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CENTRAL FINANCE AND CONTRACTS UNIT Civil Society Dialogue - EU-Turkish Chambers Forum-II: EU-TURKEY CHAMBERS PARTNERSHIP GRANT SCHEME “ Development of International Trade Capacity ”. Our project at a glance. Leader : Caycuma Chamber of Commerce and Industry
CENTRAL FINANCE AND CONTRACTS UNIT Civil Society Dialogue - EU-Turkish Chambers Forum-II: EU-TURKEY CHAMBERS PARTNERSHIP GRANT SCHEME “Development of International Trade Capacity”
Our projectat a glance Leader: Caycuma Chamber of Commerce and Industry Partner: Voka – Chamber of Commerce and Industry Antwerp-Waasland Budget: 117.831,90 EUR Duration: 12 months This is 7 th of our project
Activitiesimplemented and resultsachievedso far • 1 - PreparationActivities: • The first activity of the creatingproject is project team. In orderto fulfilltheprojectactivities, is consisting of project coordinator, Project Assistant, Administrator, accountant, External Trade Specialist from Abroad. • Project Office has been established. The project office is an office building in this end of service along the CCI. It is also used for foreign trade Consultancy Centre. Also after the project will be used in this Office. “
Activitiesimplemented and resultsachievedso far 2- PresentationandVisualActivities; Opening Meeting; on January 18in 2013, the openingmeeting of the project. The Belgian Partner, Zonguldak Governor in Caycuma of Zonguldak,CaycumaMayor and representatives of a large number of firms in the region attended this meeting with the announcement of the project and accelerated promotion. In addition, this meeting after newspaper reports also have attracted the interest of SMEs in the project activities.
Activitiesimplemented and resultsachievedso far • Poster;first, two posters were hanged. Thesepostershave logos of Republic of Turkey, the EU, these posters ETCF, European Union of Chambers of industry and commerce, the Union of Chambers and commodity exchanges of Turkey Lm CCI and logos. There are also the EU flag and the Project Office. • 200 sets havebeenpreparedincludingpencil, notebook and calendar. They will be distributed in workshops, seminars and the closing meetings
Activitiesimplemented and resultsachievedso far • 1200 Turkish brochures, 3000 English brochures havebeenprinted distribute to SMEs in Caycuma and Antwerp. • Aftertheproject’sopeningmeeting, workandmeetingnews of theproject is distributedtonationalandinternational news. • Inadditioneach 2 monthswepublish a projectbulletinandsend it tothefirms in Caycuma. Somembers of ÇaycumaCCIgetinformation on theprojectanddevelopments.
Activitiesimplemented and resultsachievedso far • Observationvisit; • A tecnicalgroupfromCaycuma CCI participated in a 5 dayobservationvisitbetween 24 - 30 June. 7peoplefromthetecnicalgroupandprojectcoordinator wenttoAntwerpand visited the 20Member VokaCCI.
Difficultiesfaced • Turkishfirmsarelack of knowledgeandcourage in international – foreigntradeandthefirms in Caycumaareinexperienced in foreigntrade. Also some uncertainties in international trade due to Political developments, especially Financial Firms to experience problems and causes complaints. • Çaycuma is not knownsufficientlythussomeeffortsareneededtoattractforeigninvestors, andtomakedecisionmakingprocesseasier.
Remainingactivities to beimplemented • Updated "Guide to doing business with the EU" and seminar; • “Doing business with the EU Guide" whichwaspreparedbyAntwerp – Waasland CCI in 2011 will be updated by experts. Afterupdating, theGuide will be translatedintoTurkish. Afterthe translation an expert from AnwerpWaaslandVoka CCIwillcome to Caycumaandwill give two-day seminar.
Remainingactivities to beimplemented • New information obtained during the visit, aiming at the transfer of Antwerb observation that a seminar will be held. Members of the delegation will attend this seminar of CaycumaCCI. • In addition, offices and staff also opened "Foreign Trade Office" discussed the details of the utilization of this new unit members of theCaycuma CCI will be encouraged.
Remainingactivities to beimplemented • The project web site has been prepared. www.ditc.info.tr • A corporate internet platform will be created. This activity is a continoustiebetween two CCI at participating with trade relations. • Both members of the CCI will take place in this internet platform andwillcoverbusinessfieldsandcontactinformation. Members of this internet platform willcommunicateeach other online. Inaddition in this platform theywill be abletosharetheirannouncements.
Remainingactivities to beimplemented • Therewill be 3 dayworkshops in Caycuma CCI, authorizedpeoplefromCaycuma CCI, localparticipantsand 3 expertsfromAntwerp – Waasland CCI willparticipate in theseworkshops in 3 differentsubjects in October. • This activity will be prepared in 10 thmonth of theprojectand it will be implemented in 11 thmonthof the project. Thiswill be thelast activity before the closing activity.
Remainingactivities to beimplemented • In the last month of the project is central finance and contracts Unit will begin preparations for the final report to be issued. The Final report will be completed at the end of the project. • Closing meeting; There will be a closing meeting in thelast month of the project. Closingmeetingwill be beginwithtalks of theproject’sauthorizedpersonandwill explaintheactivities of theprojectswhichhavebeen done. CDs will be distributed to participants during the meeting. After the meeting, mini cocktail will be offered.
Potential risks /problemsfor the upcoming months Export or import companies’lack of courage is dare to do an important problem. At this point, if the expected level of participation and involvement of SMEs provided in order that SMEs export experience, situations such as the project to avoid the risk of export. So I will take a willingness of companies and export connection.
Potential risks /problemsfor the upcoming months Workshop 7-8-9 October 2013 is planned. Thesestudieswill be forwarded to participants with regard to the realization of the procrastination etc., will be provided to the realization of the highest efficiency possible excursions. Excursions are not concerned revocation status; the availability of all the participants in postponing trips essential reasons must be provided. Otherwise, we are unable to travel purpose.
Potential risks /problemsfor the upcoming months If there is no participation of the workshop of the project as well as work related to SMEs (with exports that have nothing to do with this subject, in the case of non-enterprises in an activity plan) will not be a contribution to the project companies. Project aimed to enhance the commercial relationship between the Antwerp with Caycuma. Monitoring of both trips and the internet platform with the CCI will be in contact with each other, and thus the Member SMEs in international trade volumes trainers will cooperate together
Potential risks /problemsfor the upcoming months Both Turkey and the efforts of the partner SMEs such as trade shows and exhibitions in Belgium's participation in trade events will be provided. SMEs will be available to receive timely announcements on this matter, equipped with the necessary links to studies and participation organizations.