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NWCA W restling W eight. Manageme n t Op t imal Perf o rman c e Calcu l ator. NWCA Background. Headquar t ers loc a ted in Manhei m , P A Estab l ish e d in 1928 to se r ve, pro t ec t , & p r o m ote a m at e ur wres t l i ng
NWCA WrestlingWeight Management OptimalPerformance Calculator
NWCABackground • HeadquarterslocatedinManheim, PA • Establishedin1928 toserve,protect,& promote amateur wrestling • Primary goal istohelp athletesreachtheirfullest humanpotentialthroughparticipationinwrestling. • Cornerstonesof NWCAarecoaching development, student-wrestler welfare, and advocacy • Membership is approaching10,000
HistoryofWeightManagement • 1997 threecollegewrestlersdied whileengaged in unsafe “weightloss”activities. • TheNCAAMedicalAdvisory Committeeestablished and mandatedacomprehensiveweightcertification programtosafeguard wrestlers. • SeveralStateHigh SchoolAthleticAssociations adoptednewregulationsas earlyas2000.
RoleofNWCAinWeight Management • 1999-2000 -OptimalPerformanceCalculator(OPC)is developedtoadministratetheprogram. • OPCBenefits: standardized,paperless,customizable,central repositoryfordata,nutritionprogram, compliance,tournament administration. • OPCValueAdded: “All Sports”functionality. • In 2013-14,38 StateHigh SchoolAthleticAssociationsandall collegiategoverningbodieswill usetheOPC– 210,000 wrestlers. • Starting in 2014-15 the NWCA has partnered with Trackwrestling to launch a new version of the OPC on the Trackwrestling platform
ComponentsoftheWeight ManagementProgram: PreseasonAssessmentsFor: Weight Hydration Body Fat To Establish: MinimumWrestlingWeight SafeWeightLoss Plan Daily NutrientGoals
2004NATADraftsaCooperative AgreementwiththeNWCA • In thisagreementthe NATA&NWCAdevelopco- brandededucationalcontenttohelp coaches,wrestlers, parents,and administratorsuse theOptimal Performance Calculator • NATAMembers in stateswithmandatedprograms receivefreeaccesstoOPC
NFHS • TheNFHShas 50 statesplus theDistrictof Columbia (51). Thereare50 of 51 memberswho offerstatewrestling championships. (Mississippidoes notoffer.) • InApril2005,theNFHSMedicalAdvisory Committee& NFHSWrestlingCommitteetransformeditsWt.Mngt. recommendations intoa mandatedprogrameffective2006/07.
Regulations • Theestablishmentof a minimum wrestlingweight basedon 7% body fat for males and 12%body fat for females. • Hydrationlevelof 1.025 dependingon stateassociationrules. • Weightlossno greaterthan 1.5% per week of theathlete’s body weight. • Nutritioneducationprogramforstudent-athletes.
EstablishingMinimumWeights Assessmentsshouldbeperformedpriortothefirst practice,butmost definitely beforethefirstcompetition–checkwithyourstate office for specifics
PreparationofWrestlersfor Assessments No vigorousactivityon theeveningbeforeand theday of thetesting. Avoid any caffeinatedbeverageson theday beforeand day of thetesting. On the dayof testing,drink500ml (17 oz.)of fluid. (A sports drinkis an excellentchoice).
Avoid any vitaminor mineralsupplementstwo days before and theday of testing. Be awakethreehours priortotesting. Do noteattwo hours prior totesting.
DataCollection • Itis recommended thatallassessment dataforeachwrestler is initiallyrecordedon a datacollectionform or anindex cardso a“hardcopy”backupsystemis available. • Adatacollectionform for both BIAmeasurements and skin fold measurementsis availableon theOptimal Performance Calculatorwebsite.
Step 1 Assessment of Hydration Status
Step1 AssessmentofHydrationStatus Completionof a hydrationtestshouldbe requiredbefore any wrestlercanundergo a body compositionor weight assessment. Purpose is twofold. Dehydrationcansignificantlyaffect aBIAbody compositionmeasurewhich willresultinan invalid percentbodyfat. Dehydrationor lossof water weightwilldirectly affect minimal wrestlingweight.
Step1 AssessmentofHydrationStatus • Two methodscommonlyused toassessurinespecific gravity(Usg) are:1) reagentteststripsand 2) refractometer. • Refractometryis consideredthegoldstandardand reagentstrips areanacceptablealternativein most state associations. • Thecostrangeof arefractometeris between$240.00- • $550.00 andreagentstripsaverageabout$40.00 fora • packageof 100.
Step1 AssessmentofHydrationStatus Refractometer UrineTestStrips
Step1 AssessmentofHydrationStatus • If a wrestlerhasa urinespecificgravityabove1.025 (asset by theNFHS– mightbe1.020 in somestates),they should notbe allowedtoundergo thebody compositionassessment. • If wrestlerfailsthehydrationtesttheyshouldnot be assessedagainfor24 hours (theyarestillbound tothe weekly1.5% rulewhenbeingretested). • In preparationfor thehydrationtestthe athletesshouldbe instructedto consume 2-4 cupsof waterin1-2 hourperiod immediatelyprecedingthe test.
Step1 AssessmentofHydrationStatus Evaluatorassistant wears rubbergloves duringthe assessment. Subject is provideda cup(markedby name or identificationnumber).Sampleshouldnever leavethe possessionof thesubject. Subject is theninstructed toprovide a 2-3 oz. urinesample(mid-stream)inthe urinal/bathroomundersupervision. 1. 2. 3.
Step1 AssessmentofHydrationStatus Practice andenforce secure procedures duringurinecollection. 4. Urinespecificgravity is thenmeasuredby reagent strips ora refractometer.(follow manufacturer's guidelines) 5. Uponsuccessfulcompletionof the hydrationtestthe subject shoulddispose of sampleandthenproceedto the bodyweight andbody compositionassessment stations. 6.
Step 2 Assessment ofHeight Necessary when using TanitaB.I.A. tomeasure body fat
Step 3 Assessment ofBody Composition Skincalipers,bio-impedance,hydrostaticweighing,and BodPodareallcurrentlyapprovedbytheNFHSmedical advisorycommittee. The NCAAapprovesallmeasures exceptbio-impedance. Eachstateassociationhasthe autonomytomake the finaldecision.
Step3 AssessmentofBodyComposition Ideally, this measurement should betaken prior to the first practice,but mustbe performed prior tothe firstcompetition.
Step3 AssessmentofBodyComposition • Two methodscommonlyused toassessbody fat with the criticalmassesare:1) skin foldanalysisand 2) bioelectricalimpedanceanalysis(BIA). • Allpersonnelconductingthe body composition assessment shouldhaveadvancedtrainingand educationinwhichevermethod isbeing employed. • Theaveragecostof skinfold calipersis around • $200.00-$250.00.
Asshownbelow,the goalis tomeasure a doublefold of skin and subcutaneoustissue(withsidesof skinfold approximately parallel). Thethickerthefat layer,thewider thefold.
BasicRulesforTakingSkinFolds • Takeskin fold measurements on the rightside ofthebody (most skin foldequationswere developedfrom measurementson therightside). • Do nottakemeasurements when thesubject'sskin ismoist (ensurethatthe skin isdry, andhas no lotion). Also do not take measurementsimmediatelyafter exercise. • To reduceerrorduringthelearningphase,skin fold sites shouldbe preciselydetermined, marked, andverifiedby a trainedinstructor. The largestsourceof errorin skinfold testingis inaccuratesiteselection.
SkinFoldRules(continued) • Firmly graspthe skinfold withthe thumb and indexfinger of thelefthand, andpullaway. • Hold the caliperin therighthand,perpendiculartotheskin fold andwith theskin fold dialfacingup andeasily readable. Placethe caliperheads ¼-½ inchaway fromthe fingersholdingtheskin fold. Try to visualizewhere a true double-foldof skinthicknessis, and placethe caliperheads there.
SkinFoldRules(continued) • Readthe caliperdialtothe nearest1 millimeterwithin 4 seconds. During themeasurement, ensurethatthe left thumb and forefinger maintainsthe shapeof theskin fold. • Takea minimum of 3 measurementsat eachsite(at least15 secondsapart).
TricepsSkinFold Verticalfoldon posterioraspectof arm,midway between lateralprojectionof acromionprocess and inferiormarginofolecranonprocess. Flexthe elbow to 90 degreestoidentifythe landmarks.
AbdomenSkinFoldSite Verticalfold,one inchtothe rightsideof and ½ inch belowthe navel. TheJackson-Pollockprocedureusesa verticalfold2 cm totherightoftheumbilicus.
SubscapularSkinFold Diagonalfold justbelowtheinferiorangle of scapula.
AssessmentofBodyComposition BioelectricalImpedanceAnalysis(BIA) • Asafe electricalsignalis generatedand passedthrough the wrestlerbeing measured. • BIAmeasures theimpedanceor resistancetothe electricalsignalas ittravelsthroughoutthe body. Resistancetothe electricalsignalis greaterinfat mass than musclemass,simply becausefat massis nota good conductorof electricityduetoitsrelativelylow watercontent. • Theaveragecostof aBIAmachineis around $1,700.
AssessmentofBodyComposition BioelectricalImpedanceAnalysis(BIA) • BIAdoesnot requiresa high degreeof technicianskilland thereforeis easyto use,and providessimultaneous measurementsof body weightand body compositionina short timeperiod. • Wrestlersimply standson thescaleafter enteringafew piecesof information(age,gender,height)and resultsare generatedinlessthan 1 minute. • Body fat resultsarethen enteredintothe Initial Assessmentpagefor calculationof minimal wrestling weight.
Step 4 Recording Weight
Step 5 Entering the Data
It has been highly recommendedthat assessment datanot be entered by the wrestling coach.
Step5 EnteringtheData • Resultsof thehydration,height(ifusingBIA)andbody weight assessment willbeenteredintothe NWCAOptimal Performance Calculator powered by Trackwrestlingon theInitialAssessmentpage (locatedatwww.trackwrestling.com/tw/seasons)
LoggingIn AssessorLoginID AssessorPassword
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EnteringtheData • Name,Grade, Height • DateofAssessment • Urinespecificgravity • Alpha body weight • Skinfold measurements • PercentBody Fat (BIA)