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Good Afternoon!!!

Good Afternoon!!!. NVC Complete Nazi Agenda activity 3 . Fascism: A Totalitarian Political System Essential Question : What are the core beliefs of Fascism and how did these beliefs contribute to the start of WWII? Homework : Finish Fascism Textbook. Nazi Agenda.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Good Afternoon!!! • NVC • Complete Nazi Agenda activity 3. Fascism: A Totalitarian Political System Essential Question: What are the core beliefs of Fascism and how did these beliefs contribute to the start of WWII? Homework: Finish Fascism Textbook

  2. Nazi Agenda If you were a German in the 1920s-1930s, which of the Nazi Party’s agenda points would you find the most appealing?

  3. Paula Hitler • http://knowmore.washingtonpost.com/2014/01/15/hitler-had-a-sister-and-she-gave-a-chilling-interview-to-british-television/

  4. Rise of Hitler • 1934 Adolf Hitler becomes Fuhrer (totalitarian ruler) of Germany • Leader of the Nazi Party • Nazi Party is a Fascist Party • What do we know about Fascism?

  5. Origins of Fascism *Fasces* • Fascism starts in Italy • Italy is in an economic crisis • Italy disappointed with Treaty of Versailles • Did not get the territory they wanted • Felt betrayed and taken advantage of

  6. Rise of Mussolini • Benito Mussolini • Founds Fascist Party in 1919 • Promises to revive the economy and build a powerful army • 1922 leads 30,000 Fascists in a march on Rome • Establishes a Totalitarian government • Hitler looked up to Mussolini

  7. Essential Question • What are the core beliefs of Fascism and how did these beliefs lead to the start of WWII?

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