) Jesus denied himself by being obedient to His Father as he had done everyday of his life. (Philippians 2:5-8; Hebrews 5:8) We must learn to deny ourselves, take up His cross daily and follow after Him even until the last day. (Luke 9:23)

  10. Conclusion Jesus lived the last day of His life the way that He had lived everyday before that. Jesus was concerned about the suffering of others, not himself. He wanted all people to be saved through His death. He denied himself earthly desires so that you could go to heaven. If today was your last day here on earth would you change anything?

  11. Conclusion One day will be the last day and you will likely die as you have lived. If you are a faithful Christian, continue to deny yourself daily and follow Jesus’ example and the day of your death will be precious to God. (Ps. 116:15) If you have not obeyed the gospel or as a Christian failed to serve Him, your soul is in grave danger. (2 Thess. 1:7-9; Acts 8:20ff) Today, decide to repent and be baptized in the so that your sins will be forgiven or be restored. (Acts 2:38; 2 Cor. 6:2)

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