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PWBAT understand the benefits of Cognitive Coaching PWBAT understand what Cognitive Coaching is…. PWBAT consider the PD layers provided to enhance your teaching PWBAT outline their personal professional development needs. Session Focus. Malcolm Gladwell.
PWBAT understand the benefits of Cognitive Coaching PWBATunderstand what Cognitive Coaching is… PWBAT consider the PD layers provided to enhance your teaching PWBAToutline their personal professional development needs Session Focus
Malcolm Gladwell Eric Hanushek, an economist at Stanford, estimates that the students of a very bad teacher will learn,on average, half a year’s worth of material in one school year. The students in the class of a very good teacher will learn a year and a half’s worth of material. That difference amounts to a year’s worth of learning in a single year. Teacher effects dwarf School effects: your child is actually better off in “bad” school with an excellent teacher than in an excellent school with a bad teacher. Teacher effects are also much stronger than class-size effects. You’d have to cut the average class almost in half to get the same boost that you’d get if you switched from an average teacher to a teacher in the eighty-fifth percentile.
Best PD Practices • The PD should provide teachers with opportunities for collaboration and coaching. 2. The participants should be actively engaged in reflection, inquiry, research, and collective problem solving. 3. The PD should be grounded in instructional practices, assessments, and results specific to the participants’ content area or school improvement process. 4. The PD should be ongoing, sustained, rigorous, and job-embedded. 5. The participants should have the necessary resources and opportunities to grow and learn effectively.
CONSIDER OUR PD LAYERS • District-wide Events (9/16 and 1/30) • District Math and English PLCs events every other month (8/5, 9/9, 11/18, 1/20, 4/13) • NTA (7/21 or 28, 9/16, 11/3 or 4, 12/15 or 16, 1/30, 3/8 or 3/9, 5/10 or 5/11) • Site support of DWEs • Site in-service events • Site PLC meetings • Site coaching • Site mentoring • Site team teaching • Site modeling/visits
WHY Cognitive Coaching? • In a typical ‘evaluation feedback’ model, when teachers are given suggestions for how to improve: 1. 25% do so 2. 18% do the opposite 3. 57% do nothing
Cognitive Coaching Research • Coaching is linked with higher test scores • Teachers who are coached report higher teacher efficacy • Teachers who are coached demonstrate more reflective, complex thinking about their practice 4. Coached teachers report higher job satisfaction 5. Coaching campuses have higher self-ratings for professionalism 6. Coaching campus have more collaboration 7. Coached teachers report feeling more supported professional and personally
WHAT IS Cognitive Coaching? • A practice based on the idea that metacognition – or being aware of one’s own thinking processes – fosters independence in learning. By providing personal insights into the learner’s own thinking processes, cognitive coaching builds flexible, confident problem-solving skills and encourages eslf-efficacy and pride
Cognitive Coaching Steps • Trust and rapport building • Pre-conference • Observation and data collection • Analysis of data collection • Post-conference
PWBAT understand the benefits of Cognitive Coaching PWBAT understand what Cognitive Coaching is… PWBAT consider the PD layers provided to enhance your teaching PWBAT outline their personal professional development needs Closure Focus