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Wedding Makeup Silicon Valley

Wedding makeup in Silicon Valley is key to getting great wedding photos at https://lizbabb.com<br><br>Find Us : https://goo.gl/maps/vDBK4Ht223Cy26vn6<br><br>Wedding makeup in Silicon Valley makeup artists ought to give a distinct look to the marriage party. Pictures are fundamental as recollections of that specific day. They will be with you always, so you need to ensure you look great in them. There are numerous incredible makeup lines out there. However, a great deal of them use oils that will reflect light, which can ruin or twist many photos. <br><br>Address : 2902 Lyon Street, San Francisco California USA<br><br>Phone Number : (650) 670-3920<br><br>Our Profile : https://www.slideserve.com/bridamakeupsiliconvalley<br><br>More Links : https://www.slideserve.com/bridamakeupsiliconvalley/wedding-hair-stylist-san-francisco-powerpoint-ppt-presentation<br><br>

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Wedding Makeup Silicon Valley

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Wedding Makeup Silicon Valley lizbabb.com

  2. Wedding Makeup Artist Silicon Valley The San Francisco Bay Area, including Silicon Valley,  is the hot bed of headshot mania, thanks to all of the digital platforms that now require one.  At Liz Makeup , Hair,  Skincare, I love creating the perfect makeup look for my headshot clients. Whether your image is going up on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, ZOOM, Match.com, your business website, or Amazon (whew!), the goal of your makeup should be to make you look like you, only enhanced for the camera and lighting.  lizbabb.com

  3. Wedding Hair Stylist Silicon Valley The number one thing to remember when thinking about your makeup for the shoot, is your skin tone.  Evening out your skin tone is critical to ensuring your most beautiful you in the shot!  The camera is looking at the eyes…a headshot is tight crop remember…and the viewer does not want to be distracted by sun damage, redness, breakouts and the like.  You can use whatever format of makeup with which you are comfortable. I use both airbrush makeup format if I really need to even out say rosacea or redness, and I might use a tinted moisturizer if the client wants a very natural look.  I’ve even used a mineral powder alone when the client has great skin and I simply want to avoid shine feedback from the camera ?ash. lizbabb.com

  4. Brides Makeup San Francisco After the skin, we want to focus on the eyes. These are what connect with the camera after all.  You do not have to go for a whole glam look if that is not your style, but be aware that the camera and ?ash wash a person out, and some makeup is advised to bring out the eyes!  I recommend a neutral palette that complements your eye color. If you are in need of inspiration, check out the ?ecks of color in your iris.  Usually these are great colors to build o? of for both makeup palettes as well as clothing.  Mascara is an absolute must. False lashes are ?ne if you like to wear them, but not entirely necessary. A healthy does of lash primer and mascara should do the trick.  Brows should be ?lled in if necessary especially at the ends, which we call the “tails”. Brows frame the face and again focus our attention on the eyes.  lizbabb.com

  5. Wedding Hair Stylist San Francisco Lips will be washed out so typically I apply a bit of a darker lipstick than one’s natural lip color so that the result looks extremely natural as above.  However, if you are known for a signature lip color, wear it! It will make all the di?erence. "Glamorously Natural.  Beautifully Con?dent."   That's my philosophy on all things beauty. I wake up every day thinking about how I can help you look and feel your very best. Inner beauty and outer beauty are forever entwined.  I truly believe that if you like what you see on the outside, then how you feel on the inside dramatically improves! Contact me to let me know what beauty services I can provide! lizbabb.com

  6. Wedding Makeup Artist Silicon Valley In the end, the goal is for you to look and feel your very best. That’s how your makeup should make you feel.  You should look in the mirror and say “Wow.  Ok that’s me, only enhanced. I look GREAT!” That way you can stop worrying about the makeup and start concentrating on the shoot and having some fun with it! Like what you are reading? I’ll email you a summary of recent posts every couple of weeks.  lizbabb.com

  7. Liz Beauty That's my philosophy on all things beauty. I wake up every day thinking about how I can help you look and feel your very best. Inner beauty and outer beauty are forever entwined. I truly believe that if you like what you see on the outside, then how you feel on the inside dramatically improves! Contact me to let me know what beauty services I can provide! Address : 2902 Lyon Street San Francisco California USA Contact Us : Telephone (650) 670-3920 Email : liz@lizbabb.com lizbabb.com

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