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A Story of Units

A Story of Units. Module Focus for Grade K—Module 5. Session Objectives. Explore the GK—M5 or G3—M5 module including the focus of the module, the instructional path, and the student outcomes. AGENDA. Walk Through and Analyze Module Components. Walk Through and Analyze Module Components

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A Story of Units

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Presentation Transcript

  1. A Story of Units Module Focus for Grade K—Module 5

  2. Session Objectives • Explore the GK—M5 or G3—M5 module including the focus of the module, the instructional path, and the student outcomes.

  3. AGENDA • Walk Through and Analyze Module Components Walk Through and Analyze Module Components Watch Video Clip

  4. Module 5 Lessons • Select one lesson from this module, so that each person at your table is reading a different lesson. • Read and digest your lesson. • How does this lesson compare to your past experiences with counting and cardinality lessons?

  5. Module 5 Lessons • How does this lesson compare to your past experiences with counting and cardinality lessons? • Turn and talk with others at your table about the lessons you read.

  6. Module 5 Assessments • Determine whether you will examine Lesson 24 or one of the topic assessments. • How does this assessment relate to the learning experiences that lead up to the assessments? • How does this assessment compare to your past experiences with kindergarten assessments?

  7. Module 5 Assessments • How does this assessment relate to the learning experiences that lead up to the assessments? • How does this assessment compare to your past experiences with kindergarten assessments?

  8. AGENDA Walk Through and Analyze Module Components Watch Video Clip

  9. Video Clip: GK—M5 • Reflections • What do you notice about the students’ experiences in this lesson? • How does it compare to your past experiences with counting and cardinality lessons?

  10. Video Clip: GK—M5

  11. Video Clip: GK—M5 • Reflections • What do you notice about the students’ experiences in this lesson? • How does it compare to your past experiences with counting and cardinality lessons?

  12. Biggest Takeaways • Turn and talk with a partner at your table about your biggest takeaways from this session.

  13. Key Points • A Story of Units: A Curriculum Overview for Grades P-5 provides a curriculum map and grade-level overview. • Modules contain topics, topics break into concepts, and concepts become lessons. • The Standards come to life through the lessons. • Rigorous problems are embedded throughout the module. • The lesson format supports all Instructional Shifts. • GK—M5 exemplifies the key components of each module in the curriculum.

  14. Next Steps • How can you transfer what you know about the structure of a module and its key components to next steps in the planning process? • What is your plan for sharing Grade K—Module 5 with other administrators/teachers? • What is your plan for redelivery of this session?

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