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Nutrition and Fitness for all Providing equipment and software to improve to health and nutrition in the classroom and the school. By: Matthew Fleming. Nutrition.
Nutrition and Fitness for allProviding equipment and software to improve to health and nutrition in the classroom and the school By: Matthew Fleming
Nutrition • the act or process of nourishing or being nourished; specifically: the sum of the processes by which an animal or plant takes in and utilizes food substances • http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/nutrition
How Nutrition Affects our life Good Nutrition • Good brain function • More energy • Prevent diseases • Live longer • http://www.livestrong.com/article/393026-the-effects-of-nutrition-on-health/ • Obesity • Hypertension • High cholesterol • Hearts disease • Diabetes • Stroke • Gout Cancer • http://www.livestrong.com/article/31172-effects-poor-nutrition-health/ Bad Nutrition
What can we do in our school? • Make sure our staff and students both support healthy nutrition to promote better lifestyles • Work to get better health lunches • Education both staff and students • Encourage physical activity along with Nutrition
Nutrinote • A Nutrition software that allows you and your students to log food intake, creating a diary of their foods • This system does it all: • animated food diary • calorie light • weight chart • Body Mass Index (BMI) • weight chart • Analysis • nutritional table
Nutrinote usage • We can use this software in our classrooms as well as our staff meetings/areas • Can provide a healthier lifestyle to students, staff and hopefully impact the rest of the district and community • Cost= Premium Package $49.95 (6 Months)
MyPlate Pocket Chart • This chart allows anyone to visualize what our food plate should look like when eating • Contains all the food groups and the proportions that they should take up on the plate • Cost= $26.99 • http://www.ssww.com/item/myplate-pocket-chart-LR2192/cmc=BRWSEDUHLT/grp=EDU/sbgrp=HLT/sort=sales/p=1/
Body Fat Tester • This Body fat tester allows anyone to observe what their body fat is, and can show what they need to work on • Great for tracking body along with diet and exercise • Cost= $14.95 • http://www.ssww.com/item/myplate-pocket-chart-LR2192/cmc=BRWSEDUHLT/grp=EDU/sbgrp=HLT/sort=sales/p=1/
Fitness Spots • These spots come in a pack of 10 with all different types of stretches and exercises • Can be used in the classroom as a warm-up or even put in the staff lounge to relieve some stress throughout the day • Cost= $57.99 • http://www.ssww.com/item/fitness-spots-W8550/cmc=BRWSEDUHLT/grp=EDU/sbgrp=HLT/sort=sales/p=1/
Pedometer • Pedometers are a great way to provide incentive to go walk or run • Could order enough for a whole class and also use them for the staff to stay fit as well • Cost= $1.94 each (30 pedometers= $58.20) • http://www.amazon.com/Battery-Operated-Step-Counter-Calor/dp/B004FDB95I/ref=sr_1_2?s=sporting-goods&ie=UTF8&qid=1353333716&sr=1-2
Cost • Nutrinote= $49.95 • Pocket Chart= $ 26.99 • Body Fat tester= $ 14.95 • Fitness Spots= $ 57.99 • Pedometer= $ 58.20 • Total= $ 208.08
The low Cost is worth it • For only $208.08, it is a small price to pay for a life long lesson on nutrition and health • The product will last for a while, and will benefit everyone in the school • LIVE HEALTHY!